
  1. 普通高校足球专项课程设置及其教学改革的理论构思

    On Giving a Soccer Course in Colleges and Its Theoretical Ideas

  2. 新编多维记忆评估量表的理论构思

    Development of the Multi-dimensional Memory Assessment Scale : theoretical thinking

  3. 历史发展的进程从来不是由理论构思来规定的。

    The course of historical development is never shaped by theoretical constructions .

  4. 第一章是对城市多主体系统的理论构思。

    Chapter one is the framework of multi-agent urban system .

  5. 社区人群生活质量研究&I理论构思

    Study on quality of life of general population in Hunan Province : ⅰ . Theoretical

  6. 要处理好法理学研究中的总体理论构思和局部研究的关系,不要急于建构理论体系和寻找核心概念;

    The relationship between the whole and local research of jurisprudence , no hasty for the construction of theoretical system and key conceptions ;

  7. 最后是统计分析,本研究以203个杭州茶馆消费者为有效样本,利用统计软件SPSS11.5从定量上进一步验证本研究的理论构思。

    Finally , with 203 teahouse customers in Hangzhou as valid sample , the theoretical model and hypotheses were analyzed empirically by use of SPSS 11.5 .

  8. 本文共由引言、文献综述、理论构思、实证研究、总讨论、结论和启示等六部分组成。

    There were six parts in this paper , they were introduction , summary of literature , theoretical conception , investigation , general discussion , conclusion and apocalypse .

  9. 第一阶段通过以往相关研究的回顾复习,形成研究的理论构思、理论假设和初始结构模型。

    The first stage is to form the theoretical conceptions , set up the hypotheses and develops the structural model through reviewing the related studies in the past .

  10. 首先通过对历史相关研究和资料进行回顾和总结,提出理论构思模型,然后结合实例进行定量分析和模型验证。

    Firstly , it is reviewed and summarized the historical research and information , put forward concept model and then with examples to quantitative analysis and model validation .

  11. 并将《苏南乡镇中层领导干部胜任特征模型》与理论构思及全国其他地区乡镇领导胜任特征模型进行了比较。

    Discussed the relationship among the Competency Model for Mid-level Township Party and Government Officer of South Jiangsu , theory construction and Competency Model for the other areas ' .

  12. 其次,将理论构思与调查分析结果相融合,指导黑龙江省萝北县生态观光农业园景观规划设计方面的研究。

    Secondly , the combination of theoretical conception and results of investigation analysis directed the study on landscape planning and design eco-agricultural tourist garden for Luobei country in Heilongjiang province .

  13. 提出有关化学势在概念、状态函数阵中定位、极限定理和数值计算,以及在应用方面的新的理论构思。

    This paper has presented the concept , localized in the function of state group , the limiting theorem and the numerical calculation of chemical potential . The application of the new theory conceived of chemicl potential is introduced .

  14. 本研究以上海英业达公司基层员工为研究样本,在总结以往研究基础上,提出知识密集型企业基层员工责任心与工作绩效理论构思图。

    In this study , Shanghai Inventec Corporation grass-roots workers for the study sample , at the conclusion of previous studies presented , based on knowledge-intensive enterprise-level employees a sense of responsibility and work performance , theory , concept map .

  15. 曲柄滑块往复活塞式车用空压机在辅助角方法研究成果基础上,提出了以连杆与曲柄长度比值a为核心性能指标,绘制和建立一整套新的性能与设计线图丛的理论构思;

    Based on the research fruit of " Auxiliary Angle Method ", this paper puts forwards the theoretical plot for setting up a set of performance and design diagram atlas of offset type and type planar crank and slider mechanisms ;

  16. 基于工作记忆对语言学习产生的重大影响,近年陆续有认知心理学与二语习得等领域的学者提出将工作记忆作为外语学能构成要素的理论构思。

    Drawing on previous research findings about the important role of working memory in language learning , some researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology and second language acquisition have recently subscribed to the proposal of " working memory as foreign language aptitude " .

