
  • 网络cash rate
  1. 与澳大利亚相反,如果无法降低利率,新西兰的现金利率可能会保持不变直到今年第四季度。

    Contrary to Australia , the cash rate is likely to remain unchanged until the fourth quarter of the year when one can not rule out a rate cut .

  2. 央行可能会提高4.5%的隔夜现金利率目标后,明天最积极一轮不变克制零售销售和削减了四分之一按揭贷款。

    RBA will probably leave the overnight cash rate target at4.5 % tomorrow unchanged after the most aggressive round of increases restrained retail sales and slashed mortgage lending by a quarter .

  3. 发行人优选二次抵押贷款,而非夹层融资(mezzanine),是因为后者更贵(12%的现金利率加3%的应付非货币利率),而且通常提前偿还的罚金更高。

    Issuers prefer second-lien to mezzanine , which is more expensive ( 12 % cash plus 3 % Pik ) , and typically carries higher prepayment penalties .

  4. 当前,企业资产负债表上依然有大量现金,利率依然处于极低水平,这让企业可以通过发债筹得廉价资金。

    Corporate balance sheets remain piled high with cash and interest rates are at very low levels , making it cheap to raise bond finance .

  5. 持泡沫论断的专家们现在已经不知所以,因为区域性住宅市场的上升态势及高企的联邦现金储备利率引发一个个购买者的思想斗争。

    A bubble thesis experts now know it , because the regional residential market and rising trend of high interest rates triggered a federal cash reserves of purchasers ideological struggle .

  6. 他们通常都是不受资金限制的买家,而不是需求推动型买家,有些甚至只是因为现金存款利率极低而购入物业。

    They were usually discretionary purchasers rather than needs-driven and some will even have been encouraged into property ownership by the very low rates of return available from their cash on deposit .

  7. 大多数银行的现金账户的利率都会高一些,前提是你能承诺每月花费一定数额的钱。

    Most Banks offer current account 's with higher rate 's of interest if you can commit to paying in a certain amount a month .

  8. 现金的实际利率是持有黄金的机会成本,因此,在利率处于历史低位之际,就更没有什么理由不持有黄金。

    The real interest rate on cash is the opportunity cost of holding gold – so , with rates historically low , there is less reason not to hold gold .

  9. 该基金由电子商务集团阿里巴巴旗下的金融服务子公司运营,向客户提供所需的现金,同时利率也比银行存款高。

    Run by Alibaba , the financial services affiliate of ecommerce group , the fund offers cash on demand but also provides higher interest rates than those available on bank deposits .

  10. 投资,提供诸如股票和物业回报率较高,较容易出现波动的价值比投资在短期内能提供回报率较低,如现金和固定利率。

    Investments that offer higher returns such as shares and property are more prone to value fluctuations over the short term than investments that offer lower returns such as cash and fixed interest .

  11. 在现金垫款贷款的利率变化。

    Cash in advance loan interest rate changes .

  12. 建立以区间现金流、区间利率为基础的经济评估模型;

    Firstly , models based on Interval Cash Flow and Interval Interest for economic evaluation were established .

  13. 他表示,经济学家们揣测,囤积现金的行为在利率达到负0.5%的时候可能就会开始。

    He said that economists had speculated that such cash hoarding might begin once interest rates were around minus 0.5 percent .

  14. 首先建立了区间现金流和区间利率的评估模型,以对现金流的不确定性进行建模处理。

    First , the model of interval cash flow and interval rate is set up to deal with the uncertainty of cash flow .

  15. 狭义的财务风险是指筹资风险,广义的财务风险包括筹资风险、投资风险、现金流量风险、利率风险和汇率风险。

    To a broad sense , it includes the risk of financing , investing , cash flow , interest rate and exchange rate , etc.

  16. 本周,联储突增的现金使得联邦基金利率从雷曼破产后的6%高点,下降到了1%。

    The Fed 's torrent of cash pushed the fed funds rate down to1 % this week , from a high of6 % in the wake of Lehman 's failure .

  17. 上月,瑞银和瑞信对短期现金存款实施负利率,此举旨在制止欧元区危机中寻求避险的投资者将资金注入瑞士。

    Last month , UBS and Credit Suisse imposed negative interest rates on short-term cash deposits in an attempt to stem inflows from investors seeking a haven from the eurozone crisis .

  18. 企业经营者未依前项规定记载利率者,其利率按现金交易价格周年利率百分之五计算之。

    Where business operators fail to specify the interest rates in accordance with the preceding paragraph , the interest rate shall be calculated at5 % per annum of the cash transaction price .

  19. 建立了区间现金流、区间利率的评估模型,推导了基于该模型的评估方法及项目风险的计算方法,给出了根据电价波动信息调整区间现金流的原则和方法。

    First , the concepts of interval cash flow and interval rate are presented to model the uncertainty of cash flow . Then , the evaluation method considering the fluctuation is proposed .

  20. 但是因为许多家庭主妇不能借款,其他家庭主妇极想偿还余下债务和许多企业余留现金,更低的利率可能对经济影响宛如蜻蜓点水。

    But with many households unable to borrow , others keen to pay down debt and many businesses swimming in cash , lower interest rates are likely to have only a modest effect .

  21. 例如,多银行现金管理平台(MBS)和现金池内部优化利率模型。

    Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution ( MBS ) and optimised interest Rate Scheme ( OIRS ) .