
qiú jīng
  • corm;solid bulb;carmus;bulbodium
球茎 [qiú jīng]
  • [corm] 一种圆粗而变态的地下茎的茎部,具少量膜质或鳞状的叶和芽,在某些单子叶植物中,它起着营养繁殖结构的作用

球茎[qiú jīng]
  1. 内源GA3含量增加伴随着不定芽发生,而JA含量增加伴随着拟球茎发生,内源激素平衡是器官发生方式的关键调空因素。

    Endogenous GA3 content increased with bud formation whilst JA increased with corm development , indicating balance of endogenous hormones a key factor influencing organogenesis pathways .

  2. 在多效唑10mg/kg的培养基上,接种芽的长度不同对球茎形成也有影响,3~5cm的芽球茎形成较早;

    Different length of shoots had some effect on corm formation when the shoots were cultured on the same medium which contained 10 mg / kg paclobutrazol . The inoculated shoots at 3 ~ 5cm formed earlier and larger , too long shoots delayed corm formation relatively .

  3. 据TLC初步分析,原球茎样品有明显的次生代谢产物。

    The secondary metabolites were markedly test from protocorm cultures by TLC analysis .

  4. 只有内源IAA无论是拟球茎还是不定芽形成过程其含量均呈下降趋势。

    Only the content of endogenous IAA decreased consistently in both the two organogenesis pathways .

  5. SandraMason:“好消息是,球茎植物自己会找出来。”

    SANDRA MASON : " The good news is , the bulbs will

  6. 6-BA低浓度促进分化芽,高浓度促进分化原球茎;

    Low and high concentration 6-BA promoted the polarization of bud and PLB respectively ;

  7. 在不同生长素比较试验中,NAA对原球茎的增殖效果明显好于IBA;

    The effect of NAA on multiplication of protocorm was superior to IBA in compared test of plant hormone .

  8. 2,4-D和6-BA,以及2,4-D和KT结合使用均不利于拟原球茎诱导和增殖。

    Combinations of 2,4-D and 6-BA or KT were unfavorable to the induction of the protocorm like bodies .

  9. 富含维生素c的食品包括柑桔类水果和果汁,球茎甘蓝,花椰菜,白豆,红椒和青椒,花茎甘蓝,土豆和甘薯,西红柿,西瓜,密瓜和甜瓜。

    Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices ; brussels sprouts , cauliflower , snow peas , red and green peppers broccoli , white and sweet potatoes , tomatoes , watermelon , honeydew melon and cantaloupe .

  10. 6&BA对原球茎的增殖和分化效果不理想,KT的效果较好;

    The effect on the propagation and differentiation of protocorm-like body of 6 - BA is not ideal and that of KT is better .

  11. 对于类原球茎的增殖,试验采用二次正交旋转组合设计法探讨了五个因素(NAA、蔗糖、麦芽糖、VB1、VB6)对蝴蝶兰类原球茎增殖的影响。

    For multiplication of PLBs , the effects of NAA , Sucrose , Maltose , Thiamine HC1 , Pyridoxin HC1 were examined by orthogonal rotation combination design .

  12. 高浓度NAA和高浓度的6-BA配合使用则会对拟原球茎的分化产生抑制作用。

    However , high concentration of NAA , or 6-BA was inhibitory to the differentiation and growth of the protocorm like bodies .

  13. 蕙兰(Cymbidiumfaberi)原球茎增殖培养条件的研究

    Study on the culture condition of the protocorm propagation in Cymbidium faberi

  14. 块根芹也叫做芹菜根,这个土里长出的生球茎富含大量的纤维,维他命B6以及钾。

    Also known as celery root , this earthy bulb is rich in fiber , vitamin B6 and potassium .

  15. 用不同浓度的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)和叠氮化钠(NaN3)对蝴蝶兰类圆球茎(PLB)作不同时间处理。

    The PLB of Phalaenopsis was treated by EMS and NaN_3 with different concentration and different time .

  16. 本文开展了60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋酶类与球茎品质影响的研究。

    In this paper , effects of () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray on isozymes and qualities of Amorphophallus konjac were studied .

