
  • 网络ideal gas equation of state;pv=nrt;the ideal gas law;ideal gas equation
  1. 并根据质量和能量守恒定律及理想气体状态方程以及螺旋桨工作原理建立了船舶推进系统的数学模型。

    And according to the law of conservation of mass and energy , the ideal gas equation of state and the propeller works to establish a mathematical model of ship propulsion systems .

  2. 但是,如环境温度在-100C~25C的低温条件下,理想气体状态方程往往就不能满足实际计算的需要,这就需要低温下能较为正确地描述气体热物性的方程。

    But if the surrounding temperature is between – 100 and 25 centigrade , the ideal gas equation cannot satisfy the practice demand . So the method to describe thermo-physical property under low temperature correctly is required .

  3. N2O4的状态方程&有分解反应的非理想气体状态方程的讨论

    The equation of state for n_2o_4

  4. 本文引入天然气压缩系数Z,对理想气体状态方程进行修正,提高了流量计温压补偿的准确性。

    The natural gas compres - sion factor Z is introduced to modify the perfect gas equation and increase the accuracy of the temperature and pressure compensation for the flow meter .

  5. 本文对推导理想气体状态方程的热力学方法中普适气体常数R的引入,提出了自己的看法,进而明确了该方程在热力学中的公理地位。

    This paper has proposed its opinion on the lead - through of the general constant R in the deductive method of thermodynamics of the state equation for ideal gases , and thus explicates the principled state of the equation in the thermodynamics .

  6. 同时对烧蚀产生的等离子体采用理想气体状态方程,结合HD方程组,模拟计算了喷发过程中压力的空间演化过程。

    The pressure evolution profile of plasma generated by IPIB irradiated Al target with high enough beam energy density has also been calculated by combining the ideal gas model of plasma and HD equations .

  7. 用PV图和TS图讨论理想气体状态方程、热力学第一定律及热容C,其优点较为直观。

    This paper discusses the State Equation for Ideal Gases , the First Law of the Thermodynamics and Heat capacity with the PV figures and TS figures which make it easy to find the heat , work and energy change .

  8. 在输气管高达10MPa的高压下,天然气的热物性若用理想气体状态方程进行分析计算,将会产生很大的误差。

    When high transportation pressure close to 10 MPa , it will bring about large error if calculated by using ideal state equation of gas .

  9. 根据Hugoniot方程、理想气体状态方程、等熵方程、质量和动量守恒方程,计算出爆炸后的冲击波参数,如压力、温度、速度、密度等。

    According Hugoniot equation , ideal-gas equation , entropy equation , mass and momentum equation , we will figure out the C-J parameter of gas-phrase detonating , such as pressure , temperature , velocity and density .

  10. 对采用VDW、RK方程直接求导法和理想气体状态方程的修正式求导法求得的焦耳-汤姆邀系数值与实测值、常规方法所得的值进行了对比。

    The values of Joule-Thomson coefficient derived from VDW and RK equations and the correction formula of state equation of ideal gas are compared with the measured values and the values obtained by conventional methods .

  11. 采用具有补偿因子压缩系数修正的理想气体状态方程,实现对天然气标方计量的计算.工况状态压缩系数的计算由R-K方程近似计算迭代求出,计算误差为0.1%。

    Abstract : Using compensate factor constrictive coefficient to revise perfect gas equation and calculate the measure of natural gas 's standard volume , working 's status compensate factor can make out similar calculate change by R-K equation .

  12. 本文根据理想气体状态方程和Clapeyron-Clausius方程推导出了计算用于霜密度变化的结霜量变化率的公式。

    In the paper , the frost accumulation rate model used to evaluate frost density variation for airside heat finned-tube exchanger under frosting was derived from ideal gas state equation and Clapeyron-Clausius equation .

  13. 关于理想气体状态方程和焦耳定律

    Discussion on the Ideal Gas Equation and Joule 's Law

  14. 理想气体状态方程的统计证明

    A Statistical Proof on the State Equation of Ideal Gas

  15. 塑料密度的测定&理想气体状态方程法

    Determination of Density of Plastics-Equation Law of Ideal Gas State

  16. 略论理想气体状态方程的应用

    A brief talk about application of ideal gas state equations

  17. 对理想气体状态方程的初级修正

    Primary Revise on State of Equation of Perfect Gas

  18. 从建立理想气体状态方程的两条途径谈焦耳定律是否独立

    On the independence of Joule 's law to the state equation of ideal gas

  19. 低温下实际与理想气体状态方程的热物性比较

    The Comparison of Thermo-physical Property Between Real Gas and Ideal Gas Equation Under Low Temperature

  20. 绝对满足理想气体状态方程的气体一定满足焦耳定律。

    The gas which meets the ideal gas equation absolutely will be bound to meet Joule 's law .

  21. 应用理想气体状态方程,对柴油机活塞燃烧室容积的检测方法进行了研究。

    Based on ideal gas equation , the measurement method of diesel engine piston combustion chamber volume was researched .

  22. 如果在研究燃烧机理中仍采用理想气体状态方程,这意味着机理研究中存在不可靠性。

    If the ideal gas state equation has still been used in combustion mechanism , the results may be unreliable .

  23. 应用麦克斯韦速度分布律严格证明了理想气体状态方程。

    The application of Maxwell velocity distribution law rigidly proves that the statistical proof on the state equation of ideal gas .

  24. 应用基于理想气体状态方程的气幕隔震的压力有限元模型,对模型气幕的隔震效果进行了研究。

    The FEM air isolation model based on the state equation of ideal gas is used to study the effects of air isolation .

  25. 利用流体方程、热传导方程和理想气体状态方程构建的方程组,对火花隙开关中高温气体冷却的过程进行了数值模拟。

    The gas temperature decay in gas spark switch after operation is simulated based on fluent equation , thermal conductivity equation and general gas law .

  26. 介绍了测定常见聚乙烯塑料密度的理想气体状态方程法及其其原理。

    The equation law of the ideal gas state for the determination of the density of common PE plastics and the principle of the method are introduced .

  27. 通过对液氮发动机缸内控制边界物理模型的分析,基于热力学第一定律的能量守恒原理和理想气体状态方程,建立了理想的一维的基于时间的液氮发动机缸内工作过程的连续状态数学模型。

    With the analysis of control volume and some assumptions to it , a one-zone , time-dependent mathematic model is obtained based on energy conservation and the ideal gas equation .

  28. 最后,在考虑充填系数的情况下,利用理想气体状态方程,综合分析了充液后夹层的空间体积、平均温度、气体质量的变化,得出了充液后夹层压力的变化规律。

    Finally , using the Ideal-Gas Equation , comprehensively analyzed the change of the interspace volume , average temperature , air mass after filling , get the law of pressure variation .

  29. 实例计算显示,温度越低,理想气体状态方程的准确性越低,一般在低温下工程上选择范德瓦尔方程进行气体性质的计算。

    The example shows that ideal gas equation has less precision when the temperature is lower . Currently Van der Waals equation is recommended to be the gas equation under low temperature .

  30. 建立理想气体状态方程有两条途径,沿第一条途径焦耳定律是独立的,而沿第二条途径则焦耳定律不独立。

    There are two paths for establishment of the state equation of ideal gas , to one path , the Joule 's law is independent , to the other , it is not .