
  • 网络life size;The Game of Life;Journey of Life;After.Life;THE WALK OF LIFE
  1. 展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以生命为主线,总揽城市的生命之旅。

    The pavilion is situated in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The theme of life , or the city 's journey of life , runs through all its exhibitions .

  2. 这可能是你的生命之旅,以便更好地准备了“全国最好的浪潮”在Playa纳兰霍和质量的权利在波特雷罗格兰德河河口(Ollies点)点突破自己。

    This could be the trip of your life so better prepare yourself for the " country 's best waves " in Playa Naranjo and the quality right river mouth point break at Potrero Grande ( Ollies Point ) .

  3. 生命之旅,也需要雨水,以洗刷我们的忧伤。

    Life needs rain to wash away the feeling of pain .

  4. 我用我的生命之旅开创每条小路。

    I 've made my life 's journey to blaze every trail .

  5. 交流使我们得以怀着自信与成就感行走于生命之旅。

    Communication allows us to move through life with self-confidence and accomplishment .

  6. 爱你,让我的生命之旅有意义。

    Loving you makes the my ride of life worthwhile .

  7. 结束了生命之旅,进入今天的总结时段。

    Over the trip of life , into today 's summary session .

  8. 流动于生命之旅。

    Flow in the process of life .

  9. 但当穿越生命之旅时,别忘了黑键也能演奏出音乐。

    But as you go through life 's journey , remember that the black keys make music too .

  10. 若能视生命之旅为浑成一体,就总会有些东西跃然而出,值得钦佩赞赏。

    To the man who views the procession as a whole , certain things stand out as worthy of admiration .

  11. 宝宝马上就要开始她自己的生命之旅,结束在妈妈子宫里的九个月生活。

    This baby is about to begin the journey of a lifetime , having spent nine months hidden in her mother 's womb .

  12. 这样,我们就可以准备好我们自己接受无限的能量带领我们进入真实的生命之旅。

    With this , we are preparing ourselves to receive the energy of the Divine which will direct us into our True Destiny .

  13. 大师们,在你们浩瀚的生命之旅中,一定有一些更华美的生命时段,在时空上会发生简洁的量子飞跃;

    Masters , there are certain lifetimes that are more embellished within your vast sojourns , certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps .

  14. 她说,相信外在力量决定生命之旅的‘外在控制的基因位点’与晚年沮丧的情绪有关。

    An " external locus of control , " believing that outside forces determine the course of life , has been linked to depression in latter years , she said .

  15. 抛弃所有的记忆,开启一段新的生命荒废之旅。

    I got to cast all my memory to start a new life to waste .

  16. 这是一小段生命探险之旅,在旅程中你又一次找寻返回你自己的路。

    My Divine Light Beings it is part of your journey and life time adventure to find your way back into yourself once again .

  17. 生命是趟苦难之旅,所以我们要学会珍惜生活。

    Life is an arduous journey ; so we should learn to cherish life .

  18. 体育·生命·自然:一次体会奥运精神和生命主题的心灵之旅

    Sports , Life and Nature : A Heart Trip to Experience the Olympic Spirit and Life

  19. 这一次,在此具有里程碑意义的系列里,他将穿越时空回到过去,探索生命之树的根基,寻找最早出现的动物,完成他的生命溯源之旅。

    Now , in this landmark series , he completes his journey by going back in time to the very roots of the tree of life , in search of the very first animals .