  17. SandraMason:“我喜欢种植比较小的球茎,因为不需要挖太深的洞穴。我们喜欢那一种。”

    SANDRA MASON : " I love planting those because you do not need to dig a very deep hole . We like those ! "

  18. 培养球茎甘蓝(Brassicacaulorapa)的带有花托、花柄和子房的外植体。

    Culturing the explants containing floral receptacles , pedicels and ovaries in Brassica caulorapa , the direct bud organogenesis had been induced .

  19. ACO基因因不同阶段而相对表达量不同,苗阶段比原球茎阶段表达量高。

    The relative expressions of ACO gene were different at the different stages . The relative expression of seedling stage was higher than that at the bulb stage .

  20. 历史提供了不少这样的例子,最早至少可以追溯至17世纪,在当时的郁金香热(TulipMania)中,一些荷兰商人拿出毕生积蓄,就只为购买一个郁金香球茎。

    History provides examples from at least as far back as the 17th century Tulip Mania , when Dutch merchants paid life savings for a single tulip bulb .

  21. 网络商店“美国牧场”的MikeLizotte表示,开始之前,你需要了解应该种植热带球茎植物还是耐寒球茎植物。

    Mike Lizotte of American Meadows , an online store , says before you start , you need know whether to plant tender bulbs or bulbs .

  22. 以金钗石斛的类原球茎体(PLBs)为受体材料,研究了侵染前材料不同创伤处理对农杆菌介导转化频率的影响。

    Effects of different treatment of protocorm-like bodies ( PLBs ) of Dendrobium nobile Lindl before infection on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation frequency were studied .

  23. 研究发现,三种内源激素(GA3、ABA和JA)在形成芽和拟球茎的愈伤组织中含量变化明显不同。

    The alternation of contents of the three endogenous hormones ( GA3 , ABA and JA ), either in the callus that formed CLSs or in the one that differentiated adventitious buds , showed different tendencies .

  24. 若6BA浓度继续下调并与适当浓度NAA相配合,则有利于原球茎生长;低浓度6BA与IBA配合使用有利于分化苗生根。

    If the concentrations of 6-BA decrease and match with NAA properly , endocrines can help growing of protocorm-like bodies , the low concentration of 6-BA matches with IBA and is beneficial to divided-shoots taking roots .

  25. 带有火红条纹的“永远的奥古斯都”(SemperAugustus)是最受欢迎的一种,它的一块球茎售价相当于一个富商年收入的两倍。

    One bulb of the most sought-after variety , the flaming red-striped Semper Augustus , sold for twice the yearly income of a rich merchant .

  26. BA1~2mg/L有利于原球茎分化芽,分化率达100%以上;

    While 1 ~ 2mg / LBA was suitable for bud differentiation of protocorms with bud differentiation rate ;

  27. 结果表明:该制剂处理后的粪肥施用到土壤中,可增加土壤中有机质、NH4~+一N的含量,球茎茴香产量有较大提高。

    The result showed that after the use of manure treated by NU & Plus , higher contents of organic matter and NH_4 ~ + - N in the soil were found , the production of fennel increased obviously . 1 was 5 ~ ( th ) July .

  28. 两年的小区对比试验表明,脱毒种芋在球茎数量和产量上分别比CK增加37.6%~62.6%和20.2%~40.0%,商品芋数增加44.1%~67.6%。

    Plot test showed that the amount and yield of cormels of virus-free taro were increased by 37.6 % ~ 62.6 % and 20.2 % ~ 40.0 % , respectively , and the amount of commodity cormels was increased by 44.1 % ~ 67.6 % .

  29. 同时,随着施钾水平提高,新球茎富集钾的能力、可溶性糖的含量、Vc含量和蛋白质含量也增加,使新球茎作为“代谢库”的功能也增强。

    On the other hand , the ability of the absorbing K , soluble sugars content , vitamin C ( Vc ) content as well as protein content in new-born corms were increased with increasing K concentration , which also strengthened the function of new-born corms to be metabolic sink .

  30. 结果说明GAFP是天麻的一种重要功能蛋白质,是使顶生球茎处于拒菌状态的主要物质。

    It was deduced that GAFP is an important protein functioning in the defense mechanism of rectricting the infection of Armillaria mellea in Gastrodia elata .