
  • 网络Environmental Trade Barrier;environment barrier;Environmental Barrier
  1. 环境保护本来是以保护自然环境和人类健康为目的的活动,但它被贸易保护主义者演变为贸易环境壁垒。

    The environmental protection is the activity for protecting the natural environment and human beings . But , now it has been developed into an international environmental trade barrier by protectionists .

  2. 近年来,以环境壁垒而导致的贸易纠纷己成为国际贸易中的一大特点。

    Recent years , trade dispute caused by environment barrier has became a great characteristic in international trade .

  3. 所以,我国作为WTO的成员国,无论是国家还是企业都要采取有效的办法来应对环境壁垒。

    Now , our country has become one of the members of WTO , not only our country but also our enterprise must adopt the valid way to cope with the environment barriers .

  4. 技术-环境壁垒的引致成本及其价格-数量控制机制

    The Induced Cost of Technical-environmental Barrier and its Price-quantity Controlling Mechanism

  5. 加快绿色化工认证,克服环境壁垒

    Develop the authentication of chemical Green Mark , Surmount the Environmental Wall

  6. 国际贸易中环境壁垒对我国的影响及法律对策

    The Influence of Environment Barriers on China in the International Trade and the Relevant Countermeasures

  7. 国际贸易中的环境壁垒简析&兼谈我国的应对措施

    Analysis of Environment Barriers in International Trade

  8. 目前,环境壁垒已经成为我国农产品对外贸易最大的障碍。

    Trying to find out the best way to breakthrough the environment barrier in international trading of agricultural products .

  9. 另外,环境壁垒一直被认为是新贸易保护主义所采取的一种贸易保护政策的新形式,其阻碍了贸易自由化的发展。

    Otherwise , environmental barrier has been considered as a new form of trade 's protections and blocks the development of trade liberalization .

  10. 针对欧盟环境壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响,提出对策。

    In view of the effect of EU green barrier on the export of our agricultural products , the paper proposes some countermeasures .

  11. 新型非关税壁垒,包括技术壁垒、环境壁垒和社会壁垒,是贸易保护主义在经济中的现实反映。

    The new non-tariff barrier , including the technical barrier , the environment barrier and the social barrier , is the trade protectionism in the economical reality reflection .

  12. 面对国际贸易的环境壁垒,利用西部后发优势,大力倡导发展特色经济;

    Facing the environmental barrier of international trade , we can utilize forthcoming advantage of the west to advocate the development of characteristic economy in a more cost-effective manner .

  13. 但也暴露了不少问题:产业层次低,产品低价恶性竞争,自主创新能力差,核心技术缺乏,在国际贸易中经常遇到技术壁垒、环境壁垒等。

    At the same time , many problems still exist , such as low industry-level , low cost competition , low independent innovation ability , lack of core technology , technical barriers and environmental barriers in the international trade .

  14. 绿色壁垒,又称环境壁垒,它是以保护自然资源,生态环境和人类健康为名,通过制定一系列苛刻的环境标准来对来自其他国家和地区的产品设置障碍,限制其进口。

    Green trade barrier , also called the environment barrier , it protects the natural resource , the ecological environment and the human health to formulate a series of harsh environment standard to set barriers to limit products which come from other countries .

  15. 论WTO框架下的环境贸易壁垒

    On Environmental Trade Barrier in Range of WTO

  16. 基于WTO规则的环境贸易壁垒研究

    The Research on Trade Barrier by WTO Rules

  17. 前者主要包括:环境贸易壁垒与WTO基本原则的冲突,现有解决方案述评,以及调适合冲突的思路设计。

    Former mainly includes : Environment trade barrier and WTO basic principle conflict , existing solution commentary , as well as WTO solution conflict mentality design .

  18. 如何应对发达国家的环境保护壁垒

    How to Deal with the Environment Protection Barriers of the Developed Countries

  19. 环境贸易壁垒及其法律对策研究

    Legal Thinking on Countermeasures for Environmental Trade Barrier

  20. 中小企业应对环境贸易壁垒的可能路径

    Possible ways of solving environmental barrier

  21. 环境贸易壁垒即绿色贸易壁垒已成为一种新的贸易保护形式。

    The environment trade barriers , i.e the green trade barriers , has become one of new trade protection forms .

  22. 然后对环境贸易壁垒的概念、外在形式与法律体制作了进一步的阐述;

    Then to the environment trade barrier concept , the external form and the legal body has manufactured the further elaboration ;

  23. 美国良好的投资环境与贸易壁垒形成了明显的区位优势;

    The favorable investment environment and the increased import barriers constitute the obvious location advantage of the United States .

  24. 南北贸易中的环境保护和绿色壁垒

    Environmental Protection and Green Barriers in South-North Trade

  25. 该文分析了绿色产品,环境保护和绿色壁垒的关系。

    This paper analyzes the relations between green production , environmental protection and green barriers .

  26. 绿色包装是环境保护和绿色壁垒的重要方面,本文深入论证了绿色包装的概念,并从法律角度探讨了绿色包装的特征。

    Green Package is one of the important points of environmental protection and Green Forts . The article concludes the conception of Green Package , and analyses it 's law characteristics .

  27. 因此,我们应该依据国际规则,保护环境,突破环境壁垒,促进环境和贸易的可持续发展。

    Therefore , what we should do is , in accordance with international regulations , protect environment , break up environmental barrier , promote the sustainable development of both environment and trade .

  28. WTO的环境政策法规和环境贸易壁垒争端的解决机制

    Using the Laws , Regulations and the Mechanism of DSB of WTO to Solve the Environmental Trade Barrier we Face after China Join the WTO

  29. 同时,企业应主动采取出口国使用的环境标志制度,加强对环境标志壁垒的识别并坚定其立场。

    Meanwhile , enterprises should take the initiative taken by exporting countries to use environmental labeling system , strengthening of environmental labeling and identification of barriers to firm its position .

  30. 如何解决这种约束与影响带来的不利因素,在可持续发展的战略目标框架下协调环境与贸易的关系,突破环境壁垒,推进我国在国际贸易中的发展,是一个需要认真思考的问题。

    It is a subject need to think over earnestly how to attack unfavorable factors which the limitation and influence brought , to coordinate relation between environment and trade under the frame of continuing development strategy target , to break environment barrier and promote development of international trade of China .