
zhū piàn
  • sequin
珠片[zhū piàn]
  1. 他能给自己缝一件缀满珠片的衣服。

    And he can sow one hell of a sequined shirt .

  2. 选一件简单款式晚装,搭配珠片饰物的细节点缀,立即让人眼前一亮。

    Stand out by choosing simple styles with embellished details .

  3. 它们和上身的米色珠片带不相配。

    They do not match the Ivy sequin strips on top of dress .

  4. 把珠片粘在纽扣上作为眼睛。

    Make the eyes by using craft glue to affix sequins to buttons .

  5. 该机是目前国内最先进、实用美观的珠片冲压机。

    With beautiful appearance , this machine is the most advanced sequin punch in domestic .

  6. 永嘉珠片厂是集生产、销售、服务为一体的专业生产压克力珠品系列的厂家。

    Yongjia film-plant production , sales , service as one of professional production line of acrylic-goods manufacturers .

  7. 它是由珠片和珠子手工编织而成,质量可靠,富于质感和立体感,特别适用于童装设计。

    It is made of beads by bead-hand-knit , reliable , full of texture and three-dimensional sense , especially for childrens clothing design .

  8. 陈世英尤其喜欢蝴蝶,这是他作品中常常出现的主题,比如:在“鼓翼的蛱蝶”(Fluttery-PaintedLady)中,蝴蝶与花草一起出现,在“拉格泰姆”(Ragtime)中,蝴蝶火焰般的翅膀用薄如纸张的珠母片做成。

    Mr. Chan particularly loves butterflies , a motif that appears in works such as Fluttery-Painted Lady , patterned with grass and flowers , and Ragtime , with flamelike wings crafted from paper-thin sheets of mother of pearl .

  9. 他又说,最令人振奋的发现是圣骨盒有三粒陶珠,一片叶子,陶土印章及写在树皮上的佛经片段。

    The most exciting find , he added , was a reliquary containing three clay beads , a leaf , clay seals and parts of a Buddhist text written on bark .