
  • 网络Independent Film;indie;Indie Movie
  1. 目前,他是北京电影学院教授,并著《看不见的影像》和《一个人的影像:DV完全手册》等书,讲述中国独立电影。

    Zhang is currently a professor at Beijing Film Academy , and has authored the books Invisible Images and All about DV , regarding Chinese independent film .

  2. 联合睿康在周四表示,其子公司睿康股份(ReconHolding)将收购千禧年影业51%的股权。千禧年影业是阿维?勒纳(AviLerner)和特雷弗?肖特(TrevorShort)于1996年成立的一家独立电影制作公司。

    Recon said on Thursday that its Recon Holding subsidiary was acquiring a 51 per cent stake in Millennium , an independent film producer founded in 1996 by Avi Lerner and Trevor Short .

  3. 目前,只有少数几个组织,如佛蒙特州的非营利机构“美洲媒体倡议”(americasMediaInitiative),在美国发行古巴的独立电影。

    Currently , only a few organizations , like the Vermont nonprofit americas Media Initiative , distribute Cuban independent films in the United States .

  4. 他的怀孕的妻子盛京(Seong-kyeong)被广受欢迎的韩国独立电影女演员郑有美(Seong-Yumi)所饰演,这个角色也展现了孕妇的力量。

    His pregnant wife Seong-kyeong was played by acclaimed Korean indie film actress Jung Yu-mi , conveying strength in her delicate condition .

  5. 通过一部短电影《候选人》(TheCandidate)捞金12.7万英镑,另外还有一部独立电影《堕落指南》创造11.4万英镑的收入。

    She is also reported to have netted a further £ 127000 for short film The Candidate and £ 114000 for an independent movie , The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down .

  6. VFS的毕业学生,许多已是独立电影制片,动画师,艺术家,作家,演员,设计师,以及才华经理人,从不同领域里引领影响今日的全球娱乐产业。

    VFS graduates include many of the filmmakers , animators , artists , writers , actors , designers , and talent managers who shape today 's global entertainment industry .

  7. 虽然在大制作影片《魔境仙踪》和《与梦露的一周》都非常成功,但Michelle还是要回到独立电影产业中去,她正着手重拍2009年的意大利惊悚片片《双重时间》。

    Though she 's had success with major films like Oz and My Week With Marilyn , Michelle will soon be getting back to her independent-movie roots as she begins filming a remake of the 2009 Italian film The Double Hour .

  8. 当选的还有《房间》的女主角布丽·拉尔森、独立电影《45周年》的女主演夏洛特·兰普林(CharlotteRampling)和《布鲁克林》的女主演西尔莎·罗南(SaoirseRonan)。

    Also selected were Brie Larson from " Room , " Charlotte Rampling from the indie drama " 45 Years " and Saoirse Ronan from " Brooklyn . "

  9. 多产的独立电影导演小阿多弗•亚历克斯(AdolfoAlixJr.)执导的这部影片讲述的是二战期间,被日军俘虏的菲律宾和美国士兵被迫忍受恶劣的条件,在死亡、疾病和饥饿的威胁下的悲惨遭遇。

    Prolific indie director Adolfo Alix Jr. " s World War II drama is about how Philippine and U.S. soldiers are forced to endure brutal conditions at the mercy of the Japanese army , and their downward spiral amid death , disease and starvation .

  10. 27岁的汤姆-库伦曾在2011年获得英国独立电影奖最有前途新人奖。此次,他将出演Gillingham爵士,唐顿庄园一家的老朋友。他的出现将会使大小姐重展笑颜。

    Cullen , 27 , who was named most promising newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards in 2011 , will play Lord Gillingham , an old family friend whose appearance could raise a smile from the face of the cynical Lady Mary .

  11. 当代美国独立电影的类型化转向

    The Genre - Transform ation of the Independent Films in USA

  12. 你是更喜欢大片呢,还是更喜欢独立电影?

    Do you prefer blockbusters or independent ( indie ) films ?

  13. 尤其是独立电影,它们可以借此提高身价。

    Independent films , in particular , get a lift .

  14. 我拍了外国独立电影《戈雅之灵》,

    I made Gotya 's Ghost , a foreign independent film

  15. (《疯狂店员》:美国大受好评的小众独立电影)伙计,一切还好吗,威尔?

    Hey , man , yo , is everything okay , Wil ? '

  16. 独立电影终于起死回生了

    Independent films are at last recovering from the slump

  17. 美国独立电影主要是指区别于好莱坞主流制片厂生产的电影。

    American independent films are different from the films produced by Hollywood mainstream studios .

  18. 《阳台》是其在栗宪庭独立电影学校第一期学习时的结业作品。

    Porch is his graduate work in first Lixianting independent film school training session .

  19. 尼德霍夫现年三十二岁,独立电影制片人,也是一名小说家。

    Niederhoffer is thirty-two and is a producer of independent movies as well as a novelist .

  20. 过去几年里,独立电影的票房就像低成本的恐怖电影一样惨淡。

    For the past few years the independent film business has resembled a low-budget horror movie .

  21. 六大电影公司中有三个关闭了专门买进独立电影的子公司。

    Three of the six major studios axed subsidiaries that had specialised in buying independent films .

  22. 独立电影的复苏有助于降低其制作成本。演员们的片酬依旧不高。

    It helps that films have become cheaper to make . Actors'salaries remain depressed , and .

  23. 独立电影的复兴

    The revival of independent film

  24. 但国际独立电影在中国面临的经济环境则有所不同,使得通过电影院发行更为艰难。

    But the economics of international independent cinema has changed , making distribution through movie theaters tougher .

  25. 我猜你只看那种制作成本低廉,没多少价值的独立电影。

    I bet you only watch indie films made on a shoestring budget with low production values .

  26. 经历了金融危机后的独立电影业比以前更为独立,也更关注影片本身。

    The post-financial-crisis independent film business is both more independent and more focused on film than before .

  27. 我觉得电视对独立电影有帮助,独立电影也在启发长篇电视。

    I think television has helped the independent cinema and that the independent cinema has inspired long-form television .

  28. 独立电影在中国已然面临挑战,中国监管部门严格控制着电影发行。

    Independent films already face a challenge in China , where regulators keep a tight grip on film distribution .

  29. 假设你现在手上都有这班明星级的演员,那你还会继续拍独立电影?

    Assume that you have gathered an all star cast now , would you still make an independent film ?

  30. 但是福特的电影在北京的一个小俱乐部的独立电影之夜放映时还是让她大开眼界。

    But a screening of Ms. Ford 's movie at a small club 's independent movie night here proved eye-opening .