
  • 网络Power system stability;PSS
  1. 基于电力系统稳定分析与控制的FACTS技术评述

    A comment on FACTS based on power system stability analysis and control

  2. FACTS装置用于电力系统稳定控制的综述

    Overview of power system stability control using FACTS devices

  3. GPS在电力系统稳定控制中的应用&观测线性化追踪目标控制新方法

    Application of GPS on Power System Stability Control & Tracking Objective Control Based on Linearization through Observation

  4. 最后探讨了PLC在电力系统稳定控制中作为自动控制装置的优越性和可行性。

    Advantages and feasibility of the PLC used as automatic control device in stability control of power system are discussed .

  5. 基于有功负荷ON-OFF调制的电力系统稳定控制

    Power System Stability Control Based On On-off Control of Active Loads

  6. UPFC运行点变化对电力系统稳定和控制性能的影响

    Effect of Variations of Control Operating Points of UPFC on Power System Stability and Control Performance

  7. 通过将RTDS在稳定性课题中的模拟分析结果与通用非实时软件PSASP的结果进行对比,证明RTDS也可以有效地应用于电力系统稳定分析的研究领域。

    In simulating stability project the result of RTDS and PSASP are compared in this paper , which proves that RTDS can be used efficiently in power system stability area .

  8. 应用动态规划法设计电力系统稳定最佳控制器的研究

    Dynamic Programming Study on Design of Power System Optimal Stability Controller

  9. 遗传算法在电力系统稳定控制中应用的研究

    Studying on Application of Genetic Algorithm to Power System Stability Control

  10. 电力系统稳定预测装置三个基本要素的证明

    Demonstration of The Three-factors of Devices for Instability Prediction Power system

  11. 电压稳定是电力系统稳定的一个重要方面。

    Voltage stability is an important aspect of power system stability .

  12. 电力系统稳定的正规形分析法的效率研究

    Research on Efficiency of Normal Form Analysis for Power System Stabilities

  13. 云模型理论在电力系统稳定控制中的应用

    The Application of Cloud Model Theory in Power System Stability Control

  14. 快速励磁系统对电力系统稳定的影响

    The Effect of Fast-Response Excitation System on the Stability of Power Network

  15. 多变量数字式电力系统稳定装置的研制

    Research and Development on the Multivariable Digital Power System Stabilizers

  16. 电力系统稳定运行微机控制系统

    A mini & computer control system with stability operation for electrical industry

  17. 电力系统稳定及稳控措施系统配置分析

    Electric power system stability and stability control system configuration

  18. 电力系统稳定分析的若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems on Power System Stability Analysis

  19. 电力系统稳定破坏后的系统非同步运行分析(一)

    Asynchronous operation analysis of power system after failure to maintain stability ( part ⅰ)

  20. 基于逆轨迹方法的简单电力系统稳定域的可视化

    The visualization of stability regions for simple power systems based on trajectory reversing method

  21. 向量场正则形理论在电力系统稳定分析中的应用

    Applied to Theory of Normal Forms of Vector Fields for Power System Stability Analysis

  22. 考虑时滞影响的电力系统稳定分析和广域控制研究进展

    Overview of Power System Stability Analysis and Wide-area Control in Consideration of Time Delay

  23. 电力系统稳定边界的研究

    Study on electrical power system stability boundary

  24. 山西电力系统稳定运行

    Stable Operation of Shanxi Electric Power System

  25. 基于延拓法的电力系统稳定模型中二维参数局部分岔边界的计算

    Continuation method to compute two-dimensional parameter local bifurcations boundary in power system stability differential-algebraic equation model

  26. 因此策略表在电力系统稳定控制中仍将起重要作用。

    So the Cure Table still plays an important role in the power system stability control .

  27. 文摘:功角δ在电力系统稳定问题的研究中占用特别重要的地位。

    Abstract : generator power angle is very important in the study of power system stability .

  28. 电力系统稳定域边界的逼近一直是应用能量函数方法分析电力系统暂态稳定的难点。

    Approximating the boundary of attraction region is very important to the application of the energy function method .

  29. 本文介绍了励磁系统响应速度对电力系统稳定的影响。

    The effects of response ratio of excitation system on the stability of different power systems are discussed .

  30. 建立了电力系统稳定计算用汽轮机及调速系统的数学模型并对其进行了适当的简化。

    The mathematical models of turbine governor are established and simplified for the stability calculation of power system .