
  • 网络Ecosystem Dynamics
  1. 塔里木河下游植物群落的物种数量变化与生态系统动态研究

    Species quantity change and ecosystem dynamics in the lower reaches of Tarim River

  2. 三峡水库蓄水前后水生态系统动态的初步研究

    Preliminary report on aquatic ecosystem dynamics of the Three Gorges Reservoir before and after impoundment

  3. 大熊猫生态系统动态规律的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Population Dynamics on Ecological System of Giant Panda

  4. 建湖县农村复合生态系统动态研究

    The Dynamic Study on Rural Integral Ecosystem in Jianhu County

  5. 干旱区绿洲生态系统动态稳定性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the stability of oasis ecosystem in arid area

  6. 基于能值的山西省农业生态系统动态分析

    Emergy-based Analysis for the Development of Agro-ecosystem in Shanxi Province

  7. 两种作物套种生态系统动态模型的建立及分析

    The establishment and analysis system model in ecologic system of Interplanting two crops

  8. 有关南极生态系统动态的海洋学专家会议;

    Meeting of experts on Oceanography related to the dynamics of the Antarctic ecosystem ;

  9. 毛竹林生态系统动态经济阈值

    Dynamic economic threshold of Phyllostachys pubescens ecosystem

  10. 草地生态系统动态演化机制研究综述

    Review on Evolution Mechanisms of Grassland Ecosystem

  11. 为进一步揭研究这一地区特殊的森林生态系统动态、结构和功能积累必要的前期工作基础。

    This work was the preliminary work for further researching the especial forest ecosystem in this especial area .

  12. 并着重对其恢复过程中生态系统动态、定量化的评价指标进行了初步研究。

    The paper stress on analysis dynamics of ecosystem and quantitative evaluation indexes in the process of the restoration .

  13. 基于耗散结构理论,对企业生态系统动态演化的机制进行了研究,得出其动态演化是自组织和环境选择相结合的结果。

    Based on the theory of dissipative structure , its evolutionary mechanism is studied . The conclusion is that the evolution of business ecosystem results from combining self-organization with environmental selection . 3 .

  14. 景观要素及景观生态系统是动态变化的。

    The key elements of landscape and landscape ecosystem are dynamic change .

  15. 毛竹林生态系统能量动态规律的研究

    Study on the Energy Dynamic Pattern in Phyllostachys pubescens Ecosystem

  16. 间伐后杉木人工林生态系统养分动态的研究

    Nutrient Study of a Thinned Chinese Fir Plantation Ecosystem

  17. 生态系统营养动态的网络透视法

    Network Perspective Methods for Studying Trophic Dynamics in Ecosystem

  18. 林隙在森林生态系统种群动态和演替中扮演着重要角色。

    Gap played an important role in population dynamic and succession in forest ecology system .

  19. 这类研究的一个特殊应用是旨在监测生态系统的动态演替。

    One particularly useful application of spatial patterns analysis is to monitor the dynamic of ecosystems succession .

  20. 长白山阔叶红松林生态系统碳动态及其对气候变化的响应

    Carbon dynamics of broad-leaved Korean pine forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountains and its responses to climate change

  21. 农村生态经济系统动态仿真分析&以湖北省崇阳县为例

    The dynamic emulation analysis of rural ecology-economy system & Taking Chongyang county in Hubei province as an example

  22. 首先分析了研究区森林生态系统的动态变化及其存在问题;

    Firstly , analyzing the dynamic changes and the problems existing in the forest ecosystem in the researching area ;

  23. 豫东平原1980-2000年农业景观生态系统格局动态

    The Study of the Pattern Dynamics of Agricultural Landscape Ecosystem of the Eastern Henan Province Plain from 1980 to 2000

  24. 针对突出的环境问题,提出了相应的解决办法,从而实现生态系统的动态平衡,保证经济发展的良性循环,达到经济发展与生态环境良性互动发展。

    For outstanding environmental issues , put forward the corresponding solution , in order to achieve dynamic balance of the ecosystem .

  25. 在定性分析的基础上,讨论了生态系统的动态规律,主要是某些参数变化对平衡点和恢复力的影响。

    The regularity of population development is discussed by numerical analysis . The change of some parameters with an effect on equilibrium points and restoring time is observed .

  26. 研究还对模型中生理化学参数进行敏感性分析,根据敏感性分析结果采用迭代优化算法更新模型的参数,以便于准确估算森林生态系统碳动态变化。

    We also analysed the sensitivity of the biogeochemical parameters in InTEC model and optimized these parameters according to the results of sensitivity analysis in order to accurately estimate forest carbon dynamics .

  27. 了解根呼吸对升温的响应对于构建陆地生态系统碳动态模型、评价地下碳库碳收支具有重要作用。

    Information about the underlying mechanisms responsible for the dynamic response of plant root respiration to temperature change is significant for evaluating belowground carbon budgets and developing carbon dynamics models in terrestrial ecosystems .

  28. 社会道德建构与个体道德建构共生共存;德育因素与学校环境因素和社会环境因素相互关联,构成德育生态系统的动态性整体结构。

    The constructions of social moral and individual moral coexist ; and the interdependence among moral education factors , school environment factors and social environment factors form the whole dynamic structure of moral education ecosystem .

  29. 通过合理的耕作制度和栽培措施,保护和强化稻田生物的多样性,恢复和重组稻田生态系统的动态平衡,用完善的生态系统防治稻田病虫害。

    It consider that through the reasonable farming system and cultivatable measure can protect and strengthen biologic multiformity of paddyfield , reinstate and recombine homeostasis of ecosystem , use perfect ecosystem to cure plant diseases and insect pests of paddyfield .

  30. 大型露天矿区生态系统景观动态变化过程包括生态破坏过程的景观变化(土地挖损、土地压占、土地占用)和生态重建过程的景观变化(地貌重塑、土壤重构、植被重建)。

    The results show that the process of ecosystem landscape dynamic succession in larger open-pit mine includes ones in damaging ecosystem ( excavating , occupying and piling ) and in rehabilitating ecosystem ( landform remolding , soil rebuilding and re-vegetation ) .