
  • 网络VALENCIA;Valencia CF;Valentia;VLC;Valenxia
  1. 这名后卫在莱万特开始他的职业生涯,在B队中的出色表现吸引瓦伦西亚将他买走。

    The defender started his career at Levante , impressing for their B team and earning a move to Valencia .

  2. 二分一决赛的对阵可以是很多种情况,有可能是PSv对瓦伦西亚。

    The semi-final can be many things . It could be PSV v Valencia .

  3. 在瓦伦西亚这里回归F1比我预料的少很多困难&我获得了比预期快的节奏,并且一切良好。

    Coming back to F1 here in Valencia caused less trouble than expected for me-I picked up the rhythm faster than thought and everything went well .

  4. 在他年轻的时候,他曾经是瓦伦西亚Benimaclet跑步俱乐部的一员,他不得不在短跑和足球之间做出抉择。

    As a youngster , Enrique had to choose between pursuing a livelihood in either sprinting or football having been a member of Valencia 's Benimaclet running club .

  5. 葡萄柚含有一种叫做furanocoumarin的化学物质(还发现在塞维利亚橘子和酸橙中但不是瓦伦西亚或其他甜橙),通过抑制CYP3A4这种酶可以阻止一些处方药的分解。

    Grapefruit contains a type of chemical called furanocoumarin ( also found in seville oranges and limes but not valencia or other sweet oranges ) , which , by inhibiting the enzyme CYP3A4 , stops the breakdown of some prescription drugs .

  6. 现在同样也是法拉利的F60在赛道上开始取得进步的时候,并且他的Kers能够帮助他在接下来的瓦伦西亚,斯帕,蒙扎和新加坡获得优势。

    It also comes at a time when Ferrari 's F60 appears to have made good progress on the track , and its KERS could prove to be an advantage in the forthcoming races at Valencia , Spa , Monza and Singapore .

  7. 在瓦伦西亚的那颗核弹爆炸后才知道的。

    Not until one of the bombs was detonated in valencia .

  8. 我们已经通知瓦伦西亚,我们不会卖拉斐尔(范德法特)。

    We communicated Valencia that we will not sell Rafael .

  9. 松懈的防守使瓦伦西亚队再得一分。

    Some slack defending allowed Valencia to score another goal .

  10. 兼收通过瓦伦西亚至西、北非洲各港口。

    Accept cargo to n.africa , w.africa destinations via Valencia or barcelona .

  11. 瓦伦西亚已经放弃了对阿森纳的中场罗伯托皮雷的窥伺。

    Valencia have given up any hope of signing Arsenal midfielder Robert Pires .

  12. 其中一枚今天在瓦伦西亚爆炸了。

    One of which exploded this morning in valencia .

  13. 费尔南多。莫伦特斯的出现是瓦伦西亚早晨训练的最大惊喜。

    Fernando Morientes was the great surprise at the morning training of Valencia CF.

  14. 那时瓦伦西亚完全精疲力竭了。

    By then , Valencia felt utterly drained .

  15. 弗兰克。兰帕德认为切尔西再一次以对阵瓦伦西亚时的英勇胜仗去回应对他们的批评。

    Frank Lampard feels Chelsea once again answered their critics with a gritty victory over valencia .

  16. 市南地区电力负荷预测实用方法研究世纪西班牙瓦伦西亚地方画派

    Study on the Practical Method of Power Load Forecasting for South Regional Power Network of Shanghai

  17. 他们非常具攻击性,假如瓦伦西亚袖手旁观的话他们将会束手就擒。

    They are very offensive and Valencia will be there for the taking if they sit back .

  18. 我不知道瓦伦西亚是否收到了阿森纳或者其他俱乐部的报价。

    I don 't know if Valencia have received a proposal from Arsenal or any other club .

  19. 瓦伦西亚主席胡安·索勒已经向切尔西兜售大卫·比利亚。

    CHELSEA have been invited to make a bid for David Villa by Valencia president Juan Soler .

  20. 据统计,上一轮对阵瓦伦西亚队时贝克汉姆被出示的红牌是他自2003年加盟皇家马德里队后吃到的第3张红牌,也是他职业生涯中的第6张红牌。

    The sending off was Beckham 's third since joining Real in2003 and the sixth in his career .

  21. 索来尔同时透露皇家马德里卡尔多隆表达了对瓦伦西亚中场大卫席尔瓦感兴趣。

    Soler also revealed that Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon had expressed interest in Valencia midfielder David silva .

  22. 她提出珂赛特呢?卡波上赛季被尤文图斯租借至西甲的莱万特,并帮助这支瓦伦西亚球队成功保级。

    Kapo spent last season on loan at Levante and he helped them avoid relegation from La Liga .

  23. 根据西班牙当地媒体的报道,利物浦和瓦伦西亚的前锋帕科。阿尔卡塞尔联系在了一起。

    Liverpool have been linked with a move for young Valencia forward Paco Alcacer in the local Spanish press .

  24. 据西班牙俱乐部称,阿森纳中场大将埃杜即将在今夏得到一份瓦伦西亚的五年合同。

    Arsenal midfielder Edu will join Valencia on a five-year deal this summer , according to the Spanish club .

  25. 不走运,在英格兰他一直没有达到他的水平,转会去瓦伦西亚对他来说是非常好的选择。

    Unfortunately he never played at his level in England and the move to Valencia is good for him .

  26. 中场休息的变阵此刻瓦伦西亚正以1比0领先使得切尔西赢得了比赛控制权。

    A tactical change at halftime - with Valencia leading 1-0 - saw Chelsea take control of the match .

  27. 西班牙方面报道表示,尤文图斯准备和切尔西竞争,签下瓦伦西亚球星大卫比利亚。

    Reports from Spain suggest that Juventus are set to fight Chelsea for the signature of Valencia star David villa .

  28. 然而,瓦伦西亚立刻将他租借到了塞尔塔维戈队一个赛季来积累比赛经验。

    However , he was instantly loaned out to Celta Vigo for a season in order to gain senior experience .

  29. 四场比赛之后,白衣军团将对阵瓦伦西亚,巴萨主场迎来比利亚雷亚尔。

    With four games to go , the Whites will visit Valencia and Barcelona will host a match with Villarreal .

  30. 在2008年瓦伦西亚锦标赛上,他击败美国人阿兰·约翰逊赢得了60米跨栏的金牌。

    In the2008 championships , he beat American Allen Johnson to win the gold medal in the60-meters hurdling competition in Valencia .