
  • 网络sweetener;Artificial sweetener;Aspartame;sweetening agents
  1. 软饮料中使用人造甜味剂。

    Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks .

  2. 因此,她成功利用天然甜味剂制作了一种糖果,这种甜味剂可以减少口腔细菌。

    Consequently , she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners , which can reduce oral bacteria .

  3. 人工甜味剂山梨糖醇有通便作用。

    The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect

  4. 这种橙汁饮品不含人造甜味剂。

    This orange drink contains no artificial sweetener .

  5. 这些含糖饮料中的糖分包括蔗糖、高果糖浆、或其他富含卡路里的甜味剂。

    Sugar in such sweetened beverages , or other caloric sweeteners .

  6. N乙酰D葡糖胺是一种具有许多生理活性的新兴甜味剂和重要的医药中间体。

    N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine is a new sweets and a significant pharmaceutical intermediate with lots of physiological activities .

  7. HPLC法测定酱油中的甜味剂

    Studies on Determination of Sweetening Agent in Soy Sauce by HPLC

  8. HPLC法同时测定果冻中的防腐剂、甜味剂

    Simultaneous determination of preservatives and sweetenings in fruit jelly by HPLC

  9. 应用HPLC同时测定果味型碳酸饮料中防腐剂、甜味剂和合成着色剂的研究

    The Study by Applying HPLC to Test Simultaneously the Preservatives , Sweeteners and Artifical Colorants in Fruit Flavour Carbonate Beverage

  10. 甜菊糖是一种天然的强力甜味剂,它的二种组分&甜菊苷和甜菊双糖C苷有苦味和不愉快的后味,会显著影响甜菊糖的味质。

    Stevia sugar is an intense sweetener , and its two constitutents , stevioside and rebaudioside C have some bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste which greatly affect the sweetness .

  11. 这股潮流已经席卷整个“垃圾食品”业(BigFood),受影响最明显的可能是碳酸饮料行业。在美国,碳酸饮料销量已连续十年下降,反应出消费者对糖和人造甜味剂印象转差。

    This trend has cut across Big Food in general - perhaps most noticeably in the fizzy drinks industry , where a decade-long fall in US sales reflects a consumer backlash against sugar and artificial sweeteners .

  12. 天然甜味剂甜菊糖具有较高的经济价值,其中最具开发价值的单体为莱鲍迪苷A(RA)。

    Natural sweetener stevia glycosides have high economic value , among which rebaudioside A ( RA ) is the most valuable of all .

  13. 尽管债务重组是良药苦口,但可以适当附加一些条件作为甜味剂,例如imf和欧盟支持下的信用提升。

    The bitter pill of debt restructuring could be taken with appropriate sweeteners , such as credit enhancements supported by the IMF and EU .

  14. 罗汉果浓缩汁在食品中被广泛用作甜味剂,罗汉果苷V是其中最重要的甜味成分。

    Momordica grosvenori Swingle juice concentrated is used widely in food industry as a sweet additive , and mogroside V is the most important glucoside that attributes the sweet taste .

  15. 结论在人类,人工甜味剂和葡萄糖协调合作增加GLP-1的分泌。

    CONCLUSIONS Artificial sweeteners synergize with glucose to enhance GLP-1 release in humans .

  16. 最后,研究人员招募了七名通常不使用人工甜味剂的志愿者,并在六天时间中,让他们摄入了美国食品与药品管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)建议的糖精最大摄入量。

    Finally , they recruited seven volunteers who normally did not use artificial sweeteners and over six days gave them the maximum amount of saccharin recommended by the United States Food and Drug Administration .

  17. 指导员麦克·墨菲(MichaelMurphy)说,一些孩子建议提供成年人喜欢的独特的甜味剂,如龙舌兰。墨菲曾在电扬广告公司(Young&Rubicam)工作。

    Some suggested offering fancy sweeteners adults would enjoy , like agave , said instructor Michael Murphy , who has worked for the advertising agency Young & Rubicam .

