
  1. 他的价值论思想是现代性理论的逻辑展开和对现代性问题的不同侧面的思考。

    His axiological thought is the logical outspread of modernity theory .

  2. 本文的主旨在于对吉登斯的现代性理论进行系统的研究。

    This essay is to present an systematic interpretation of Giddens'modernity theory .

  3. 以自我为中心,以闲适为格调&林语堂与中国散文现代性理论

    Lin Yu-tang and Theories on Modern Chinese Prose Modernity

  4. 现代性理论的批判维度及其问题

    Critical Dimensions in Theories of Modernity and Their Problems

  5. 仿像理论是一种历史观,是理解当下发生的历史理论,从这个意义上说,仿像也是一种现代性理论。

    From this point of view , simulacrum is also a theory with modernity .

  6. 结合现代性理论分析他的诗歌,可以发现其中深刻的反现代性特征。

    We can find profound anti-modernity in his poems through the theory of modernity .

  7. 现代性理论对于深刻理解社会主义政治文明有着重大意义。

    Modern theory has an important significance to deeply understand political civilization of socialism .

  8. 现代性理论也为近代诗歌的研究开拓了一个新的艺术视野。

    Modernity theory has opened a new approach to the study of early modern poetry .

  9. 市民社会是马克思现代性理论的重要基础。

    The civil society is an important basis on which Marx developed his theory of modernity .

  10. 论文运用现代性理论第一次提出了蒙古族新女性建构问题。

    The paper uses the modern theory first put forward the Mongolian " New Woman " construct .

  11. 本文主要运用现代性理论对“寻根文学”创作进行了重估。

    The approach to this paper is to apply the theory of modernity to the " Root-seeking " literature .

  12. 因此,运用现代性理论重新界定各种文学思潮,包括启蒙主义,是研究中国文学史的理论前提。

    Redefining the literary trends from the theory of the Modernity , including the Enlightenment is the premise for studying Chinese literary history .

  13. 现代性理论将最终在文学理论、文学史研究和文学批评这三个不同的层面展开。

    It will , therefore , finally spread unfolds itself across the three layer , i.e.literary theory , literary history and literary criticism .

  14. 西方现代性理论是我们反思和解决中国现代性问题的理论借鉴。

    Through studying the history of western modernity theory , we can find some help in reflecting the problem of modernity in China .

  15. 由此出发,本文考察了工业化理论和晚现代性理论、交互影响距离和学习者自主理论和有指导的教学会谈理论等。

    Industrialization theory , late modernity theory , theories of alternative affect distance and learner in independence and instructive conversation theory were discussed .

  16. 现代性理论的跨学科引介,不仅掀起了重写文学史的热潮,而且刷新了20世纪中国文学思潮研究。

    The theory of modernity has promoted the rewriting of Chinese literary history and the study of Chinese literary trends in the 20th century .

  17. 现代性理论揭示了文学思潮的性质,即文学思潮是文学对现代性的反应,具有特定的历史规定性。

    The theory of Modernity discovers the nature of the literary trends , which has its special historical definition as the literary responses to the Modernity .

  18. 本文拟借用现代性理论对黄遵宪诗歌进行一番总体关照,并不揣浅陋地希望以此来深化现代性理论的研究。

    This thesis aims to make an analysis of the modernity issue concerning the poems by Huang and at the same time attempts to deepen the study of modernity theory itself .

  19. 从现代性理论视角考察大学精神,当前尤其需要强调的是个性、学术和责任。

    In the observation of the spirit of universities from the angle of theories on modernity , our efforts should be focused on such aspects as individuality , academic nature and responsibility .

  20. 20世纪末,学术界对西方思想界现代性理论的引进给中国文学史研究带来了崭新的视角,得出了新的结论,使文学史研究得到长足的进展。

    At the end of twenty century , the study of the history of Chinese modern literary get a new eyeshot , get a lot of new conclusion . It make a big progress .

  21. 20世纪80年代至今,现代性理论成为中国思想文化研究中的一大热点,也导致了中国现当代文学研究由革命-政治性叙事话语向现代性-文化叙事话语的转型。

    The theory of modernity has been one focus in the studies of Chinese thoughts and culture since the 1980s . It also leads to the transformation from the revolutionary-political discourse to the modern-cultural discourse .

  22. 从现代性理论的视野上来看,中国哲学史学科是在中国古代世界解体的背景下,出于对现代性问题的感应而产生的。

    From the viewpoint of the theory of Modernity , The history of Chinese philosophy , emerges from its reaction to the question of Modernity under the background of the disintegration of Chinese ancient world .

  23. 吉登斯是当代世界最重要的社会理论家之一,他那带有强烈现实主义色彩的现代性理论使他的思想在当代社会理论界独树一帜。

    Anthony Giddens , one of the most famous social theorists in the world today , his modernity theroy with a strong flavor of realism makes him a unique social theorist in the circle of contemporary social theory .

  24. 尽管现代性理论不应该缺少反思与批判,但它更应该是一个充满积极、欢乐气氛的过程,富有生命阳光的朗照,饱含深切的人文关怀。

    Although the modern theory should not be the lack of reflection and criticism , but it should be a highly motivated , joy , full of life the sun rays to shine , full of deep humanistic concern .

  25. 现代化研究已有60多年历史,产生了许多理论,例如,经典现代化理论、后现代化理论、生态现代化理论、反思性现代化理论、多元现代性理论和第二次现代化理论等。

    There are more than 60 years history and many schools of modernization research , such as classical modernization theory , post-modernization theory , ecological modernization theory , reflexive modernization theory , multiple modernities theory , second modernization theory and so on .

  26. 本论文的研究内容主要从下面四个层面来展开:一、以现代性理论的宏观视野来看,在中国传统文化语境中,底层一直缺乏表述自身的资源和机会。

    This paper studies and develops from the following four aspects : Firstly , from macro-perspective point of view of modernity theory , the bottom society is lacking of the resources and opportunities to express itself in the context of Chinese traditional culture .

  27. 第三至第五章,参考现代性理论中有关自我的理论观点,结合现代女性叙事体现出的主题倾向,提出三个主题对象,进行文本解读。

    The 3 ~ ( th ) to 5 ~ ( th ) chapter puts forward three themes and unscrambles the text by referring the theory viewpoint about self in the modernity theory and combining with the theme tendency reflected by narrative of modern female .

  28. 布伯引进一种以主体间性理论为支撑的现代性理论,区分现代性的我它关系维度与我你关系维度、现代性的行动层级与观念层级、现代性的对话维度与独白维度。

    Martin Buber has introduced a theory of modernity on the basis of the conception of inter-subjectivity to distinguish the dimensions of I-It relationship and I-Thou relationship , the practical level and the conceptual level , and dialogue and monologue in the field of modernity .

  29. 在以二元对立思想为核心的现代性理论框架下,奴隶主利用语言机制对奴隶进行排斥和否定,因此奴隶不仅无法言说痛苦的历史,而且无法构建他们的主体性。

    Within the framework of modernity and with the core concept of binary opposition , slave masters manipulate language mechanism to exclude and deny slaves in their discourses . Thus , the former enslaved blacks can neither speak out their painful past nor constitute their subjectivity .

  30. 最后,本文将研究焦点对准中国司法现代化主题,从反思现代性理论出发,纲要性地阐述了中国司法现代化的反思性要求及其反思重点,明确指出了中国司法现代化的未来方向。

    Finally , the thesis focuses on the topic of modernization of judicature in China , starting with the theory of reflective modernity , elaborates the reflection and major reflection points of judicial modernization in China and points out clearly the future target of judicial modernization in China .