
  • 网络Modern Separation Technology
  1. 现代分离技术在中草药有效成分分离中的研究进展

    Progress of Modern Separation Technology on Separation of Chinese Herbal Medicine Effective Ingredients

  2. 随着现代分离技术的发展,药物化学已成为化学、生物学科学者关注的热点。

    With the development of modern separation technology , the medicinal chemistry has become the hot spot of many scholars .

  3. 现代分离技术在高附加值食品添加剂行业的工业应用

    Purification of High Value-added Food Ingredients by Modern Separation Technologies

  4. 现代分离技术在红霉素提取中的应用

    Application of Modern Separation Technologies in Erythromycin Extraction

  5. 现代分离技术在磷脂酰胆碱分离纯化中的应用多烯磷脂酰胆碱治疗妊娠早期合并肝炎

    Application of New Separation Technologies in Separation and Purification of Phosphatidylcholine Polyene Phosphatidyl Choline for Treating Hepatitis During Early Pregnance

  6. 概述了姜黄色素的组成、理化性质,重点阐述了传统与现代分离技术在姜黄色素提取中的应用及其分析检测技术的研究进展。

    Composition and physicochemical property of curcumin were summarized , and research progress of traditional and modern extractive and detection techniques were introduced emphatically .

  7. 综述了聚乙烯胺在现代分离技术、生物医学、催化以及造纸、表面改性、污水处理等领域的应用。

    Its application in various fields such as modern separation technology , biomedicine , catalysis , papermaking , surface modification and treatment of wastewater is reviewed .

  8. 同时,在新工艺流程中,采用萃取、超滤等现代分离技术提取菜籽油与菜籽蛋白质,不仅可以得到高质高量的菜油,还可以得到优质的菜籽蛋白质。

    By using a series of modern technology such as extraction and ultrafiltration , both the high quality of rapeseed oil and the rapeseed protein with high quality and quantity could be obtained with this new technology .

  9. 对以沉淀、透析、超滤和溶剂萃取为代表的传统分离技术,以及色谱,电泳等现代分离技术的发展概况、原理、特点及应用进行了综述。

    In this paper , the progress , theories , features and applications of the traditional separation techniques ( such as sedimentation , dialysis , ultrafiltration and extraction ) and the modern separation techniques ( such as chromatography and electrophoresis ) were summarized .

  10. 本研究通过对多种现代分离技术的集成,构建了中药系统分离制备的标准化平台,并制定了一系列标准操作规范控制提取分离过程。

    A systematic and standard platform for separation and preparation of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been con - structed by integration of multiple modern separation technologies . A series of standard operation protocols ( SOPs ) was carried out to control the extraction and separation procedures .

  11. 现代分离分析技术与银杏叶提取物中生物活性成分的研究

    Studies on modern separation techniques and the bioactive components in gingko leaf extract

  12. 现代提取分离技术在食药用菌多糖分离纯化中的应用

    Application of Modern Extraction and Separation Technologies in Isolation and Purification of Polysaccharide from Edible-Medicinal Fungi

  13. 方法:采用现代分离提取技术从啤酒废酵母中分离纯化出酵母胞壁多糖;

    Methods : Pure polysaccharide was isolated and purified with modern technique from brewer 's yeast mud .

  14. 亲和色谱是一种利用生物大分子和固定相表面存在某种特异性亲和力,选择性地分离目标分离物的现代分离纯化技术。

    Affinity chromatography is a technology of separation and purification , by taking advantage of specific affinity between biological macromolecules and the solid phase surface .

  15. 在提取和分离两部分中,对传统和现代提取分离技术作了总结归纳和比较。

    In withdraws and separates in two parts , has made the summary induction and the comparison to the tradition and the modern extraction isolation technique .

  16. 介绍了高效导向筛板、新型高效填料、超临界流体萃取等现代化工分离技术及其在清洁生产和废物处理方面的应用。

    Several modern separation technologies , such as Linde sieve tray with high performance , new type of packing material with high performance , supercritical fluid extraction and so on are introduced , and their application in cleaner production and waste treatment are described .

  17. 现代填料塔分离技术进展与应用

    The Progress and Applications of Morden Packed Tower Separation Technique

  18. 综述了色谱技术作为现代高效分离分析技术在中药药效物质基础研究和中药质量控制中的重要作用。

    The application of chromatography , a modern technology for highly efficient separation and analysis in the research of therapeutic basis matter and quality control of traditional chinese medicine ( TCM ), is summarized .

  19. 现代生物工程分离提取技术在海洋生物资源开发上的应用

    The Application of Modern Separation Biotechnology on the Development of Marine Resource

  20. 现代加工技术如膜技术、超临界萃取、现代果蔬汁加工、酶技术、生物发酵、现代分离提取技术、现代生物技术等使得产品加工已发展成为集约化、自动化生产的现代工业化生产;

    These techniques include the use of plastic films for isolation , supercritical extraction , modern fruit and vegetable juice production , enzyme utilization , bio fermentation , modern isolation , modern biotechnology , etc.