
ɡān jú
  • camomile
  1. 将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。

    Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together

  2. 我们购买的甘菊油,可帮助小本经营的农民。

    Our trade in Camomile oil and water helps support small farmers .

  3. 例如,野玫瑰果含维生素C,甘菊有助于人们进行放松,薄荷对胃的好外是显而易见的。

    For instance , rose hips contain vitamin C ; chamomile helps many people relax ; and peppermint has a noticeable soothing effect on the stomach .

  4. 尽管薇甘菊叶片为典型C3植物特征,结果发现了茎以及主叶脉内存在类似C4途径的、具有丰富叶绿体的维管束鞘结构。

    Although leaf photosynthesis of this weed is of the C3 type , a C4-like vascular bundle full of chlorophyll was observed in the main vein of the leaf and young stems .

  5. 在《彼特兔的故事》中,彼特兔参观了McGregor先生的花园后,彼特兔的妈妈为它准备了用甘菊炮制的茶水,让它平静下来。

    In " The Tale of Peter Rabbit , " Peter Rabbit 's mother prepared him a tea made with chamomile to calm him down after visiting Mr. McGregor 's garden .

  6. 现在,要我给你上甘菊茶吗,加斯顿?

    Now , can I get you your chamomile tea , gaston ?

  7. 薇甘菊生态防除研究初报。

    A preliminary study on ecological control of Mikania micrantha H.B.K.

  8. 我去拿些甘菊让你镇静一下。

    I think I 'll get some camomile to help you relax .

  9. 您要来杯甘菊茶吗?

    May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile ?

  10. 薇甘菊组织培养及体细胞胚胎发生的研究。

    Tissue culture and somatic embryogenesis of Mikania micrantha H.B.K.

  11. 给我们冲点甘菊茶可以吗

    Make us some chamomile tea , will you ?

  12. 甘菊茶是天然抗组胺药(小编注:抗组胺药可以抗花粉症等过敏反应),而且抗炎症。

    Chamomile tea is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory .

  13. 珍妮花:有的,甘菊和麝香草。

    Jennifer : Yeah , chamomile and thyme .

  14. 接着我喝了一加仑的甘菊茶。

    I down a gallon of chamomile tea .

  15. 蕴含多种如蓝甘菊、芦荟、绿茶及香芹籽等纯净植物萃取。

    Aloe Vera , Green Tea and Parsley Seed extracts to name a few .

  16. 西洋甘菊挥发性成分及抗过敏、抗炎研究

    Research on the Volatile Compounds , Anti-Allergic and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of the German Chamomile

  17. 对影响微甘菊愈伤组织诱导的因素进行了系统研究。

    Factors affecting induction of callus in Mikania micrantha Kunth were studied in the paper .

  18. 临睡前一杯甘菊茶可以令你放松。

    A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime may be all you need to relax .

  19. 拿着,这是给柏西瓦尔夫人的蜀葵和甘菊,这个是给欧文爵士的。

    Here , hollyhock and feverfew for Lady Percival and this is for Sir Owen .

  20. 我几乎只吃含蛋白质的汤,喝大量的水以及甘菊茶。

    I eat mostly soups with protein , and drink lots of water and chamomile tea .

  21. 这些结果说明薇甘菊枝构件对环境条件变化具不同响应。

    The difference of response showed the different sensitivity of shoot module properties to environment changing .

  22. 一杯黄甘菊茶,其味甘的特性可缓解压力。

    A cup of chamomile tea , known for its soothing properties will help you de-stress .

  23. 睡前喝点甘菊茶,加一点生姜,可以帮助平复消化系统。

    Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system .

  24. 群落中其他藤本盖度越大,个体受薇甘菊危害的程度越高。

    The more the coverage of other liana , the higher was the damaging degree of M.micrantha .

  25. 主要成份:葡萄籽精华,甘菊提取液、红血丝修复因子、矢车菊精华。

    Main compositions : Extract of grape pip , Cornflower , Chamomile extract , Capillarie repair factor .

  26. 分析了薇甘菊的危害特点和生境的气候条件,井对防治措施作了介绍。

    The climatic condition , harmful effect , and the control of the weed are analysed and discussed .

  27. 研究了内伶仃岛不同群落中薇甘菊土壤种子库动态。

    Dynamics of soil seed bank of exotic weed Mikania micrantha populations in three communities in Neilingding Island were studied .

  28. 一些用来煎药的普通草药有薄荷,甘菊,野玫瑰果,柠檬,茴香。

    Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint , chamomile , rose hips , verbena , and fennel .

  29. 从醉人的芳香到甜甜的味道,由甘菊果实、水果和药草拼配得名。

    From intoxicating aroma to sweet taste , the fruit from the chamomile , fruits and herbs , blending the name .

  30. 主要成份:深海矿物水、透明质酸、芦荟萃取精华、金缕梅、甘菊精华、水溶性蓖麻油。

    Main ingredients : Deep sea mineral water , HA , aloe essence , hamamelis , chamomile essence and water-soluble castor oil .