
  • 网络indie;Indie Pop;IndiPop
  1. 乐队风格为独立流行,曲风积极向上,现场表现活跃,是支力求创新的乐队,一直坚持旋律化路线及与音乐融为一体的自然台风。

    New Perfume insists indie-pop , positive music style and tries to compose songs creatively .

  2. 这项荒诞、没内涵的活动是美国独立流行乐队“二十一号飞行员”发起的。

    The bizarre , rather pointless trend was apparently started by Twenty One Pilots , an American indie pop band .

  3. 小麦条锈病是世界范围内危害最为严重的小麦病害之一,中国是世界上最大的小麦条锈病流行区,也是一个相对独立的流行区系。

    Wheat stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp . tritici is one of the most important wheat diseases in the worldwide , especially in China .