
  • 网络Life Time
  1. 这一年是你更广生活时代图景的一小部分。

    This year is a small part in the bigger picture of your life time .

  2. 第三部分着重论述艾略特和凯瑟生活时代的历史和文化现实中的妇女问题。

    The third part focuses on the Woman Question in historical and cultural reality of Eliot 's and Cather 's life time .

  3. 从哺乳动物化石来探讨元谋人生活时代的自然环境

    Note on the living environment of Yuanmou Man

  4. 艺术家很敏锐的扑捉到了发生在这些孩子身上真实与其生活时代生动的脉搏。

    The artist is keen to capture the children who in real life with vivid pulse of the time .

  5. 对中国和其货币的零和态度已是一个遗迹了,是早些时候国家定义经济生活时代的遗产。

    The zero-sum attitude toward China and its currency is a relic , the legacy of an earlier era when nations defined economic life .

  6. 而且,他的有关思想也不可避免地受到他所生活时代的限制。

    Marx does not have his integral system of media ethics , and his thoughts on media ethics is inevitably limited by his time .

  7. 崔致远的道教思想体现在他的生活时代、作品创作及回国后的社会影响等几个方面。

    Choe Chi-won 's Taoist thinking is reflected by his life , his literary creation as well as his social influence after he returns to his own country .

  8. 老子生活时代,道从德中分离出来,成为探讨宇宙本体的哲学范畴。

    During the period when Lao Tzu lived , Tao sorted its way out from morality and became a philosophical category probing into the noumenon of the universe .

  9. 本章结合前人研究成果,在朱淑真作品分析的基础上,分四小节对朱淑真的生活时代、生卒年代、籍贯、生平事迹作详细分析说明。

    Based on the analysis of her works , the 4-part-long chapter constitutes a detailed exposition of her life stories and the years of her birth and death .

  10. 压力专家、全科医生罗杰·亨德森汉德森博士说:在我们生活时代里,对许多人来说,时间是最宝贵的商品。

    Dr Roger Henderson , a stress expert and GP said : We live in an age where for many people time is the most valuable commodity of all .

  11. 这本书向奥斯汀的粉丝提供了许多令人愉快的琐事,穆兰对奥斯汀生活时代的了解以及渊博的文学知识会使那些粉丝们为此着迷。

    This book provides entertaining trivia for Austen fans , who will be entranced by Mr Mullan 's encyclopedic knowledge of the texts and the times in which she lived .

  12. 人类的战争生活时代将要由我们之手而结束,我们所进行的战争,毫无疑义地是属于最后战争的一部分。

    Mankind 's era of wars will be brought to an end by our own efforts , and beyond doubt the war we wage is part of the final battle .

  13. 译文存在这样的得失,主要是由于以下几个原因:第一,三位译者的生活时代不同,势必会打上时代的烙印。

    The translation of such gains and losses , mainly due to the following aspects : first , the life time of the three translators , of live in an age bound to be marked with the imprint of the times .

  14. 但是由于生活时代变迁,他的科学活动被掩埋在历史的泥土中,他的科学思想也往往不易为公众所了解,以致关于其科学活动和科学思想的研究几乎付之阙如。

    But the life of the time is changing , his scientific activities were covered by the earth of history , and his scientific thoughts in most cases could not be understood by public , so that researches about his scientific activities and scientific thoughts were still in the blank .

  15. 他生活的时代比我们这个时代更平静祥和。

    He lived in a gentler age than ours .

  16. 一路追溯到查尔斯达尔文(charlesdarwin)生活的时代,对金融服务业发展的长期历史分析有力地表明,进化的力量在货币领域所起的作用,与在自然界同样强大。

    A long-run historical analysis of the development of financial services , going all the way back to the days of Charles Darwin , strongly suggests that evolutionary forces are as much at work in the realm of money as they are in the natural world .

  17. 10万年前的世界看起来可能和现在的世界更加相像。10a我们生活的时代里充满了快速交替的冰期,但在过去的1万年里,我们的气候一直保持稳定11和温暖。

    The world of 100000 years ago might have looked a lot like our own . 9 We live in an era of rapid , pulsating glaciations , but for 10000 years our climate has been stable10 and warm .

  18. 虽然很少有关于这件1999年的刺伤事件的信息,但据说原因是这名发行人在官方发售之前就泄出了Jay-Z的专辑——《第三卷:S·卡特的生活和时代》。

    Although little information about the 1999 incident is available , it was reported that the stabbing was a result of the alleged illegal distribution of Jay-Z 's album , Vol. 3 ... Life and Times of S. Carter , prior to its official release .

  19. 他所生活的时代或现实本身就是一出令人感到伤心的悲剧。

    The time or society he lived was a tragedy in itself .

  20. 这是一个全球化正在悄悄掩过我们的日常生活的时代。

    It 's an era that globalization is influencing our daily life .

  21. 不过,这正是我们所生活的时代。

    However , that is the age we live in .

  22. 我们的性格都会被我们所生活的时代所影响。

    We are all shaped by the times in which we live .

  23. 你们正生活的时代中科技和通信的发展

    You 're living in a time when advances in technology and communication

  24. 首先,主要对常燕生所生活的时代背景和生平事迹作了一个基本的介绍。

    Firstly , it introduces the background of his age and life story .

  25. 我们生活的时代是多么幸福的啊!

    What wonderful times we are now living in !

  26. 他的思想与他生活的时代协调一致。

    His ideas were in tune with the period in which he lived .

  27. 我指的是,考虑到他们所生活的时代条件,

    I mean , um , think about the conditions they lived in :

  28. 在狄金森生活的时代,美国政治上刚摆脱英国的控制。

    At that time , America kept free from the control of Britain politically .

  29. “结构”:解读古典经济学哲学构架的逻辑中轴&瓦尔特·本雅明:作品、生活、时代和历史的交叠

    " Structure ": the logic essence to understand the philosophical framework of classical economy

  30. 我们生活的时代是“化石燃料时代”。

    Ours is the " fossil-fuel age . "