
  • 网络ECO HOME;ecohomes
  1. 广西农村生态家园建设对策论

    On the Countermeasures in Constructing Ecological Homesteads in Rural Areas of Guangxi

  2. 黄土高原生态家园技术集成与模式研究

    Study on Technique Integration and Model of Ecological Agriculture in Loess Plateau

  3. 生态家园中沼气发酵产物的综合利用

    The Comprehensive Utilization of the Fermenting Products of Methane in Ecological Homeland

  4. 对实施生态家园富民计划的探讨

    Study on the Actualizing Wealthy Project of Environment Homestead

  5. 农户对生态家园建设评价的调查与分析

    A survey and analysis of the evaluation of rural households on the eco-home construction

  6. 在我国西部开发和生态家园建设中,锦鸡儿属植物是一种极为有价值的植物资源。

    It is valuable plants in ecological environment construction of Northwest part of China .

  7. 推广东南沿海生态家园建设模式发展高效循环农业

    Popularize the Southeast Coastal Eco-home Construction Model and Developing the High Effect Circulation Agriculture

  8. 建设碧水环绕的生态家园

    Construct an Ecological Homestead with Clean Water Around

  9. 我国农业空间发展战略的一个实践典型&山东省枣庄市富民生态家园的布局、设计与建设

    A Practical Model for Implementing the Strategy of Developing Agriculture to Space in China

  10. 山林纯净,这个世界也需要个纯净的生态家园。

    Maintain forests are pure , the world needs pure ecological home , too .

  11. 沼气工程:构建生态家园的枢纽,迈向生态农业的桥梁

    Biogas Project : Key to the Construction of Ecological Homestead and a Bridge to Eco-agriculture

  12. 二是构建农村生态家园建设的政府支持、资金保障和中介服务体系。

    Secondly , government support , financial guarantee and intermediate services should be attached importance to .

  13. 2008年保定市生态家园富民工程建设效益分析评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Construction Efficiency of Ecological Homestead Rich Peasant Project in Baoding in 2008

  14. 素有生态家园之称的永清,流传着多少古老传说;市井多野,生活着多少身怀绝技的布衣草根。

    Yongqing known as the eco-home have a number of ancient legend ; Also have great number of talent people .

  15. 生态家园富民工程三位一体项目对宁夏盐池县农户生计影响的研究

    Impacts Study Farmer Household 's Livelihood , Yanchi , Ningxia Autonomous Region - " Three-in-one " Project of the Eco-Household Program

  16. 在产品设计领域,绿色设计成为可持续发展理论具体化的新思潮、新方法,在重建人类良性生态家园过程中发挥着关键性作用。

    Eco-design becomes a new idea or a new method of sustainable development theory and exerts key effect on rebuilding eco-environment .

  17. 根据重庆市已建生态家园农户和未建生态家园农户的抽样调查数据,本文分析了重庆市生态家园富民工程取得的绩效和工程实施过程中存在的主要问题。

    This paper analyses the performance and obstacles of the eco-household project ( EHP ) based on the sampling data in Chongqing city .

  18. 与山水为邻构筑生态家园&贵阳市金阳新区2005-01项目概念规划设计浅析

    Construction of Ecological Homestead Adjacent to Landscape & On Conceptual Planning and Design of 2005-01 Project at Jinyang New District , Guiyang City

  19. 这是得益于生态家园富民计划。发展沼气生态农业,改善生态与环境,增加农民收入,是循环经济和可待续发展的必然要求。

    We can see that eco-agriculture is the way to improve the environment and peasant 's income and essential for the recycling economy and sustainable development .

  20. 本文以西北地区生态家园模式为核心,在分析其生态家园建设现状的基础上,对该地区生态家园模式进行系统归纳总结;

    The ecological homestead models of northwest , regarded as the main points of the paper , were summed up systematically on the status of its construction .

  21. 以山东枣庄富民生态家园的布局、建设为例,论述了我国农业空间发展战略问题。

    Expound the development strategy issue of developing China 's agriculture to space , taking the distribution , construction of Fumin Ecological Homeland in Zaozhuang , Shandong Province as an example .

  22. 在他“六位一体生态家园”里整合六个组成部分,各部分彼此互相依托:燃池、太阳能屋顶、温室、禽舍、沼气池和洗澡间。

    In his integrated household each of the six component parts helps the others : the fire pit , solar energy roof , greenhouse , livestock shed , biogas pool and a bathroom .

  23. 通过分析农户的生计状况,研究生态家园富民工程三位一体项目对当地农户生计策略的影响,结果表明:三位一体项目没有对农户农业生产集约化和多样化造成影响。

    The results of study on " Three-in-one " program of EHP impacts on fanner 's livelihood strategy by analyzing fanner 's livelihood situation show : no impacts on fanner 's household agricultural intensification and livelihood diversification .

  24. 以沼气建设为核心的猪沼果等生态家园技术模式的推广,在实施农业可持续发展战略中发挥了越来越重要的作用。

    The popularization of the technical model that the core is the biogas construction such as pig-biogas-fruits ? for building ecological healthy homeland has been playing more and more important role in carrying out the strategy of sustainable agricultural development .

  25. 本文阐明了大力发展绿色建材,建设生态家园,走可持续发展道路,将成为21世纪建材工业发展的主流和方向。

    This text is cleared to strongly develop the home of green building materials , developments ecosystem , and the development can keep on , and it will become the main current direction about the building materials in the twenty-one century .

  26. 对户用沼气系统应用类型、应用模式、应用中存在的问题进行调查、分析、研究,并提出相应的对策,为建设生态家园,增加农民收入,促进农业的可持续发展奠定基础。

    Investigation , analysis and research on the application types , utilization pattern and the problems of biogas system in farmers ' households , and the correspondent measures can lay basis for the increase of farmers ' income and for the sustainable development of agriculture .

  27. 作者着重介绍了“生态人文家园”的原因、概念和特征,并以重庆市涪陵区惠民乡新街区的风貌设计为例,探讨了在实际中的应用。

    After analysising the reasons , concept and features of " Ecological And Humanistic Homestead ", this article gives an example to explore in use .

  28. 生态城市新景家园&湘潭市城市绿地系统规划构思

    Ecological City and New Scenery Homeland & With the Thoughts of Xiangtan City Green System Planning

  29. 和谐的生态绿色的家园&写在六·五世界环境日到来之际

    Harmonious Ecology , Green Homestead

  30. 努力建设生态文明的美好家园

    Building China into a beautiful homeland with a sound ecological environment