
ài dài
  • Love;reverence;love and esteem;popular support;respect and support;love and endearment
爱戴 [ài dài]
  • [love and endearment;reverence;popular support] 衷心拥护

爱戴[ài dài]
  1. 那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。

    The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem .

  2. 我博得了学生们的爱戴。

    I have won the love and esteem of my students .

  3. 这位深受爱戴的父亲和他儿子之间惊人地相似。

    The similarities between the much-loved father and his son are remarkable .

  4. 教区居民征询他的建议并且爱戴着他。

    His parishioners sought his counsel and loved him .

  5. 他一直是法国最受人爱戴的政治家。

    He remained the most popular politician in France

  6. 我谨以此书献给我的父亲,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。

    To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude .

  7. "他是这座大楼里最受爱戴的人,"一位阅读老师洛里·吉拉斯说。

    " He 's the most loved one in this building , " said Lori Gilreath , a reading teacher .

  8. 1870年,狄更斯去世,全世界都为他哀悼,认为他是第一位受人爱戴的著名职业作家兼出版商;他在小说出版界和读者中引起了轰动,他的人物角色,像奥利弗·特维斯特、小蒂姆,被视为道德的试金石。

    In 1870 , when Dickens died , the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher , famous and beloved , who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters — from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim — were held up as moral touchstones .

  9. 尽管他有缺点,还是受到大家的爱戴。

    In spite of his vices , he was loved by all .

  10. 那位演员不再受人爱戴的原因是他满口脏话而且还总迟到。

    The actor 's fall from grace was due to his foul1 mouth and poor timekeeping .

  11. Legacyquel指后续拍了多部续集的系列影片,受人爱戴的老牌明星在系列影片中逐渐将角色传递给年轻一代的演员,我们可以称之为“传帮带系列电影”。

    Legacyquel is a movie that continues a long-running franchise2 , in which beloved aging stars reprise classic roles and pass the torch to younger successors .

  12. 在谷歌公司(Google)担任高管期间,梅耶尔的铁腕作风既让她备受爱戴,也让她遭人嫉恨。

    As a manager at Google , she was both loved and hated for her autocratic style .

  13. Steve在联邦政府深受爱戴,他体现了公共服务的意义——全心全意为选民服务,

    Steve is beloved across Washington , he embodies everything public service is about

  14. 维多多是一个矛盾之人,他既受到贫民窟居民的爱戴,也受到债市侠客(bondvigilantes)的拥护。

    A man of contradictions , he is beloved of both slum dwellers and bond vigilantes .

  15. 尽管在本文中我们关注于Groovy,但是时代精神要求与非常受人爱戴和敬畏的Ruby进行对比。

    Although we will focus on Groovy in this article , the zeitgeist demands a comparison with the much loved and feared Ruby .

  16. 这位证人的名字叫达莱尔•哈夫(DarrellHuff),是一名自由记者,因其1954年出版的那本精彩、大为畅销的《统计数字会撒谎》(HowtoLiewithStatistics)而深受数代极客的爱戴。

    The witness 's name was Darrell Huff , a freelance journalist beloved by generations of geeks for his wonderful and hugely successful 1954 book How to Lie with Statistics .

  17. 他自称受到柬埔寨人民爱戴,但负责保护他的却是他的朋友、金日成(kimil-sung)在生前为他提供的朝鲜保镖。

    He claimed to be loved by Cambodians , but was protected by North Korean bodyguards provided by his friend , the late Kim Il-sung .

  18. Diana王妃也同样以公众意见为武器&不是为保持神秘性,却因此成为与她觉得无法接受她的皇室相抗争的、深受人民爱戴的人物。

    Princess Diana , too , used the court of popular opinion as a weapon & not to maintain mystique , but to become a beloved figure against a royal family that she felt disapproved of her .

  19. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂是当代美声唱法(belcanto)的领军人物,他是20世纪最炽手可热的古典巨星,他将歌剧带给亿万普通观众,收获最热烈的拥护和爱戴。

    Luciano Pavarotti is the leader of contemporary bel canto and the most incandescent classical superstar of the 20th century . He let common audiences enjoy the opera and received the warmest support and love .

  20. 在车队中,德克萨斯州州长夫人内莉•康纳利(NellieConnally)充满感情地说:总统先生,您不能说达拉斯人不爱戴您。

    In the motorcade , the Texan governor 's wife , Nellie Connally , gushed , Mr President , you can 't say Dallas doesn 't love you .

  21. 当乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯得知自己即将被任命为施乐公司(Xerox)CEO时,她明白要想获得成功,最简单的方法就是延续前任的老路。她的前任梅卡尼深受爱戴,正是她力挽狂澜,使公司摆脱了濒临破产的困境。

    When Ursula Burns learned that she was going to be named CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , she knew that one of the easiest ways to succeed would be to act like her popular predecessor , who brought the company back from near-bankruptcy .

  22. 尼科诺•马基雅维利(NiccolòMachiavelli)曾说过,君主受到敬畏比受到爱戴更为重要,但我们有时会忘记爱戴的反面不是敬畏,而是仇恨。

    Niccol ò Machiavelli said that it is more important for a prince to be feared than to be loved but we sometimes forget that the opposite of love is not fear , but hatred .

  23. 在车队中,德克萨斯州州长夫人内莉•康纳利(NellieConnally)充满感情地说:“总统先生,您不能说达拉斯人不爱戴您。”她的话几乎没错儿。

    In the motorcade , the Texan governor 's wife , Nellie Connally , gushed , " Mr President , you can 't say Dallas doesn 't love you . " She was mostly right .

  24. 我一生爱戴着他。

    I 've loved and respected him , my entire life .

  25. 大卫艾登堡是深受英国观众爱戴的电视主持人之一。

    David Attenborough is one of Britain 's best-loved TV presenters .

  26. 她的学生都十分爱戴她。

    She was held in deep affection by all her students .

  27. 他所具有的优良品质及人格魅力深受人们的敬重和爱戴。

    His lofty characters and personality fascination are respected and beloved .

  28. 他人很诚恳,受到大家的爱戴。

    He is loved by all , because he is honest .

  29. 人们对我的爱戴如此地强烈。

    The love that people have for me is so strong .

  30. 受到尊敬爱戴的状态。

    The state of being held in high esteem and honor .