  18. 数百年后一种零卡路里的甜味剂saccharin诞生了。

    The calorie-free sweetener saccharin ( without an e ) arrived a couple hundred years later .

  19. GAMG是一种新型的天然甜味剂,甜度约是GL的5倍。

    The sweetness of GAMG is about 5 folds of GL .

  20. 短小杆菌酶促合成二肽甜味剂Aspartame

    Bacillus pumilus enzymatic synthesis Aspartame

  21. 经过6天的实验,Truvia甜味剂造成果蝇全部死亡,而Sweet-n-low,Splenda及Equal等甜味剂可以使得果蝇存活5-7周。

    Six days into the experiment all the Truvia-fed flies were dead , while those stuck with Sweet-n-low , Splenda or Equal lived five to seven weeks .

  22. 本研究探讨软饮料中的人工甜味剂对人类葡萄糖、胰岛素和GLP-1的作用。

    In this study , we examined the effect of artificial sweeteners in a commercially available soft drink on glucose , insulin , and GLP-1 in humans .

  23. 与此同时,如果我们在此期间一定要找一个目标,毫无疑问应该是高热量甜味剂;它们跟体重增加、II型糖尿病等等问题是有明显关联的(而减少摄入也明显和体重下降有关)。

    Meanwhile , if we had to pick one target in the interim , caloric sweeteners are unquestionably it ; they 're well correlated with weight gain ( and their reduction equally well correlated with weight loss ), Type 2 diabetes and many other problems .

  24. 时间4h;2.金莲花保健饮料最佳配方为:甜味剂(蔗糖)12%,柠檬酸0.1%,甜橙香精0.025%,稳定剂0.02%,金莲花浸液40%;

    ( b ) the optimal formula of the health drinks was sugar 12 % , citric acid 0.1 % , flavouring 0.025 % , stabilizer 0.02 % and trollius extract 40 % ;

  25. 赤藓糖醇(Erythritol)是一种新型多元醇类食品甜味剂,广泛存在于海藻、蘑菇、甜瓜、葡萄和发酵食品中。

    Erythritol is a new polyol food sweetener , widely present in the seaweed , mushrooms , melons , grapes , and fermented foods .

  26. 目的本研究的目的是探讨人工甜味剂对人类葡萄糖、胰岛素和胰高血糖素样肽(GLP)-1的影响。

    OBJECTIVE The goal of this study was to determine the effect of artificial sweeteners on glucose , insulin , and glucagon-like peptide ( GLP ) - 1 in humans .

  27. 毕竟,他们选择在咖啡或原味酸奶中加点儿人造甜味剂如Splenda或Equal,从而避免摄入一些热量。因此额外吃一些汉堡和薯条是可以的。

    After all , they 've saved calories by opting for Splenda or Equal in their coffee or plain yogurt , so it 's fine to have that extra hamburger or serving of potatoes .

  28. 通过计算各个危险因子的膳食暴露量,比对ADI值分析防腐剂和甜味剂的含量的安全风险影响在可以接受的范围内,氟含量则存在一定的风险。

    According to the calculation of dietary exposure levels of each risk factor , and compared with ADI value , the safety and risk influence of the analyzed content is within acceptable limits , but fluorine content is more than accept range .

  29. 国标GB2760-96《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》规定可用于食品加工的甜味剂包括甜蜜素、安赛蜜、甜味素、异麦芽酮糖醇、木糖醇、阿力甜等15种。

    There are15 kinds of sweet agents in food processing authorized in National Standard GB2760-96 Sanitary Standards of Using Food Additives .

  30. 今年迄今为止,糖有望占到42%的市场份额,HFCS占40%,人工甜味剂占18%。

    So far this year , sugar is on track to account for about 42 per cent of the market , to 40 per cent for HFCS and 18 per cent for artificial sweeteners .