
dú zī qǐ yè
  • Sole proprietorship;solely foreign-owned enterprises;individual ownership
  1. 外商独资企业可以自行提供对外担保,无需得到外汇局逐笔批准。

    Solely foreign-owned enterprises may provide foreign guaranty at their own discretion without the need of approval by the administration of foreign exchange for each amount .

  2. H汽车零部件有限公司(以下简称H公司)是一家外商独资企业。

    H Auto Parts Manufacturing Co Ltd ( hereinafter refer to as H Company ) is a wholly foreign owned company in China .

  3. 根据中国法规,外国集团要设立外商独资企业,必须向中国国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationforIndustryandCommerce)申请营业执照。

    Under Chinese regulations , foreign groups that want to set up a WFOE must apply for a business licence from the State Administration For Industry and Commerce .

  4. RI成立于1996年,属于日本独资企业。

    Rl was established in 1996 , belongs to Japanese invested enterprise .

  5. 本人实习所在的公司是一家专注于移动通信和多媒体终端的Soc设计的高科技外商独资企业。

    I internships where the company is a focus on mobile communication and multimedia terminal Soc design of high-tech foreign-owned enterprises .

  6. 第一,本文从微观FDI企业(独资企业和合资企业)层面对中国FDI进入模式与所有权安排的影响因素进行了实证分析;

    Firstly , it empirically explains determinants of entry mode choice and ownership structure in FDI enterprises ( wholly foreign-owned subsidiaries vs. equity joint ventures ) .

  7. 上海SN公司是一家美国独资企业的子公司,其主营业务为珩磨机床的制造和销售。

    The company of Shanghai SN is an American owned company subsidiary . The main business is honing machine tool manufacture and sale .

  8. 包括贝莱德(BlackRock)和法国巴黎投资管理公司(BNPPIP)在内的基金管理公司,正通过自己在中国的独资企业向机构投资者提供咨询服务。

    Fund houses such as BlackRock and BNP Paribas Investment Partners ( BNPP IP ) are offering advisory services to institutional investors via their WFOEs .

  9. 法律实体的形成-外商独资企业(WFOE),合资企业和代表处登记。

    Legal Entity Formation-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises ( WFOE ), Joint Ventures and Representative Office registration .

  10. 本论文以PP公司为背景,研究和论述了PP公司在从一个私营企业转变为一个外商独资企业后,针对公司旧的薪酬体系问题而进行的薪酬体系改革全过程。

    This paper is basis on the problem of compensation system in PP company , study and discuss the whole compensation system reform process after the PP company convert to a foreign company from a private enterprise .

  11. HW饲料科技有限公司是一家专业的预混料生产外商独资企业,主要产品是预混合饲料,其次为浓缩料。

    HW Feed Technology Limited Company is a foreign solely-invested enterprise . Its main product is premixed feed and the second is concentrated feed .

  12. B公司是澳大利亚最大的钢铁企业H集团下属的B多国公司在中国投资的外商独资企业。

    B Company is a foreign investment company under B multi-country Company , which belonging to the H Steel Group , the largest Steel enterprise in Australia . But the technology innovation of enterprises is so weak as to match with multi-country companies in China .

  13. 本文选取了日商独资企业的RI作为研究的对象,对其现有薪酬体系存在的问题和改革方向进行了研究。

    This article selected a Japanese invested enterprise , Rl to be the object of research , take the research to its existing salary system existence question and the reform direction .

  14. 德国独资企业,来自德国,服务中国。

    German invested enterprise , From Germany , service in China .

  15. 《个人独资企业法》调整主体范围浅议

    On Limits of Subject in Law of Individual Sole investor Enterprise

  16. 比较个人独资企业,合伙企业,公司制企业的特色。

    Compare the features of proprietorships , partnerships , and corporations .

  17. 相应地,外商独资企业、中外合资企业等跨国公司所面临的管理问题也日益突显。

    Accordingly , management problems of multi-national companies are gradually discovered .

  18. 质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。

    Pledgee is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in China .

  19. 笔者将个人独资企业的变更分为商事变更与民事变更。

    Individual proprietorship enterprises can group into commercial changes and civil changes .

  20. 个人独资企业、合伙企业纳税义务主体的思考

    Some reflections and suggestions on individual enterprises and partnerships as taxpayers Enterprises

  21. 设立独资企业不需要采取法律行动,因此易于启动。

    They require no legal action and are consequently easy to start .

  22. 我们是一家美国外商独资企业在北京的全资子公司。

    This is a subsidiary company of an American WOFE in Beijing .

  23. 外商能在中国建立独资企业吗?

    Can foreign businessmen establish enterprise in china with their own capital ?

  24. 本公司系1996由美国投资的外商独资企业。

    This company is a US-founded enterprise set up in1996 .

  25. 这些可以是合资企业、作企业或外商独资企业。

    These can be joint ventures , cooperative enterprises or wholly foreign-owned operations .

  26. 预算在广州某外商独资企业的应用研究

    Study on Application of Budgeting in a Foreign Solely Invested Company in Guangzhou

  27. 企业最简单的形式是个人企业或独资企业。

    The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship .

  28. 广联国际贸易(上海)有限公司是一家外资独资企业。

    Grand Allied Partners ( Shanghai ) is a wholly invested foreign enterprise .

  29. 私人兼并和收购的国有独资企业,是什么结果?

    Private mergers and acquisitions of state-owned enterprises , what are the results ?

  30. 一人公司和个人独资企业不能互相取代。

    One-man company cannot replace sole proprietorship each other .