
  • 网络bioavailability;bioavailable;availability;bio-availability;bioavailablity
  1. 而且,在酸性环境下,溶出的Cu、Zn和Pb具有更强的生物可利用性。

    Moreover , the leached heavy metals had higher bioavailability in the acidic environment .

  2. 研究发现,根际沉积物化学形态转化趋势与元素性质有关,Cu、Pb由活性态向残渣态转化,生物可利用性降低;

    The forms about the chemical alteration happened around the rhizosphere , the trend of Cu and Pb changing from the active form to the residuals was found , and which led to the bioavailability reduction .

  3. 有机螯合剂的存在能促进土壤中的固相Ni向水溶态转化,提高Ni的生物可利用性。

    Organic chelators can enhance soil nickel bioavailability by transforming solid-nickel to solubile nickel in soil .

  4. Zn由残渣态向活性态转化,生物可利用性升高。

    But Zn was in the reversed direction , that means its bioavailability to be increased .

  5. 污染土壤中PAHs的生物可利用性和毒性评价

    Evaluation of PAHs Bioavailability and Ecotoxicity in Soil by Using Combination of Chemical and Biological Assays

  6. 土壤溶解有机质(DOM)可与痕量重金属离子相互作用,影响其在水陆界面的迁移转化、毒性和生物可利用性等。

    DOM may interact with trace heavy metal ions , influencing their migration and transformation at the land and water interface , their toxicity and their bio-availability .

  7. 海洋中的溶解有机物(dissolvedorganicmatter,DOM)不仅能够结合粘土颗粒,而且也能结合对环境和生态有重要影响的重金属离子和有机污染物,从而改变它们的迁移、生物可利用性和毒性。

    Dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) in the ocean can be combined not only with clay particles but also with heavy metals and organic pollutants , and thus change their transformation , bioavailability and ecological toxicity .

  8. PAEs释放及生物可利用性实验结果表明:受PAEs污染的菹草在死亡破碎后能够释放出PAEs并被生物利用。

    Results of release and bioavailability experiment showed that : PAEs sequestered by P. crispus were released and biodegraded after plant death and cellular disruption .

  9. 酸可挥发性硫(AVS)对于控制重金属在沉积物/间隙水中的分配和重金属的生物可利用性和迁移性有重要意义。

    Acid volatile sulfide ( AVS ) has shown its significance in controlling heavy metals partitioning between sediment and pore water , and in explaining the bioavailability of metal toxicants .

  10. 但是,总体来说,蚯蚓与小麦共存时土壤中PFASs总的生物可利用性都有所提高。

    In general , the co-presence of wheat and earthworms enhanced the bioavailability of PFASs in soil .

  11. 总之,研究泥螺对PAHs的生物可利用性,可以为河口及潮间带的环境监测、生态风险评价及生物修复提供科学依据。

    In summary , this paper had a preliminary study on the bioavailability of PAHs contaminants to Bullacta exarata , which provided scientific basis for the environmental monitoring , ecological risk assessment and bioremediation of estuary and intertidal zone .

  12. 采用Tessier连续逐级形态提取方法,研究了德兴铜矿土壤中铜存在的化学形态和生物可利用性。

    Tessier 's sequential extraction procedure for the speciation was adopted to study speciation and bio-availability of Cu in soil of Dexing Copper Mine .

  13. ENPs在自然水体中的环境行为很复杂,溶解有机质(DOM)、pH和离子强度等水化学条件均会影响ENPs的水化学过程,进而影响ENPs的生物可利用性。

    The aquatic behavior of ENPs is very complicated and the aquatic chemical conditions like dissolved organic matter ( DOM ), pH and ionic strength would influence the fate , behavior and bioavailability of ENPs .

  14. 促进骨钙生物可利用性的研究

    Study on the Enhancement of Biological Availability of Bone Calcium

  15. 淮南市城市污泥特征及其重金属生物可利用性研究

    Study on Characteristics and Metals Bioavailability of Huainan Municipal Sludge

  16. 土壤和沉积物中重金属生物可利用性的评估

    Evaluation of Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Soils and Sediments

  17. 表明污泥中的磷具有较高的潜在生物可利用性。

    The sludge showed high potential of biological utilizability and phosphorus recovery .

  18. 海洋沉积物地球化学特性对重金属生物可利用性的影响研究

    Effect of Geochemical Characteristics to Metals Bioavailability in Marine Sediment

  19. 泥螺对多环芳烃生物可利用性的初步研究

    Study on Bioavailability of Bullacta Exarata to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon

  20. 黄河表层沉积物中磷的分布特征及磷的生物可利用性

    Distribution Characteristics and Bioavailability of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments from the Yellow River

  21. 广东沿岸海域生物可利用性重金属的地理分布

    Distributions of the Bioavailable Heavy Metals in the Coastal Waters of Guangdong Province

  22. 缺氧沉积物中硫化物对镉的生物可利用性的影响

    Effect of sulfides on cadmium bioavailability in anoxic sediment

  23. 污染土壤中重金属的可萃取性与生物可利用性

    Extractability and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Surface Soil Derived from Smelting Zinc

  24. 这些数据可能表明,一种新的混合方法可以提高营养的生物可利用性。

    These data may indicate that a novel blending method can enhance nutrient bioaccessiblity .

  25. 单质硒以纳米态存在时,具有良好的生物可利用性和生物活性,而毒性却很低,是一种理想的补硒药物;

    Selenium in the nanometer scale has nice bio-availability and bio-activity , but low-toxicity .

  26. 黑藻分解过程中邻苯二甲酸酯的释放及生物可利用性研究

    Research on Release and Bioavailability of Phthalate Esters during the Decomposition of Hydrilla Verticillata

  27. 胶州湾不同形态磷的沉积记录及生物可利用性研究

    Sediment Record of Phosphorus and the Primary Study of Its Bioavailability in Jiaozhou Bay Sediments

  28. 城市河流淤泥中重金属的生物可利用性

    Studies on the Bioavailability of Some Heavy Metals in Sludges Collected from the City-crossing River

  29. 土壤镍各形态的生物可利用性研究

    Bioavailability of Ni fractions in soils

  30. 制粒工艺对配合日粮中维生素A稳定性及生物可利用性的影响

    Effect of pelleting process on the stability and bioavailability of supplemental vitamin A in complete feed