
niú nǎi kā fēi
  • white coffee
  1. 服务员:您喜欢什么咖啡,纯咖啡还是牛奶咖啡?

    Waiter : What coffee would you like , black coffee or white coffee ?

  2. 我吃早餐经常是吃一个苹果、面包和一大杯牛奶咖啡。

    I often eat an apple , bread and a large cup of white coffee for my breakfast .

  3. 拿铁艺术(latteart),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或拿铁等牛奶咖啡饮品的表面用奶泡画出图案或者进行微型雕花的艺术,也就是俗称的咖啡拉花。

    Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art , is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte .

  4. 说到这儿,他又点了冰牛奶咖啡(cappuccino),我则点了薄荷茶。

    At which point , he orders an iced cappuccino and I order mint tea .

  5. 店内有手拉式espresso咖啡机、特调烘焙单品爱思巴苏和调配牛奶咖啡专用的香醇意式综合咖啡豆,Tong对所有的基本元素都掌握得相当好。

    With a hand-operated espresso machine , house-roasted single-origin espresso and a delicious Italian blend used for milk coffees , Tong has got all of the basics right .

  6. 我们能去一个卖热牛奶咖啡的地方。

    We could go to one of those cappuccino piaces .

  7. 等等,我忘记关热牛奶咖啡机。

    Oh wait , I forgot to turn off the cappucino machine .

  8. 牛奶咖啡是我喜欢的一种饮料。

    Coffee and milk is my favorite drink .

  9. 我要杯无咖啡因的牛奶咖啡。

    And a decaf latte for me .

  10. 好,先生,周打蚬汤、煎抄鲨鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

    Yes , sir . Clam chowder , fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk .

  11. 在经济萧条的寒冬时代,你的书单里有没有一本“牛奶咖啡书”?

    During the time of economic depression , is there a heartwarming but refreshing book on your booklist ?

  12. 在“皇家牛奶咖啡屋”,顾客可以用餐,并享受仪容服务,如清除耳垢。

    At Royal Milk , diners can follow up a meal with a range of grooming services , including ear cleanings .

  13. 拿着我在附近的咖啡店买的一杯牛奶咖啡,我坐在办公桌前启动了电脑。

    Sitting down at my desk with a take-out cafe latte from the nearby coffee shop in hand , I turn on my laptop .

  14. 我已学会了如何在第8街点一杯牛奶咖啡或一碟古巴碎牛肉,这令人感到不可思议!

    Learning how to order a cafe con leche o ropa vieja on Calle Ocho has become natural to me . That 's amazing !

  15. 星际酒店了解它的客户:刚刚富裕起来的中国内地赌客不是来享用现场制作的匹萨和热牛奶咖啡的,而是真正来自赌博的。

    StarWorld knows its customer : the newly moneyed Chinese mainlander who is not looking for on-site pizza and cappuccinos but a serious gamble .

  16. 你是否通过巧克力、面包、红酒、言情小说、香烟或是牛奶咖啡来获得快乐、舒适、奖励、愉悦或麻木的感觉?

    Do you crave pleasure , comfort , reward , enjoyment , or numbing from treats like chocolate , bread , wine , romance novels , tobacco , or lattes ?

  17. 当今走进星巴克咖啡馆,服务员可能让你在牛奶咖啡、加糖咖啡、特制咖啡等几样东西之间做出选择。

    When you walk into Starbucks , you 're offered a choice among a latte and a macchiato and an espresso and a few other things , but you can also make another choice .

  18. 它们伸展与广场同长度,是可以坐下休息的地方,在雄伟的建筑物中痛饮美酒或细品牛奶咖啡,一边看着游客们喂食圣马可广场上的著名鸽子。

    They extend the length of the square and are the place to sit , drink in the architectural splendours and sip on cappuccino while watching visitors feeding the famous pigeons of mark 's square .

  19. 你是否曾经对某家咖啡馆的香味念念不忘,冬天里一大壶牛奶咖啡,岂止是温暖你的身体,更像生命中必要的温暖和美好的记忆。

    Do you have a home to the smell of coffee obsession , a major winter pot of coffee milk , is not only warm your body , more like life in the necessary warmth and good memories .

  20. 但是特龙贝蒂博士坚持认为一杯牛奶咖啡对于下一代咖啡爱好者——意大利众多爱瞌睡的学龄儿童来说是一个理想的开始,它会让孩子们的大脑从早上8点30到下午16点都充满活力。

    But Dr Trombetti is adamant that a cup of milky coffee could make the ideal start for the next generation of coffee lovers -- Italy 's drowsy school kids -- stimulating their brains ahead of a day that often lasts from 0830 until 1600 .

  21. 我不能喝加牛奶的咖啡。

    I can 't drink coffee with milk in .

  22. 请来两杯不加牛奶的咖啡。

    Two black coffees , please .

  23. 请来两杯加牛奶的咖啡。

    Two white coffees , please .

  24. 韦恩面前摆着一大杯加了牛奶的咖啡。

    Wayne has a large white coffee in front of him .

  25. 他坐在一张大桌子旁,手里捧着一大碗加了牛奶的咖啡。

    He was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of milky coffee .

  26. 你喜欢牛奶还是咖啡?

    Would you prefer milk or coffee ?

  27. 我不能喝掺牛奶的咖啡。

    I 'm afraid I can 't drink coffee with milk in .

  28. 我们将热些牛奶冲咖啡。

    We 'll heat some milk for the coffee .

  29. 我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。

    I like white coffee .

  30. 不要,谢谢。我要不加牛奶的咖啡。

    No , thanks . I 'll have any black coffee , please .