
  1. 但是他的生活里又处处充满了爱和奇迹。

    But his life was also blessed with love and miracles .

  2. 凯伦说它是上帝之爱的奇迹。

    Karen called it a miracle of God 's love !

  3. 我无比爱这个奇迹,我们称之为生活的东西。

    I was full of love for this wonder we call life .

  4. 爱是奇迹。

    Love is a wonder .

  5. 愿爱的奇迹在你生命中闪耀,掠过圣诞、掠过来年。

    May the magic of love twinkle in your lives throughout the holidays and the upcoming new year .

  6. 如果还有任何希望达到这爱的奇迹的话,那只能在圣地温达文。

    If there 's any hope of achieving that miracle of love , it 's in Sri Vrindavan Dhama .

  7. 政客们已经失去控制,他们擅长冷嘲热讽和辩论的宣传伎俩但是现在他们面对全世界级别的爱的奇迹确哑口无言。

    The politicians have lost control ; they are good at fighting with innuendo and propaganda but are now unable to solve the world 's problems which are of such a magnitude that it would take a miracle .

  8. 你认为我们的爱能创造奇迹吗?

    Do you think that our love can create miracles ?

  9. 其实很简单:杰克用爱创造了奇迹。

    It 's simple : My dog Jake worked miracles with his love .

  10. 我知道,我们的爱是个奇迹

    I Know , Our Love Is Miracle

  11. 比如,网站Wholesale7.net的情侣产品区,“春天爱人”(SpringLovers)情侣衬衫各有半颗心,两件衬衫上的文字连在一起是“让爱……创造奇迹”。该公司说,情侣衬衫的销售额去年增长了30%。

    For example , on the couples section of the site Wholesale7.net , ' Spring Lovers ' shirts feature two separate heart halves and a disjointed message that is only readable when seen as a set : ' Let Love ... Create Miracle . ' The company says sales of its matching couple shirts jumped 30 % last year .

  12. 爱,宽恕和奇迹是每一个拯救行为的出发点。

    Love , forgiveness and wonder are at the center of each act of saving .

  13. 爱可以做的奇迹!

    Love can do miracles !