
  • 网络telecommunications
  1. 电信通信的革新让人与人之间的联系更方便。

    1 the innovation of telecommunications has made reaching people easier .

  2. 韩国电信通信子公司KTH提供宽带应用运营服务,其成功经验对我国电信企业具有借鉴意义。

    Korea Telecom provides broadband application service through its subsidiary company KTH , and its successful experience can be used as a reference for local telecom enterprises .

  3. 关于中国电信通信企业经营效益评价的研究

    Evalution of the Management Benefit of Telecommunication Corporation in China

  4. 1996年,东京电信通信公司拥有120万寻呼机用户。

    By 1996 , Tokyo Telemessage had 1.2 million subscribers .

  5. 电信通信网可靠性分析方法的研究

    Research of Method for Reliability Analysis of Telecommunication Network

  6. 索尔思光电公司是一家光通讯产品的领先供应商,其产品主要用于电信通信网络和数据通讯网络。

    Source Photonics is a leading provider of optical communication products used in telecommunication systems and data communication networks .

  7. 东京电信通信公司目前仍有约1500名寻呼机用户,而该公司在20年前就已经停止生产寻呼机。

    Around 1500 users remain subscribed to Tokyo Telemessage , which has not made the devices in 20 years .

  8. 电信通信机房作为通信运营系统的核心与枢纽,承担着城市通信运营支撑的重要职责。

    Telecommunication room as the communication operating system core and hub of city communications carriers support shoulders an important responsibility .

  9. 指出介质绝缘双极工艺是实现既经济又优良的电信通信用集成电路的主要工艺。

    The paper points out that the dielectric insulation bipolar technology is main technology for implementing integrated circuit used in communication .

  10. 通信网络地理信息集成系统以一个省为单位,管理全省的电信通信管线网络。

    The system of communications network geography take a province as the unit , managing the telecommunication correspondence pipeline network of the whole province .

  11. 克里米亚半岛各地都有准军事力量,包括电信通信枢纽、国家电视大楼以及当地议会。

    Across the peninsula , there are paramilitary forces in place at the telecommunication hub , at the state television building , and at the local Parliament .

  12. 主要介绍钢骨混凝土的优点以及钢骨混凝土柱在电信通信建筑工程中的应用;钢骨混凝土柱设计方法、步骤和设计中应注意的问题。

    The advantage of steel reinforced concrete and the use of steel reinforced concrete column in telecommunication tall buildings are introduced . The designing methods , procedure of steel reinforced concrete column are also described .

  13. 广东电信移动通信系统若干问题的研究

    Study on Some Tropics for Mobile Communication System of Guangdong Telecom

  14. 电信网通信质量管理及综合评价

    Synthetic Evaluation on the Quality of Communication on Telecommunication Networks

  15. 大唐电信光通信设备市场推广研究

    The Research on the Market Promotion of Datang Telecom Optical Communication Equipment

  16. 搭建科研实践平台培养电信与通信专业创新人才

    Set up the platform of scientific research practice and raise innovation talented person in the telecom & communication specialization

  17. 为了切实的保护好电信的通信管道和通信线路,一套完整而且功能强大的通讯管网管理系统就应运而生了&通信人井监控报警系统。

    In order to protect them , it is necessary to build a set of powerful and complete Manage System for telecom pipe net .

  18. 该系统在保证电信服务通信性能的基础上,支持使用模板完成基于资源操作的通信服务处理,支持基于组件的服务模板构造,从而支持服务的动态修改和部署,实现服务系统的灵活性。

    The system guaranteed the performance of telecom services , used templates to complete communications services based on the resource operation , and constructed the service templates using service components .

  19. 在这样一个严峻的历史背景下,对大唐电信光通信设备的市场推广进行研究,对大唐成都光通信分公司的生存和发展具有现实的指导意义。

    It 's the guidance for the survival and development of Datang telecom Chengdu optical communication branch to research the market promotion of company 's optical communication equipments under such a rigorous historic background .

  20. 为了保障数据通信网络的安全运行,迫切需要运用先进的网络安全理论、制订网络安全策略、调整网络安全部署,建立完善的重庆电信数据通信网络的网络安全体系。

    In order to ensure the safe operation of DCN , it is imperative that an effective dynamic network safety system of Chongqing DCN be built with the use of advanced network safety theory , the formulation of network safety strategy and the adjustment of network safety layout .

  21. 2010年10月20日,LTE-Advanced标准被国际电信联盟无线通信部门确定为新一代移动通信(4G)的国际标准。

    LTE-Advanced has been identified as a new generation international mobile communication standards by ITU ( International Telecommunication Union ) .

  22. 广东电信实业集团通信营销服务网络的战略研究

    Strategic Research of Guangdong Telecom Ind Group Corp . Telecom Sales Service Network

  23. 关于新型电信/数据通信服务器电源的设计

    The New Type Design of Power Supply for The Telecommunication / Data Communication Server

  24. 数据转换可以联络进行,功经电信或数据通信设施进行。

    Data conversion may be done online , or through a telecommunications or data communications device .

  25. 通过电信、无线电通信或者其他方式自动传送和测量遥远资源的数据。

    Automatic transmission and measurement of data from remote sources by wire or radio or other means .

  26. 介绍了上海市电信公司长途通信部电信动力集中监控和管理系统的设计。

    The centralized supervision and management of power system for Long-distance Telecommunication Department of Shanghai Telecom Corporation is introduced .

  27. 随着计算机网络、电信网络及通信技术的发展,呼叫中心逐渐成为人们研究客户关系管理的一个重点。

    With the development of the technique of network and communication , the call center technique becomes more and more important .

  28. 中国电信在固定通信业务(固定电话与宽带)的建设与运营方面有十几年的经验积累,在国内处于领先地位。

    China Telecom has a dozen years of experience in the fixed communications services , and be in a leading position in domestic .

  29. 网络的普及以及计算机外设的发展,使得有线电信号数据通信的重要性再次突现出来。

    With the development of network and personal computer peripheral device , data communication in electrical signal mode becomes more and more important .

  30. 类系统更适合于电信、移动通信、计量设备和网络的大宗的、低价值的信息支付业务。

    These systems are suitable for a considerable of low value information-payment services on telecommunications , mobile communications , metering devices and networks .