
xiàn yì jūn ɡuān
  • officer on active list, officer on active service
  1. 《中华人民共和国现役军官法》对军官的交流做了进一步明确和规范。

    The Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service further clarifies and standardizes the exchange of officers .

  2. 台湾国防部称,没有任何机密情报被泄露,也没有任何现役军官卷入此案。

    The Ministry said no classified information had been leaked and no active duty military were involved in the case .

  3. 现役军官退役的,其军衔予以保留,在其军衔前冠以“退役”。

    When an officer retires from military service , his rank shall be preserved and identified as " retired " .

  4. 他是带着一旅兵的现役军官!难道就打到了天津么?

    He was commanding a brigade on active service & surely they couldn 't have fought their way right up to tientsin ?

  5. 提上议程的还有证券法、现役军官法和兵役法的修订工作。

    Other items on the agenda for the legislature include the revision of the Securities Law , the Law on Officers on Active Service and the Military Service Law .

  6. 征召后备役军人服役第四条军官军衔按照军官的服役性质分为现役军官军衔和预备役军官军衔。

    Article 4 In accordance with the nature of service , the military ranks shall be classified into ranks for officers in active service and ranks for officers in reserve service .

  7. 将科研、工程技术、教育、文艺、卫生等系统的大部分现役军官改为军内文职人员。

    Most of the officers on active duty working in scientific research , engineering , education , literature and arts and public health were reclassified as working in civil positions within the army .

  8. 文职人员是指按照规定的编制聘用到军队工作,履行现役军官(文职干部)同类岗位相应职责的非现役人员。

    Civilian staff is those who employ in military in accordance with the relevant provisions of civil establishment , and perform the obligation of officers in active service who are in the same position . They belong to non-active civilian staff .

  9. 学习和贯彻落实《现役军官职务任免条例》必须把握四条基本脉络:严格规范和执行程序是公正、有序选用军官的基本保证;

    Four basic ideas should be grasped in studying and realizing " Code of Promoting and Removing of Active-duty Officers ": it is the basic guarantee of choosing officers in justice and according to the procedure to carry out the regulations and procedures strictly ;

  10. 退出现役的军官和文职干部;

    Officers and civilian cadres released from active service ;

  11. 他那时是现役海军高级军官。

    He was the senior serving naval officer .