
  • 网络Life Force;LIFE POWER;Life dynamic
  1. 生命动力器的研制与开发

    Research and Development of Life Power Booster

  2. 就只是独处,感觉你的生命动力(lifeforce)、你的灵气、你的能量场,感觉你身体里堵塞的能量,察觉到紧绷之处。

    Just be with yourself , sensing your life force , your aura , your energy field , and sense the blockages in your body , manifesting as tensions .

  3. 生命动力素在浓香型白酒中的应用实验

    Application Test of " Life Vitality Elements " in Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  4. 生命动力素&酒素在酒类生产和食用中的应用研究

    Studies on application of life kinetin-wine yeast in wine production and edibles

  5. 气是流走于身体内的生命动力。

    Qi is the life force that flows through all living beings .

  6. 这创造一个太阳和那太阳神拉给与生命动力的联想。

    This created an association with the life-giving powers of the sun and the sun god Ra .

  7. 你的心是你生命动力的源头&就是指你喜爱做什么和你最关心的是什么。

    Your heart represents the source of all your motivations-what you love to do and what you care about most .

  8. 人们将心理的情感与追求移情于泥泥狗,形成一种强大的生命动力,促使人与物的融合。

    People will be the pursuit of emotion and move in the mud puppy and clay to form a powerful fusion of people and things .

  9. 亲子教育中对孩子生命原动力的认识(英文)

    Recognition of children s life motivity in parenting education ;

  10. 那么你生命的动力是什么呢?

    What is the driving force in your life ?

  11. 我是宇宙的生命原动力。

    I am the life-force power of the universe .

  12. 母亲的爱是生命的动力,它能使一个寻常人干出不寻常的事业。

    Mothers love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible .

  13. 这是一种生命冲动力的“朝向”和“指引”。

    This basis is due to the guide and direction creates by the impulse of life .

  14. 他认为,宗教是一个民族文化生命的动力,决定了一个民族文化的独特性。

    He thought that religion was the power of a nation , which decided the uniqueness of the nation .

  15. 为了拯救僵死的文化,作家们纷纷将眼光投向蕴含着无穷生命原动力的大自然,希望从中找到育化新的生命力的源泉。

    They all direct their sight at nature containing endless vital motivity with the hope to discover the source of new life force .

  16. 水能实现着水量的天然配置,是河流生命的动力,长期的管理缺位影响了水能资源的科学管理和有序利用。

    Water energy can realize natural allocation of water volume and show the power of rivers . Long-time vacancy of management affects the scientific management and rational utilization of water energy resources .

  17. 木质上凸现着女性圆圆的胸与流线型的形体,使你不去注意她的面孔与秀发,却会让你沉溺对生命原动力的思考中。

    The round chest and clipper-built body of women on the works do not call my attention to her face and hair , but indulged me into the thinking on impulsion of life .

  18. 爱啊!永远是生命最大的动力。

    Love ah ! Always be the biggest driving force of life .

  19. 不要扼杀孩子生命的原动力&亲子教育(三)

    Never Strangle Children s Original Dynamic of Life & On Parent Offspring Education ;

  20. 胎记&生命的原动力

    Birthmark & The Original Power of Life

  21. 营销力生命周期的动力系统由营销力创新系统和营销能力系统构成;营销力生命周期的免疫系统由营销力的预警、风险和危机管理三个子系统构成。

    The dynamic system of life-cycle of marketing force is composes of innovation system of marketing force and marketing ability system .

  22. 她的创作动机喷涌着生命的原动力,其两面性的创作个性更独特而鲜明。

    She is driven by the force of life to write , and double-sidedness is one peculiar characteristic of her writing .

  23. 硒保证了盐胁迫下小白菜充足的能量供应,维持生物体正常生命活动的动力需要。

    Selenium can guarantee sufficient energy supply in pakchoi cabbage under salt-stress and maintain the need of motive force for vital activity of organism .

  24. 我们的态度是我们生命中的动力——它可以推动你做伟大的事情,也会把你带向灭亡。

    Our attitude is the driving force in our lives - it can either push you to do great things or pull you down to your demise .

  25. 对自由与快乐的追求是我生命的原动力,我欣赏和赞美这世界上一切美好的事物。

    The desire to be carefree and happy are the driving forces throughout my life and I 've got an appreciation for all the fine and beautiful things in the whole world .

  26. 这些都是生命与爱的动力。

    These are the driving force of life and love .

  27. 区域创新系统生命周期演化的动力要素研究

    A Study on Driving Factors of Regional Innovation System Life-Cycle 's Evolution

  28. 在发展心理学领域,情绪被看做是个体生命连续发展的动力核心。

    In development psychology domain , emotion is seen as dynamic core of continuous development of individual .

  29. 涌升流形成之处会将海洋深处的养份带到表面,提供海洋生命永续发展的动力。

    Upwelling current is commonly existing everywhere in the ocean , driven by wind and the landscape , flowing from sea bottom bring nutrition to sea surface , providing resources for sustainable development in the ocean .

  30. 它是对有限生命的无限的眺望,是人之生命不断超越的动力源泉。

    Life beauty is the limited life praying for the unlimited one , which is the source of life motivation .