
  • 网络Wong Kar-wai;Wong Kar Wai;Kar Wai Wong;WKW
  1. 今年1月,该公司称,其首个电影项目将由导演王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)加盟。

    In January it said that its first film project would involve director Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  2. 阿里影业1月份表示,其首部电影将与两大明星合作:制片人王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)。

    In January it said its first film will be a collaboration with two big stars : producer Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  3. 香港导演王家卫执导的功夫电影《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)领跑今年金马奖(GoldenHorseAwards)入围名单,共获得11项提名,其中包括最佳剧情片提名和最佳导演提名。

    Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai 's martial-arts drama ' The Grandmaster ' tops this year 's Golden Horse Awards nominations with 11 nods , including best feature film and best director .

  4. 导演王家卫在上台领奖时专门悼念了该片的一位武术指导鞠坤,鞠坤是失联的马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班上的一位乘客。

    Director Wong Kar Wai used his stage time to remember Ju Kun , one of the movie 's action choreographers and a passenger aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines3786.KU - 2.38 % Flight 370 .

  5. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  6. “这些人现身,然后在大段的章节中消失。”(王家卫在举例时提到了作家金庸。王家卫1994年出品的影片《东邪西毒》(AshesofTime)就改编自金庸小说《射雕英雄传》(TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes)。)

    People turn up , then depart the story for long passages . ' ( As an example , he noted the writer Louis Cha , whose many novels included ' The Legend of the Condor Heroes , ' which Mr. Wong adapted in his 1994 film ' Ashes of Time . ' )

  7. 经过了10年的筹备和三年的拍摄,王家卫执导的《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)本周二在中国内地上映。有关这部电影能否达到观众较高预期的疑问一直挥之不去,但在影片上映后马上无影无踪。

    After a decade of preparation and three years of filming , Wong Kar-wai 's ' The Grandmaster ' opened in China on Tuesday , and any lingering questions over whether the movie would live up to its lofty expectations immediately evaporated .

  8. 不过,王家卫是一位独立导演,并非家喻户晓。2012年时装学院的“夏帕瑞丽和普拉达:不可能的对话”展(SchiaparelliandPrada:ImpossibleConversations)聘请出名得多的好莱坞导演巴兹·吕尔曼(BazLuhrmann)担任创意顾问,但那次展览没这么热门。

    But Mr. Wong is an independent director as opposed to a household name , and when Baz Luhrmann , a much more recognizable Hollywood figure , was the creative consultant on an earlier Costume Institute show , 2012 " s " Schiaparelli and Prada : Impossible Conversations , " it wasn 't nearly the same hot ticket .

  9. 作为一个演员,王家卫给我指出了完全不同的方向。

    Wong gave me a completely different direction as an actress .

  10. 科林:我喜欢王家卫那部叫《重庆森林》的电影。

    Colin : I loved the Wong Kar-wai film called Chungking Express .

  11. 王家卫不让我回家。

    And Wong wouldn 't let me go home .

  12. 王家卫在评价梁朝伟的专业精神和工作激情时称其为罕见。

    Mr. Wong called Mr. Leung 's professionalism and passion ' rare . '

  13. 艺术与票房之间的王家卫

    Wang Jia-wei between the Art and the Box Office

  14. 阅读王家卫:行走在现代与后现代之间的孤傲身影

    Interpreting Wang Jiawei : An Uncompromising Figure in between Modernistic and Post-Modern Films

  15. 王家卫说:你能感到他们是谦逊而温和的。

    ' You realize they are humble and gentle , ' he said .

  16. 王家卫钟爱重复使用主题,而《一代宗师》也不例外。

    Wong is a fan of recurring themes and The Grandmaster is no exception .

  17. 另一个巨大的灵感,是屡获殊荣的香港导演王家卫的工作。

    Another huge inspiration is award-winning Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar Wai 's work .

  18. 那是王家卫的风格。

    That 's Wong Kar Wai 's style .

  19. 王家卫导演也邀请他出演他的新作《繁花》。

    Wong Kar-wai will also cast Wu in his upcoming film , titled Blossoms .

  20. 影片中也有现在为人们熟悉的王家卫式的嘲讽。

    Also featuring the now-customary Wong Kar-wai spoofs .

  21. 王家卫则是香港一位十分另类的电影人。

    While Wong Kar-Wai is a very different type of film maker in Hong Kong .

  22. 王家卫电影语言探讨

    Discussion on Wang Jiawei 's Film Language

  23. 在2009年该片正式开拍之前,导演王家卫花了十年的时间筹备、搜集资料。

    Mr. Wong spent a decade researching the movie before he began filming in 2009 .

  24. 他将出现在王家卫即将上映的电影《繁花》中。

    He 's set to appear in Wong Kar-wai 's upcoming film " Blossoms . "

  25. 王家卫,开往2046

    Wang Jiawei 's Movie , 2046

  26. 王家卫说:(参与电影拍摄的)每一个人都训练得很刻苦。

    ' Everyone [ on the film ] trained very hard , ' Mr. Wong said .

  27. 解读另类导演王家卫的影像风格

    On Wang Jiawei 's Movie Style

  28. 王家卫差点错过今年在戛纳电影节放映自己的电影。

    Wong Kar Wai almost missed his own movie screening at the Cannes Film Festival this year .

  29. 说王家卫的电影难懂,这一点都不夸张。

    It 's more than fair to say that Wong Kar-wai 's movies are not easy to understand .

  30. 但是她第一个“真正表演的角色”是王家卫1988年首执导筒的《旺角卡门》。

    But her first " real acting job " was in Wong Kar Wai's1988 debut , As Tears Go By .