
huán jìng gōng chéng
  • Environmental Engineering;Environment Engineering;civil and environmental engineering
  1. BP神经网络及其在城市环境工程地质研究中的应用

    BP model of neural network theory and its application to urban environmental engineering geology

  2. 在GIS支持下,建立了城市环境工程地质质量评价因子数据库。

    Aided by GIS technology , the database of assessment factors of urban environmental engineering geology is built .

  3. 巴塞罗那地区环境工程主管马克·蒙特列欧表示,“吸血鬼模式”就是采用了“最高精度的算法”来实现的。

    Marc Montlleo , director of environmental projects at Barcelona Regional , said the vampire mode was created from taking " the most extreme form of the data algorithm " .

  4. 岩石掘进机(TBM)穿越板岩和碳酸盐岩接触带引发的环境工程地质问题分析

    Environmental engineering geological problems in TBM tunneling at contact zone between slate and carbonate

  5. UC伯克莱土木与环境工程系本科教学计划浅析

    A brief analysis of the undergraduate program of civil and environmental engineering department , UC Berkeley

  6. RH分布式微机控制系统是北京清华人工环境工程公司开发的产品,由中央管理工作站、现场控制机、通讯系统三部分组成。

    RH distributed microcomputer control system consists of central management working station , field control computer , communication system .

  7. 而据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)预测,截至2020年,环境工程专业的就业将增长22%,高于平均水平(而且,环境工程师目前的平均收入约为80000美元)。

    As for environmental engineering , the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects faster-than-average employment growth of 22 % by 2020 ( and notes that environmental engineers currently earn a median salary of around $ 80,000 ) .

  8. 使用向日葵修复高浓度Cu污染土壤时,还需考虑采用其他手段接种根际微生物、转基因、设施农业环境工程技术等来增加其生物产量。

    So when sunflower is used to remediate copper-contaminated soil , other means such as inoculation of rhizospheric microorganisms , transgenic , agro-biological environmental engineering technique , and so on should be considered to increase its biomass .

  9. TiO2纳米薄膜在光催化、传感、环境工程等领域具有广阔的应用前景,本文根据国内外的研究报道及作者对TiO2纳米薄膜的研究,简单地介绍了它的制备方法和应用。

    TiO2 nanometer thin film has wide applications in photocatalysis , sensing and environmental project . Preparation and application of TiO2 nanometer thin film were discussed in this paper .

  10. 脉冲电源在环境工程领域应用综述

    A Survey of The Applications Of Pulsed Power In Environment Engineering

  11. 浅论我国环境工程专科教学改革的途径

    On Teaching Reform 's Ways in Environment Engineering Major in China

  12. 能源开发引起环境工程地质问题与可持续发展

    Geological Problems of Environmental Engineering Caused by Energy Exploitation Sustainable Development

  13. 导弹武器系统环境工程中的高加速寿命试验

    High Accelerated Life Test in Environmental Engineering of Missile Weapon System

  14. 浅谈监理工程师的环境工程监理工作

    Preliminary Discussion on Supervisor ′ s Duty in Environmental Project Implementation

  15. 环境工程专业教学内容体系探讨

    Discussion on the Teaching Content System of the Environment Engineering Major

  16. 由环境工程项目看环境绩效审计

    On Environmental Performance Auditing According to the Environmental Engineering Projects

  17. 关于建立环境工程监理制度的思考与建议

    Thinking and Suggestion about Building up Environmental Project Supervision System

  18. 黄河小浪底水库环境工程地质评价

    The Enviromental Engineering Geological Evaluation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir on The Yellow River

  19. 城市土地可持续利用中的环境工程地质研究

    Study on the Environmental Engineering Geology in Sustainable Utilization of Urban Land

  20. 结构强度与环境工程专业技术的回顾和发展

    Review and Prospect for the Structural Strength and Environmental Engineering

  21. 火电厂粉煤灰场的岩土环境工程问题

    Geo-environmental Problems of Fly-ash Storing Engineering in Thermal Power Plants

  22. 城市环境工程地质图基本要素与编制原理

    Basic key elements and compiling principles of urban environmental engineering geological map

  23. 地下水环境工程&水文地质学发展的一个新动向

    Groundwater environmental Engineering-A new trend in the development of hydrogeology

  24. 环境工程地质学的研究体系和方法探讨

    Discussion on Research System and Method of Environment Engineering Geology

  25. 滨海城市环境工程地质问题的系统防治研究

    Study on systematic control of environmental engineering geological problems at coastal cities

  26. 农业部生态农业环境工程重点开放实验室浙江大学农业生物环境工程研究所杭州浙大博奥生物环境工程有限公司

    Key Laboratory of Eco-Agriculture Environmental Engineering , Ministry of Agriculture , China

  27. 试论环境工程地质学的科学性质与学科发展

    On the science property and the subject advance of environmental engineering geology

  28. 燕山水库的主要环境工程地质问题

    Principal problem of environmental engineering geology of Yanshan Reservoir

  29. 秦岭山区的环境工程地质问题

    Problems of environmental engineering geology in Qinling Mountain Area

  30. 走向可持续发展的规划设计&人类聚居环境工程体系化

    Towards Sustainable Planning and Design ── Systematization of Environmental Engineering for Human Settlements