
shēnɡ wù dài
  • biozone
  1. 奥陶-志留系界线地层生物带的全球对比

    A global correlation of BIOZONES across the Ordovician Silurian boundary

  2. 复合式生物带在坡耕地水土流失治理中的应用

    The application of compound vegetation zone in slope plowland water and soil erosion conservation

  3. 【生态】干旱过渡生物带他随机应变,渡过危机。

    Arid transition life zone By trimming the sails , he tided over the crisis .

  4. 【生态】干旱过渡生物带

    Arid transition life zone

  5. 地区的生态系统,例如草原、荒漠和落叶林又被称为生物带。

    Regional ecosystem types , such as grass land , desert , and deciduous forest , are called biomes .

  6. 首次于壤塘县曼迪乡上三叠统侏倭组的滑塌堆积层中,采获异地埋葬珊瑚群化石,建立三叠纪双壳类两个生物带;

    The allopatric coral fossils are collected in the olistostromes of the Upper Triassic Zhuwo Formation in Mandi , Zamtang , and two biozones of Triassic bivalves are established .

  7. 位于37米高的高度,这象征半狮半鱼的生物带你进入了神秘的海底世界,同传奇的龙和美人鱼同行。

    Standing at37 metres high , this half-lion , half-fish creature brings you to the depth of the sea as you walk side-by-side with legendary sea dragons and mythical mermaids .

  8. 石油配水流经该生物带,石油降解率可达60%以上,反应器出水石油降解率平均可达90%以上。

    The petroleum biodegradation rate could achieve 60 % when the petroleum wastewater flowed through this microorganism zone and the average petroleum biodegradation rate could reach up to 90 % in the effluent .

  9. 碳酸盐岩中自生碳酸盐矿物主要为文石、高镁方解石,少量白云石、铁白云石和菱铁矿。镁方解石质生物富积带(60-400m);

    X-ray studies show that carbonate minerals are aragonite , high-Mg calcite , and lesser dolomite , ankerite and siderite . 2 . Rich magnesium calcite organism accumulation zone , whose depth distribution ranges from 60-400m ;

  10. 冀中坳陷下第三系生物相带的划分及其意义

    The division of biofacies in Paleogene in Jizhong depression and its significance

  11. 生物漂带接触氧化法处理废纸造纸废水

    Study on Bio-contact Oxidation Reactor Treatment of Wastewater from Recycled Paper Mill

  12. 生物膜带垂直平行固定在框架内部。

    The biological membrane band is vertically fixed inside the frame in parallel .

  13. 雷州半岛珊瑚礁生物地貌带与全新世多期相对高海平面

    Biological-geomorphological zones in a coral reef area at Southwest Leizhou Peninsula unveil multiple sea level high-stands in the Holocene

  14. 充分利用原有水处理设施,采用三级生物漂带接触氧化工艺对废纸造纸废水处理设施进行改造。

    Three-stage bio-band contact oxidation process was used to reconstruction regenerated papermaking wastewater treatment facility by making full use of old water treatment facility .

  15. 本实用新型公开了一种污水净化处理生物膜带框架装置,由生物膜带和框架组成。

    The utility model discloses a biological membrane band frame device for the sewage purification treatment , which consists of a biological membrane band and a frame .

  16. 采取的对策主要是:一、在主要动物活动地带建立联合管理区和生物走廊带;

    In order to solve the problems above , the following strategies are proposed . ( 1 ) the co-management areas and biological corridor should be established ;

  17. 生物膜带的上、下两端分别固定在框架的上固定杆与下固定杆上。

    Two upper and lower ends of the biological membrane band are respectively fixed on the upper fixed link and the lower fixed link of the frame .

  18. 在她妈妈进行大手术的前夜,她梦见自己置身于一个陌生的世界,里面有两位对立的女王、奇异的生物和带着面具的居民。

    On the eve of her mother 's major surgery , she dreams that she is in a strange world with two opposing queens , bizarre creatures , and masked inhabitants .

  19. 碳同位素组成在华北地区奥陶系各组生物化石带更叠之间均有异常波动,稳定同位素地层曲线可以成为大区域地层划分与对比的重要标志之一。

    The abnormal shifts of carbon iso-topic composition can be found between the palaeontological zones in the Ordovician , so the isotopic curves can be used as a tool for stratigraphical division and correlation in a large area .

  20. 本文应用生物地层带的顺序和定量数据,采用排序法研究了它们的相对秩序,分析了同时事件与生物地层带的交叉、延限、重叠现象。

    In terms of the sequence of biostratigraphic zones and quantitative data , authors have studied their relative order by the regular arrangement method and analysed simultaneous events and the phenomena of biostratigraphic zones : alteration , range overlapping and superposition .

  21. 桂西北天峨地区孤立碳酸盐台地,上泥盆统顶部至上石炭统下部有孔虫十分发育,可划分15个有孔虫生物组合带,它们是地层划分对比的重要依据。

    There are a large number of foraminifera in the top of Upper Devonian the bottom of Lower Carboniferous of shallow water carbonate platform tableland of western-northern Guangxi . 15 assemblage zones have been divided , it is an important basis for stratigraphic division and study of stratigraphic sequence .

  22. 新疆阿勒泰市坐落于阿尔泰山南麓低山丘陵带的狭长断陷谷地内,相应的生物气候带属干旱荒漠与干草原带,是山地环境变化和人类活动反应最为敏感地带。

    Altay City is located in a long and narrow fault basin in the hill zone on southern piedmont of the Altay Mountains , it belongs to arid desert climate , and the zone is an arid steppe and is the most sensitive to the environment change and human activities .

  23. 生物组织能带结构的实验研究

    The experimental study of energy band structure in biological tissues

  24. 安徽巢湖地区下三叠统牙形石生物地层分带及其全球对比

    Lower Triassic Conodont Zonations of Chaohu Area , Anhui Province and Their Global Correlation

  25. 凝胶电泳完后,不同分子量的生物分子条带已经分离开来。

    After the electrophoresis , biomolecule bands of different molecular weight separate in gel matrix .

  26. 但是要获得相关的分离信息,必须使分开的生物分子条带可视化。

    The visualization of biomolecule bands in the gel matrix is necessary for getting relative separation information .

  27. 江南一条地层、岩相、古生物等突变带的性质问题

    On the nature of a zone of abrupt stratigraphic , rockfacies and paleontological changes in the Jiangnan region

  28. 生物羊膜联合带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植治疗伴睑球粘连的复发性翼状胬肉

    Biological amnion combined with conjunctival flap with limbus stem cell transplant in the treatment of recurrent pterygium complicated with symblepharon

  29. 这个躯体的角色是把那些性细胞,也就是生物基因,带到下一代。

    The soma 's role is to get those sex cells , and thus the organism 's genes , into the next generation .

  30. 为了使生物分子条带区域区别于空白凝胶背景,必须进行条带染色的步骤。

    Thus , the staining step of biomolecule bands , making the biomolecule-loaded zone distinguish from the biomolecule-free gel matrix is very necessary .