
  • 网络Tooth Discoloration
  1. 当模具根组织,将成为牙齿变色。

    When the root tissue dies , the tooth will become discolored .

  2. 第三个问题:为什么人们的牙齿变色后衰老?

    Third Question : Why do people 's teeth discolor upon aging ?

  3. 吸烟会使牙齿变色。

    Smoking discolours the teeth .

  4. 人们还可通过电脑远程控制该装置,使得牙齿变色甚至不断闪烁。

    People can even get a computer by which to control the contraption making the teeth change colors or even blink .

  5. 方法将42例门诊患者按牙齿变色原因分为四环素牙、氟斑牙、外在因素变色牙(年龄、咖啡、茶、香烟等)3组,进行Denlinx冷光牙齿美白术治疗。

    Methods 42 cases of such patient in OPD were divided into 3 groups according to tetracycline teeth , fluorosis and pigment teeth and they were treated with luminescence .

  6. 受过重击的牙齿可能会变色。

    A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour

  7. 但做完根管治疗的牙齿通常会慢慢变色,在前牙可能会影响美观,若病人在意的话,可做上金属瓷牙或全瓷冠。

    But finished his teeth root canal therapy usually will gradually change color , front teeth may affect the appearance , if the patient care , can be done on metal ceramic tooth or all-ceramic crowns .

  8. 目的:漂白可以改善自然牙齿的美观,这个方法可以用于内源性和外源性牙齿变色。

    Objective : The esthetics of the natural dentition can be improved by bleaching and this process can be applied to intrinsically and extrinsically stain teeth .