  17. 本研究围绕理论构思,运用访谈、问卷调查、数理分析相结合的方法,分两个阶段对影响女干部行政领导能力结构的若干因素进行考察、比较、评价和分析。

    The study which based around the outline of theories is divided into two stages , by means of interviews , questionnaires , and analysis of data , to examine , compare , evaluate and analyze those factors that affect female cadres ' administrative competence .

  18. 再次,对湖南傩面具造型艺术价值的传承进行了理论构思,从造型结构的提取与创造、纹样寓意的沿用与延伸、传统色彩的借鉴与衍生三个方面进行具体的方法探索。

    Again , the paper puts up with some theory for how to inherit the artistic value of Hunan nuo mask plastic arts based on three aspects as follows : extraction and creation of design structure , extension of decorative pattern , reference and derivation of traditional color .

  19. 统一框架的DES理论的构思

    A Conception on DES Theory of Unified Frame

  20. 研究企业新产品开发决策的理论和构思方法

    Theories and Construct Approaches for Research on Decision Making of New Products Development in Enterprises

  21. 引言主要将巴赫金及其思想定位为哲学家及哲学思想,提出从时空角度观照狂欢理论的构思。

    The introductory part attributes Bakhtin and his thought to philosopher and philosophy , makes out the project-of studying carnival theory in the view of space and time .

  22. 研究建立蒙医体质学理论体系的构思

    The speculation of researching and establishing theory system of somatoplasm about Mongolian medicine

  23. 然后通过案例研究对理论框架的构思进行了初步的验证,并在此基础上提出了本文的理论模型和假设。

    Secondly , Based on a case study , this paper came up with the final theoretical framework and hypothesis .

  24. 建立该体系要坚持正确的指导思想,确立务实的体系目标,要运用理论方法,构思科学的体系框架,进而紧扣高校的工作实际,设计完善的高校惩治和预防腐败体系。

    In order to establish the system , we should adhere to correct guiding principle , set pragmatic objective , construct scientific framework and design perfect system according to the practice of colleges and universities .

  25. 研究建立蒙医体质学理论体系的构思包括:蒙医体质学基本概念的界定、基本原理的探讨及其对发展蒙医理论体系的作用等。

    The speculation of researching and establishing theory system of somatoplasm about Mongolian medicine include : basic conception , s delimitating of somatoplasm theory , exploration of basic principia , effect of developing theory system of Mongolian medicine and so on .

  26. 基于优势资源创建竞争优势,以“优势资源核心专长核心竞争能力”三个主体因素的战略三角逻辑关系为理论依据,构思创建竞争优势的基本构架。

    This paper puts out the view of nurturing competitive advantages basing on advantageous resources , then discusses the strategic triangle logical relations of three main factors : " advantageous resources the core speciality the core competitive competence ", and forms a basic frame which constructs competitive advantages .

  27. 构建审计基本理论体系的新构思

    New Idea of Constructing Theoretical System of Auditing

  28. 接着对反倾销调查过程中的会计问题进行分析,包括反倾销的会计取证、反倾销调查机构的会计参与、市场经济地位的会计要求,并对应对反倾销的会计理论框架进行了构思。

    Then , we analyze the accounting issues which the antidumping accounting research , which consist of accounting evidence of antidumping , accounting attendance of antidumping agencies , accounting challenge of theory framework which deal with antidumping .

  29. 本研究首先回顾了劳动关系管理的相关理论,然后以桑德沃的劳动关系管理理论模型为基础,提出本研究的理论构思。

    This paper began with a brief overview of theories in this area , followed by a theoretical conceive based on the theory model of Sandver 's labor relations .

  30. 首先,在理论阶段,分别对国内外的观光农业发展概况进行探讨,并与相关理论结合,形成寒地生态观光农业景观规划理论构思。

    First of all , this article explored the development of domestic and foreign tourism agriculture , respectively in the realm of theory , and formed a theoretical conception of landscape planning and design of the eco-tourist agriculture in cold area by combination of correlation theory .