- 网络productive expenditure

And basing on previous research , we use the non productive expenditure to explain the influence path .
The Comparative Analysis of the Productive Expenditure and the Nonproductive Expenditure in the Financial Expenditure for Agriculture in Hebei Province
Furthermore , we bring in framework of non-productive expenditure to explain possible influence path of political connection .
Local fiscal expenditure always contains some non-productive expenditure and transfer payment , so its economic efficiency is relatively lower .
Arguably , as well , it is actually a drag on earnings growth as long as cash sits on the balance sheet unproductively earning low rates of return .
The proceeds from issuance of company bonds shall be used for the purpose approved by the approval authority , and may not be used to cover losses and non-operating expenditures .
After China 's opening and reforming , the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward , but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing .
Research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium co-integration relationship between the government revenues , the government consumer spending , the government productive expenses , fiscal deficit and employment respectively .
As a part of public expenditure , the productive government expenditure has an important effect on guiding private capital investment , improving the level of labor supply and promoting long-run economic growth .
There is , therefore , on the general result , a difference to the disadvantage of the community , of at least ten thousand pounds , being the amount of C 's unproductive expenditure .
Second , the impelling action of central government fiscal productive expenditure is larger than local productive expenditure . Third , the scale of nonproductive fiscal expenditure is too large , which is no good to economic growth .
Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .
Many corporations are in this situation of having cash piles but often do not have productive uses for the money .
But for government produc-tion expenditure , the optimal tax policy in an open economy is incompletely equivalent to that in a closed economy .
For government production expenditure , this paper analyzes growth effect and welfare effect of fiscal policy and discusses opti-mal fiscal policy by the additional utility value function method .
Secondly , based on the classical endogenous growth theory and regional economic convergence theory , theoretical analysis in this article explains flows and stocks of productive expenditure and their relations with the regional economic growth .
Michael Jensen , a Harvard professor , later criticised the " billions in unproductive capital expenditures and organisational inefficiencies " at conglomerates , praising the trend toward " smaller , more focused , more efficient " enterprises .
The results show that productive fiscal expenditure would promote economic growth , while unproductive fiscal spending had no significant impact on economic growth .
Compared with government investment , the government consumption can contribute more to the economy growth .
Our analysis suggests that there is an optimal government productive expenditure scale that it can make the rate of output to capital reach maximal level .