
  • 网络methanol gasoline
  1. 《M10车用甲醇汽油》标准解读

    Explanation of 《 M10 methanol gasoline for motor vehicles 》 Standard

  2. 为了科学、规范地推进试点工作,四川制定、发布实施了DB51/T448-2004《M10车用甲醇汽油》。

    A standard , DB51 / T 448-2004 M10 methanol gasoline for motor vehicles , was also drafted and published to make the demonstration work rationalized and standardized .

  3. 5-Br-PADAP双波长法测定甲醇汽油混合燃料中甲醇含量

    Determination of methanol in methanol-gasoline by di-wave-length with 5-Br-PADAP

  4. 将拉曼光谱合成模型应用于甲醇汽油的甲醇含量分析,并与PLS方法进行了比较。

    This method is used to predict methanol content in methanol gasoline , and the results are compared with a PLS model .

  5. 而当燃用中等比例的甲醇汽油时,无论是在汽油ECU还是在甲醇ECU控制下,发动机燃烧均恶化。

    When fueled with moderate proportion of methanol-gasoline , the engine combustion is deteriorated in the control of either gasoline ECU or methanol ECU .

  6. 文中还介绍了甲醇汽油杂醇混合燃料在CA-10B、CA-10C型汽油机及其变型产品上的台架试验资料及实载运行情况,为该混合燃料的推广应用提供了可靠的依据。

    A series of testing results of methanol / gasoline blended fuels in CA-10B , CA-10C petrol engines and in their modified versions are presented . A reliable basis is thus provided for the wide application of this kind of blended fuels .

  7. 汽油机燃用甲醇汽油的动力性、经济性及非常规排放物试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Performance of Methanol Gasoline in Gasoline Engine

  8. 橡胶材料对甲醇汽油的抗溶胀性研究

    Research on the anti-swelling property of rubber material soaked in methanol

  9. 甲醇汽油火焰传播速度模拟分析研究

    The Simulation and Research of Flame Spread Speed of Petrol and Methanol

  10. 甲醇汽油清洁燃料在桑塔纳轿车上的应用

    The Application of Methanol Gasoline Cleaning Fuel to Satana Car

  11. 甲醇汽油的技术进展及应用前景

    The Technique Development and the Application Prospect of the Methanol - petrol

  12. 汽油与甲醇汽油做内燃机燃料的比较

    Comparison between Gasoline and Methanol-gasoline Fuel of Internal Combustion Engine

  13. 甲醇汽油在汽车发动机上的使用性能分析

    Analysis on Methanol Petrol Usage Characteristic in the Auto Engine

  14. 甲醇汽油混合燃料相离冷起动控制系统的研究

    Research on Phase Separating-Cold Starting Control System of Metkanol / Gasoline Blending

  15. 低比例甲醇汽油发动机排放建模与预测

    Emission Modeling and Prediction of Low Proportion Methanol-gasoline Engine

  16. 甲醇汽油燃烧特性模拟分析研究

    Study on the Burning Characteristics of Methanol and Gasoline

  17. 新型车用清洁燃料&甲醇汽油

    Methanol Gasoline as Novel Clean Fuel for Motor

  18. 甲醇汽油对供油系非金属件溶胀性试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Fusion Expanding of Fuel Supply System Non-metal Material Soaked in Methanol-petrol

  19. 本文介绍了一种基于拉曼光谱的在线分析仪表,适用于甲醇汽油的调和过程。

    An online Raman analyzer is introduced for process monitoring of methanol gasoline blending .

  20. 讨论了甲醇汽油在使用中的安全问题。

    The safety of methanol-petrol was also discussed .

  21. 甲醇汽油添加剂对甲醇汽油性能影响的研究

    Methanol Gasoline Additives on Properties of Methanol Gasoline

  22. 甲醇汽油对汽油机油清净分散性影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Effect of Methanol Gasoline on Detergent-dispersant Performance of Engine Oil

  23. 高比例甲醇汽油对电动燃油泵的腐蚀性分析

    Study on Corrosive Nature of High Proportion Methanol-gasoline Mixed Fuel to Electric Fuel Pump

  24. 甲醇汽油有关问题的探讨

    Exploration on Issues Related to Methanol Gasoline

  25. 甲醇汽油使用性能的测试分析及综合评价

    Analysis and evaluation of methanol gasoline performances

  26. 甲醇汽油的研究开发及应用现状

    Research & Applications of Methanol Gasoline

  27. 为低浓度甲醇汽油的调合提供基础数据。

    The data presented will be useful for further development of low methanol containing motor gasoline .

  28. 高掺混比甲醇汽油对发动机性能的影响

    Experimental Research on the Effects of High Ratio Methanol-Gasoline Blend on Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions

  29. 车用甲醇汽油的生命周期能源消耗与温室气体排放分析

    Analysis of Life Cycle Primary Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gases Emission of Methanol-gasoline as Vehicle Fuel

  30. 甲醇汽油混合燃料的若干特性

    Some Characteristics of Methanol-gasoline Blend Fuel