
ài qín wén míng
  • Aegean Civilization
爱琴文明[ài qín wén míng]
  1. 爱琴文明与同期的古埃及文明关系初探

    On the Relation between the Aegean Civilization and the Ancient Egypt

  2. 论古代埃及文明和爱琴文明的关系

    A Study of the Relationship of Egypt and Aegean Civilization in Ancient Time

  3. 第二阶段是新王国时期埃及与爱琴文明中的迈锡尼文明的直接联系。

    Secondly Egypt keeps the direct relationship with Mycenaean culture .

  4. 西方古典艺术主要源自于希腊文明,而希腊文明与爱琴文明具有密切关联性。

    Western classic art mainly comes from Greek civilization , and Greek civilization has a close relationship with Aegean Civilization .

  5. 由于埃及与爱琴文明隔海相望,因此两地之间的联系集中表现在海上贸易和外交往来上。

    Egypt is not near to the Aegean civilization by land , thus the relationship of two lands is in the trading and the diplomatic come-and-go by sea .

  6. 按时间顺序埃及和爱琴文明之间的海上贸易和外交往来被分为两个阶段:第一阶段是席克索斯王朝时期埃及通过塞浦路斯这一中间人与爱琴文明中的米诺埃文明的联系;

    According to the order of time , the come-and-go of two lands could be divided into two phrases : firstly Egypt has the relationship with Minoan Culture by Cyprus during the Hyksos Dynasty ;

  7. 他们的社会生活比起爱琴海文明和河谷文明有着许多令人关注的不同之处。

    Their social life differed in many interesting points from the social life of the Aegean and river-valley civilizations .

  8. 研究的范围将会聚焦于米诺时代的爱琴海域文明与腓尼基,希腊,罗马王权时的西西里海域。

    Area studies focus on the Aegean in Minoan times and western Sicily during Phoenician , Greek , and Roman hegemony .

  9. 爱琴海诸文明一词有时也指公元前7000年至约公元前3000年在此区的新石器时代文明。

    The term also sometimes refers to Neolithic civilizations in the same region c.7000-3000 BC .

  10. 爱琴海诸文明:青铜时代的文明,约公元前3000年至约公元前1000年之际在爱琴海地区臻于盛期。

    Aegean civilizations : the Bronze Age civilizations that arose and flourished c.3000-1000bc in the region bordering the Aegean sea .