
  • 网络Logistics Management;The logistics learns
  1. 该文简述高值耗材库房建立的详细步骤,并针对如何使库房的运行更加规范化,更符合物流管理学的规律进行初步的探讨。

    Describes briefly the specific steps to establish a medical high-valued disposable depot and discusses the laws how to standardize the depot management and to accord with the logistic principles .

  2. 在物流管理学中,研究物流配送路径优化问题并选取恰当的配送路径,可以加快对客户需求的响应速度,提高服务质量,增强客户对物流环节的满意度,降低服务商运作成本。

    In logistics management research , studying the vehicle routing problem can accelerate the response speed of the customer 's demand , improve the service quality , enhance customer 's satisfaction index , and reduce the business service operation cost .

  3. 营销学原理,营销渠道,营销渠道与物流管理,零售学,消费者行为学,电子商务,专业英语等。

    Fundamentals of Marketing , Marketing Channel , Marketing Channel and Logistics Management , Consumer Behavior , Electronic Commerce , Professional English .

  4. 对物流专业《管理运筹学》课程教学改革的思考与探索

    Pondering and Exploration on Teaching Reform of Logistics Specialty

  5. 但目前物流企业研究主要集中在物流学和管理学领域,这些领域都未能对其空间组织给予关注;地理学也忽视了该研究。

    But now the study of logistics are focused in logistics and management science which could not give sufficient concerns , and geography science also neglected its study .