
  1. 基于Origin的牛顿环实验数据处理方法

    Method of Treating Data in Newton Ring Experiments Based on Origin

  2. 用CCD观测系统取代传统的牛顿环实验仪的观测系统。

    The observation system is replaced with CCD observation system for the experimental instrument of Newton 's ring .

  3. 对传统的牛顿环实验观测系统进行改造,增加基于CMOS传感器和DSP的图像采集与处理的嵌入式子系统。

    The traditional experimental observation system of Newtons ring is rebuilt , an embedded subsystem of image collecting and processing based on CMOS sensor and DSP is added .

  4. 利用MATLAB强大便捷的科学计算功能,引入多项式拟合法处理牛顿环实验数据,提高了实验的测量精度,拓展了测量范围;

    This paper stated , by using MATLAB languages powerful and convenient computer calculation , polynomial fitting method could be adopted to process the data in Newton halos experiment , to raise the accuracy and expand the scope of measurement .

  5. 牛顿环实验的一种新的数据处理方法

    A new method of data treatment in newton 's rings experiment

  6. 基于虚拟现实技术的牛顿环实验设计

    Design of the Newton 's Ring Experiment Based on VR Technology

  7. 牛顿环实验数据处理的最佳方法

    The optimum method of data processing for Newton 's ring experiment

  8. 牛顿环实验中数据处理方法的讨论

    Discussion of Methods of Treating Data in Newton Ring Experiments

  9. 关于牛顿环实验的误差估算方法的探讨

    An investigation of error estimating method forthe experiment of newton 's ring

  10. 牛顿环实验的新方法

    A new method for the experiment of Newton rings

  11. 牛顿环实验参数的优化处理

    The Optimation of the Parameter in the Experiment of the Newton 's Ring

  12. 红外报警系统在牛顿环实验中的应用

    Application of Infrared Warning Device for Touching Prevention in Newton 's Ring Experiment

  13. 牛顿环实验测量结果的探讨

    Investigation on measured result in experiment of Newton circle

  14. 牛顿环实验测量结果不确定度的评定

    Assessed of Newton 'S Rings Experimental Measurement Result Uncertainty

  15. 牛顿环实验数据的采集与处理

    Data acquisition and processing in Newton rings experiment

  16. 牛顿环实验误差分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of the Errors on the Experiment of Newton ′ s Rings

  17. 用透射光做牛顿环实验

    Making Newton rings experiment with the transmission light

  18. 牛顿环实验的虚拟现实

    The virtual reality of Newton halos experiment

  19. 钠光源的特性在牛顿环实验中的反映

    The reflection of the properties of sodium light source in the experiment of newton 's ring

  20. 介绍了在牛顿环实验的数据处理过程中,对等精度和不等精度的测量进行不确定度的计算方法。

    And the problem of unequal precision data and uncertainty degree evaluation is solved by the method through weighted mean .

  21. 牛顿环实验是大学物理实验中的一个基本实验,目前的实验只是用于测透镜曲率半径。

    As a classical experiment , Newton ring experiment is usually used in measuring the radius of curvature of a lens .

  22. 对牛顿环实验中干涉条纹位置的分析

    An analysis of the position of interference fringe in the experiment of Newton 's ring On the Position of Translators On the Fringe Space

  23. 本文介绍一种用透射光做牛顿环实验的方法,并从理论上证明了这种方法的可行性。

    A method of making Newton rings experiment with the transmission light is introduced . The feasibility of the method is proved in theory .

  24. 结合牛顿环实验,系统而详细的介绍了一种利用牛顿环测量液体折射率的新方法。

    Based on Newton 's rings experiment , the paper presents a new method of detailed use of Newton 's rings measuring the refractive index of liquids .

  25. 通过系统地分析牛顿环实验中的误差,找出引起误差的原因,使学生在实验中尽量避免误差的出现。

    The paper points out the causes of errors through thorough analysis on the errors in Newton , s link experiment so that students can avoid such errors .

  26. 比较牛顿环实验几种数据处理方法,提出了借助计算器进行线性回归处理牛顿环实验的数据是最佳方法。

    In this paper , we compare some data processing methods of Newton 's ring experiment . It is proposed that linear recursive analysis is the optimum method .

  27. 本文对牛顿环实验进行拓展,根据实验原理推导出两个用于测定薄膜厚度的理论公式,并对公式进行了理论分析。

    For the expansion of Newton ring experiment , two formula of measuring film thickness is proved according to the experimental principle , and the formula is also discussed .

  28. 该程序计算方便、快捷、迅速、准确,在处理牛顿环实验数据中发挥了较好作用,节省了时间,提高了实验效率。

    This procedure is convenient , fast and accurate in calculation . It plays a better role in dealing with Newton 's Ring experiment data , saving time and improving experiment efficiency .

  29. 对牛顿环实验的数据,分别用逐差法、最小二乘法、加权平均法3种方法进行数据处理,同时比较了3种方法的优劣,对结果进行了讨论。

    S This article treats the numerical data gained in Newton ring experiments respectively by Least Squares Method , Weight Arithmetic Average and Successive Difference , and then gives an account of the comparison of the above three methods .

  30. 本文详细分析了牛顿环实验中巧妙地利用了钠光源相于长度短,且为双线,面光源,这一特殊机制。

    This paper presents a detailed analysis of making an intelligent use of the special mechanism of the fact that coherent length of sodium light source is snort . and double line face light source in the experiment of Newton 's ring .