
diàn qiē jìnɡ
  • resectoscope
  1. 我们给出在盐水冲洗下,使用双极电切镜治疗肾脏的移形细胞癌(TCC)的初步经验。

    We present our initial experience using the bipolar resectoscope with saline irrigation in the management of renal transitional-cell carcinoma ( TCC ) .

  2. 结论:采用TURP加电切镜夹取石术同期治疗BPH并发膀胱结石(结石直径〈1.2cm)是安全、高效的。

    Conclusions : TURP and extraction with resectoscope for the treatment of BPH and bladder calculi ( < 1.2 cm ) were safe and effective .

  3. 目的:探讨宫腔电切镜在宫颈锥形电切术治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)的效果及可行性。

    Objective : To determine the effectiveness and safety of cervical cone electrosection with hysteroscopic resectoscope in the treatment of CIN .

  4. 结论:初步结果表明宫腔电切镜行宫颈锥形电切术治疗CIN疗效好,并发症少。

    Conclusion : Cervical cone electrosection with hysteroscopic resectoscope in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neo-plasia ( CIN ) is effective and safe .

  5. 方法采用Rudolf冷刀和电切镜对23例尿道狭窄患者施行尿道内切开,术后留置导尿管4~6周,必要时行规律定期尿道扩张。

    [ Methods ] 23 patients with urethral stricture accepted internal urethrotomy and / or regular dilation were analysed .

  6. 方法应用Gyrus-PKS和电切镜,使用生理盐水作为工作介质和冲洗液,经尿道切除治疗BPH病人(BipolarTURP)75例。

    Methods In the group of 75 patients suffering BPH transurethral resection of prostate was performed by utilizing Gyrus-Plasma Kinetic System and using normal saline solution as working medium and irrigation liquid .

  7. 我们使用双极电切镜将病变完整切除。

    Using the bipolar resectoscope , the lesion was removed completely .

  8. 宫腔电切镜治疗宫腔粘连32例临床分析

    Hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine adhesion : Clinical analysis of 32 cases

  9. 宫腔电切镜行宫颈病变切除治疗慢性宫颈炎53例

    Hysteroscopic cervical lesion ablation for the treatment of 53 cases chronic cervicitis

  10. 宫腔电切镜治疗宫颈良性病变251例临床分析

    Clinical application of hysteroscopy to treat 251 cases of cervical benign lesion

  11. 宫腔电切镜锥形电切宫颈出血原因分析及处理

    Analyses of causes and managements of bleeding in cervical conization by hysteroscopic electrosection

  12. 医用电切镜的照相物镜设计

    Design of Photographic objective of Medical electrotomy mirror

  13. 宫腔电切镜切除宫颈肌瘤术后3月治愈率为100%。

    The postoperative curative rate of subserous myoma after 3 month was 100 % .

  14. 腹腔镜下肾输尿管全切术围手术期的护理经尿道双极等离子电切镜在肾输尿管全切术中的应用

    Two Nursing Patterns Application in Kidney and Ureter Omni-cutting Operation under Laparoscope during Perioperative Time

  15. 经尿道等离子双极电切镜治疗前列腺增生84例的临床观察

    84 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia treated by transurethral resection of prostate through plasma dipolar resectoscope

  16. 经电切镜外鞘气压弹道联合超声碎石清石治疗前列腺增生所致膀胱结石

    Combined pneumatic ballistic and ultrasound lithotripsy via out sheath of resectoscope treats benign prostatic hyperplasia-induced bladder calculi

  17. 结论电切镜外鞘气压弹道碎石是处理膀胱结石的有效方法。

    Conclusions Pneumatic ballistic lithotripsy via outer sheath of resectoscope is effective in the treatment of bladder calculi .

  18. 方法:采用单切口联合尿道电切镜实施肾输尿管全长切除手术治疗26例肾盂及输尿管上段移行细胞癌。

    Methods : We performed single-incision operation to treat 26 cases upper urinary tract TCC with transurethral resection .

  19. 经膀胱镜鞘或电切镜鞘途径气压弹道碎石治疗膀胱结石49例

    Treatment of bladder stones with air pressure ballistic lithoclasty by cystoscopy or resectoscopy : a report of 49 cases

  20. 后腹腔镜联合尿道电切镜根治性肾输尿管切除治疗上尿路移行细胞癌(附16例报告)

    Retroperitoneal laparoscope combine resectoscope use in radical nephroureterectomy for upper tract transitional cell carcinoma ( report of 16 cases )

  21. 尿道电切镜联合腹膜后镜治疗上尿路移行细胞癌(附15例报告)

    Urethral resectoscope and retroperitoneal laparoscopy for the treatment of upper tract transitional cell cancer ( report of 15 cases )

  22. 目的探讨宫腔电切镜治疗宫颈管内良性占位病变的效果及手术技巧。

    Objective To investigate the effects and surgical techniques of hysteroscopy in the management of benign lesions of cervical canal .

  23. 经保守治疗止血6例,经电切镜止血5例,经开放手术止血1例。

    Among the 12 patients 6 received conservative treatment , 5 received hemostasis by endoscopic cautery and 1 received open operation .

  24. 经电切镜外鞘气压弹道治疗前列腺增生所致膀胱结石(附16例报告)

    Pneumatic ballistic lithotripsy via out sheath of resectoscope in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with bladder calculi ( report of 16 cases )

  25. 结论:据我们的初步经验,使用双极电切镜经皮治疗上尿路肿瘤可以取得较好的疗效。

    Conclusion : In our initial experience , percutaneous treatment of upper-tract urothelial tumors may be accomplished using the bipolar resectoscope with favorable results .

  26. 结论膀胱镜检查对腺性膀胱炎的诊断具有重要参考价值,经尿道电切镜下病灶电切/电灼术联合术后丝裂霉素膀胱灌注化疗,对腺性膀胱炎治疗效果明显。

    Conclusions Cystoscopy can offer valuable help for the diagnosis of glandular cystitis . Treatments with transurethral electric resection and mitomycin-c bladder irrigation are effective for glandular cystitis .

  27. 方法采用经尿道等离子双极电切镜治疗前列腺增生84例,随访3 ̄6个月。

    [ Methods ] 84 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were treated by transurethral resection of prostate through plasma dipolar resectoscope and followed by 3 ~ 6 months .

  28. 方法:对21例复杂性上尿路结石患者采用经皮肾镜、输尿管镜、输尿管电切镜两镜或三镜联合并配合气压弹道碎石机治疗。

    Methods : Retrospective study of 21 cases of complicated upper urinary calculi treated with the combination of 2 or 3 sorts endoscopies associated with Swiss LithoClast Master .

  29. 结果:21例术后发生大出血,其中14例经保守治疗痊愈,6例经再次开放手术止血,1例电切镜止血。

    Results : Severe post prostatectomy hemorrhage was found in 21 cases . Fourteen of them were treated with conservative method , 6 by reexploration and 1 with endoscopic cautery techniques .

  30. 方法2002年1月~2003年6月,应用宫腔电切镜切除359例各类宫颈病变。

    Methods Hysteroscopic electrosurgery of transcervical resection of cervical lesions was conducted in 359 cases from January 2002 to June 2003.Results The procedure was accomplished in the out-patient clinic on one session in all the 359 cases .