
  • 网络User experience design;user experience designer;UED;UXD
  1. Spark库还包含针对用户体验设计倡议的重大更新。

    The Spark library also includes a significant upgrade for advocates of user experience design .

  2. SaaS和用户体验设计

    SaaS and user experience design

  3. 强迫用户体验设计过程使用与其对应开发工作所采取的迭代方式,这会导致冲动式设计(impulsivedesign),丧失与用户测试设计想法的机会。

    Forcing UX design into the same iteration as it 's corresponding development can lead to impulsive design , losing opportunity to test design ideas on user .

  4. 现在已经得出明确的结论,SaaS的成功与用户体验设计紧密相关。

    It should be reasonably clear now that the success of SaaS is closely related to user experience design .

  5. 在本文中,我将介绍多种技巧包括使用Ajax和不使用的技巧演示了用户体验设计中自由改变上下文的方法。

    In this article , I show several techniques both with Ajax and without that demonstrate this context change-free approach to user experience design .

  6. 能有效支持人类决策的用户体验设计是SoE的一个关键方面。

    The design of a user experience that effectively supports human decisions is a crucial aspect of an SoE .

  7. 同时,3G虚拟品牌社区的广告和营销效果是否理想与用户体验设计和社区情感特征直接相关。

    At the same time , the effect of advertising and marketing in the 3G virtual brand community will be affected by user experience and sensibility features .

  8. 第二,熟悉用户体验设计(UX)。

    You also need to have good knowledge of user experience design .

  9. 富图形可以用于最大化所谓的用户体验设计,这使得Flex成为创建高级UI的一个好工具。

    Richer graphics can be used to maximize what is known as user experience design , which makes Flex a lucrative tool for creating advanced UIs .

  10. 目前他对Web2.0开发很感兴趣,尤其是基于Dojo的技术和用户体验设计模式。

    His current area of interest is in Web 2.0 development , with a particular emphasis on Dojo-based technologies and user-experience design patterns .

  11. 简而言之,即使用户体验设计预算费用呈线性增长,而SaaS的成功几率将呈指数级增长(如下图所示)。

    Simply put , the success of SaaS scales exponentially , even with linear increases in user experience design budget spending , as demonstrated below .

  12. 在这个分三部分的系列的最后一篇文章中,讨论SaaS提供的业务模型机会,分析SaaS应用程序的用户体验设计的作用。

    In this final article of a three-part series , discover the business model opportunities that SaaS presents and gain insight into the role of user experience design for SaaS applications .

  13. 这种方式包含一个称为用户体验设计(UXD)的流程,在这个流程中由产品团队而不是开发团队设计GUI。

    This approach includes a process known as user experience design ( UXD ), where the GUI is designed by a product team rather than the development team .

  14. 实际上,在如今的计算中,只有使用RIA技术构建的SaaS才会成功,因为RIA方法以用户体验设计(UXD)的概念为中心。

    In fact , in modern-day computing , SaaS can only be successful if it is built using RIA technology because the RIA methodology centers on the concept of user experience design ( UXD ) .

  15. 一项服务的用户体验设计是怎样的不同?

    How is different from user experience design of a service ?

  16. 它们需要仔细的规划、信息架构和用户体验设计。

    They require careful planning , information architecture , and user experience design .

  17. 课程内容包括:概论、用户体验设计、可用性设计等内容。

    Topics include : introduction , user experience design , usability design , etc.

  18. 三维虚拟世界下的用户体验设计研究

    User Experience Design Research under 3D Virtual World

  19. 人们对用户体验设计的期望值已大大提升,无论是在微观层面,还是宏观层面都能看到这一点。

    The heightened expectations for UX design can be seen in both subtle and striking ways .

  20. 首先,本论文介绍了用户体验设计的研究背景、目的和意义。

    Firstly , this paper introduces the background , purpose and significance of user experience design .

  21. 产品设计领域对于用户体验设计概念日益重视。

    Today the field of product design pays more and more attention to the concept of user experience design .

  22. 从目前国内设计和设计研究的不均衡状态,提出、剖析了用户体验设计的涵义。

    From the unbalance between design and design research , the meaning of user experience was explained and analyzed .

  23. 最后,以本人为掌股专家炒股应用的用户体验设计为具体的案例对研究成果进行验证。

    Finally , use the user experience design of " zhangguzhuanjia " for specific cases to verify the research results .

  24. 用户体验设计是用户为中心的设计,它具有实用性、易用性、友好性、美观性的设计目标。

    User experience design is user-centered design , which takes practical , usability , friendly , beautiful as the design goal .

  25. 本文通过分析心理学中的心流理论,提出将心流理论应用到用户体验设计中去,并提出了相应的设计方法。

    This paper explores the application of scene planning and experiencing design rule in the specific planning of Leigong Mountain Forest Park .

  26. 为丰富用户体验设计系统增添理论和实例依据,加砖添瓦。

    For the rich " user experience design ," adds the system based on the theory and examples , plus brick Tim Watts .

  27. 企业网络营销型网站注重用户体验设计,能满足顾客对购物方便性的需求和提高顾客的购物效率。

    Enterprise network marketing websites stress the design of customers'experience and can meet their requirement for shopping convenience and promote their shopping efficiency .

  28. 这一课题的研究不仅在理论方面对现有智能手机炒股应用的用户体验设计进行了规律总结和理论补充,也在应用方而为今后该领域的设计提供了参考标准和借鉴模板。

    The research of this topic is not only the theoretical summary of user experience design , also give reference standards and reference template for the future design in this field .

  29. 用户体验设计是以用户为核心,结合多种设计理念与方法,包含了产品、服务、活动与环境等多项因素的设计。

    User experience design ( UED ) is a user-centered design , which combines with a variety of design concept and methods , including the products , services , activities and environmental factors .

  30. 并对各原则在现有经典的用户体验设计流程中的使用环节和需要注意的使用细节进行了特别说明,为高效地展开网站用户体验的设计起全局性指导作用。

    Furthermore , it explains every principle which needs to be noticed in detail and provides all the steps in the current user experience designing , which is the overall guide of the efficient design of the user experience .