
  • 网络environmental engineering microbiology;Microbiology of Environmental Engineering;Environment Engineering Microbiology;Environmental Microbiology
  1. 在《环境工程微生物学》课程教学中,教师应充分挖掘教材的思想性,在教学内容中渗透素质教育。

    In the material of Microbiology of Environmental Engineering teaching , the idea of the teaching material should be excavate sufficiently in order to infiltrate quality education in science education .

  2. 运用综合手段提高学生创新能力&对环境工程微生物学课程教学改革的探讨

    Application of integrated approaches to promote teaching reform of environmental engineering microbiology course and to improve innovation capacity of students

  3. 高职专科《环境工程微生物学》理论教学的研究

    Teaching Research on Environment Project Microbiology for Environment Project Majors in Vocational College

  4. 环境工程微生物学是环境工程专业的主干必修课,环境工程微生物学实验是理论课的主要组成部分。

    Environmental Engineering Microbiology is the main required course in Environmental Engineering Specialty and experiment teaching is its important component .

  5. 那场比赛双方水平悬殊环境工程微生物学课程采用双语教学,可促进师生了解国外教学内容,提高英语水平。

    The application of bilingual teaching in environmental engineering microbiology can promote both teachers and students to know foreign teaching contents and improve English standard .

  6. 通过几年来的环境工程微生物学实验教学的探索和实践,在教学思想、教学方法等方面积累了一些经验。

    Through the explorations and practice in the experiment teaching of environmental engineering microbiology , experiences were achieved in such fields as teaching thoughts and methods .

  7. 结合多年教学实践,从实验教学计划、教学内容、教学手段和实验考核评价体系等多方面对环境工程微生物学实验教学进行了改革和调整,增设了综合设计性实验,研制了实验多媒体课。

    Based on experiences of teaching practice , reformation and regulation has been done on teaching plan , teaching contents , teaching methods , evaluation system of experimental test with adding integrated and designed experiment , developing multimedia courseware .