
  • 网络Science geek
  1. 美剧《生活大爆炸》中的几位主角应该是“理工男”群体的最典型代表。

    The heroes in the American TV drama " The Big Bang Theory " might be the most typical representatives of this group .

  2. 组织者表示,通过跨校“调剂”,此次跨校相亲大会旨在为广大理工男提供和外校女生交流的平台。

    The cross-school event aimed to help young men studying at male-heavy polytechnic universities connect with eligible bachelorettes at different schools , organizers said .

  3. 运用“翻沙训练法”对西安理工大学男、女篮球队进行了训练实验。

    The male and female basketball players from Xi an University of Technology were trained with fusing training .