
  1. 他对现代科技一无所知。

    He 's ignorant about modern technology .

  2. 现代科技开阔了我们的眼界,让我们了解了许多事物。

    Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things

  3. 现在,多亏了现代科技,人们可以享受到来自世界各地的食物。

    Now , because of modern technology , food comes from all over the world .

  4. 畜禽用“EM”菌属现代科技生物产品。

    EM for livestock and birds are biological product of modern science and technology .

  5. 现代科技的发展要求蓄电池具有快速充放能力,镍电极活性材料Ni(OH)2的表面改性可以有效改善MHNi电池的大电流充放电性能。

    The large current charge / discharge property of Ni MH battery can be improved by the surface modification of active material Ni ( OH ) 2 for nickel electrode effectively .

  6. 车辆实时位置的确定和定位及状态信息的无线数据传输是车辆监控系统中的关键技术,其中包括GPS技术、GIS技术、无线数据通讯技术、信息融合技术等多种现代科技手段。

    Positioning of vehicle real time location and wireless data transmission of status information are the key technologies of the vehicle monitoring system , including GPS technology , GIS technology , wireless data communication tech-nology and information confluence technology , etc.

  7. 建设中采用遥感、遥测、数据库、地理信息系统(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、互联网(Internet)等现代科技技术来支撑项目的设计和开发。

    Building in the use of Remote Sensing , Telemetry , Database , Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ), Global Positioning System ( GPS ), the Internet ( the Internet ) and other modern technology to support the design and development of the project .

  8. 随着现代科技和MEMS工艺的发展,人们对电感耦合等离子体源的性能提出了更高的要求,所以如何有效地设计电感耦合等离子体源就成为电感耦合等离子体技术中的重点和难点。

    With the rapid development of modern technology and MEMS technique , higher performance is required in the inductively-coupled plasma source ( ICPS ), so it becomes a focus and difficulty how to effectively design ICPS in ICP technology .

  9. 随着现代科技和汽车工业的发展,防抱死制动系统(Anti-lockbrakingsystem)ABS已经成为保证汽车安全性的必备装置,能够很大程度上减少汽车制动时发生故障的概率。

    With the development of modern science and technology and the developing automobile industry ,? Anti-lock braking system ( ABS ) has become the necessary device to ensure auto safety . It can greatly reduce the probability of failure when the auto braking .

  10. 二元光学元件(DOE)在实现光波变换上具有许多卓越的、传统光学难以具备的功能,在现代科技的诸多领域中得到了广泛的应用。

    There are rapid development and extensive applications of Diffraction Optical Elements in modern scientific and technical field , it takes great advantages which the traditional optics not has in optical waves transition .

  11. 随着信息化社会和现代科技的迅速发展,对可以在Si和GaAs器件难以承受的高温环境下工作的电子器件的需求越来越迫切。

    Along with the rapid development of social information and modern scientific technology , the need for electronic devices , which can work under the high temperature environment under which the Si and GaAs devices are hard to work normally , becomes more and more urgent .

  12. 现代科技创新政策发展的四个特点

    On the four characteristics in the development of modern innovation policies

  13. 现代科技发展给人的心理带来的负面影响

    The negative influence of modern S & T on human mind

  14. 现代科技行为道德约束的困境与出路

    On Keeping Scientific and Technical Behavior within the Bounds of Ethics

  15. 现代科技对人的心理影响分析

    Analysis of Psychological Affection to People on Modern Science and Technology

  16. 论现代科技创新的社会环境

    On the Social Environment of Innovation of Modern science and Technology

  17. 现代科技使我们便于疏散。

    Modern teehnology has made it easy for us to decentralize .

  18. 适应新的形势,建立现代科技财务管理系统

    To Set up Financial Management System of Modern S & T

  19. 在现代科技语境中对自然美的重释

    The Reinterpretation of Natural Beauty in Modern Scientific and Technological Language

  20. 矿产资源管理需要现代科技支撑

    The management of mineral resources needs modern science and technology

  21. 现代科技革命与人才发展战略

    Modern science & technology revolution and strategy of talent development

  22. 中国近现代科技文化政策刍议

    An Analysis of Science , Technology and Culture Policy in Modern China

  23. 从现代科技革命看先进制造技术

    Advanced manufacturing technology with modern revolutions of science and technology

  24. 强化现代科技革命与马克思主义课程教学中的三个主要环节

    Three Key Aspects of Strengthening the Course of Contemporary Technology and Marxism

  25. 现代科技革命与劳动价值理论

    Modern Scientific and Technology Revolution and Theory of Labor Value

  26. 大胆吸纳现代科技知识促进中医药理论现代化

    Utilizing modern science and technology to develop the TCM theory

  27. 稀土材料在现代科技中的应用

    Application of Rare Earth Materials in Modern Science and Technology

  28. 理学、《四书》学与儒家文明现代科技文明的人文哲学

    Human Philosophy of the Civilization of Modern Science and Technology

  29. 现代科技何以创造经济价值

    How Modern Science and Technology Create the Economic Value

  30. 物理学的发展与现代科技的进步

    The Development of Physics And the Progress of the Contemporary Science And Technique