
  1. 问题不是税率,而是瑞士风格的银行保密性。

    The problem is not the tax rate but Swiss-style bank secrecy .

  2. 但是一个对所有人覆盖的瑞士风格的系统对我们现在来说是一个巨大的系统。

    But a Swiss-style system of universal coverage would be a vast improvement on what we have now .

  3. 在原生态的混凝土结构旁边,耸立着一个巨型的、闪闪发光的白石块,它是那种你极少看到的瑞士前卫风格的免下车银行。

    Beside the raw concrete , a gleaming white monolithic block provides one of the very few Swiss avant-garde drive-in banks you will ever see .

  4. 新加坡管理大学的硕士班学员每年都要前往瑞士,参加瑞士金融学院主办、为期两周的培训项目,浸润在瑞士风格的私人银行业务之中。

    For two weeks every year , SMU 's master class students go to Switzerland to immerse themselves in Swiss-style private banking in a programme hosted by the Swiss Finance Institute .