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  • 网络focus group;FGD
  1. 在福克斯新闻(foxnews)的焦点小组中,多数观众认为奥巴马是这场辩论的胜者。

    In a fox news focus group most viewers said Mr Obama had emerged the winner .

  2. 那天晚上我向围坐在餐桌旁的“焦点小组”问道,他们是否认同这样的见解:大规模幻想破灭的答案是更多HR和培训。

    That evening I asked my focus group around the dinner table if they agreed that the answer to mass disenchantment was more HR and training .

  3. 第三章对本文将要采用的研究方法和步骤进行了陈述,包括初步研究、焦点小组访谈(含Q分析)、入户问卷调查等;

    In chapter 3 , the author demonstrated the measures and process of the study , including the pilot study , focus groups discussion ( Q-methodology ) face-to-face interview in Shanghai city , etc.

  4. 迪斯尼(Disney)这次发布新的布偶电影时别出心裁地启用了一种新的焦点小组&Twitter来预测票房。

    When Disney released its new Muppets movie , the studio made use of a different kind of focus group to predict box office sales : the twittersphere .

  5. 最成功的对冲基金之一LansdownePartners之所以独具交易优势,至少有一小部分要归功于其用来评估消费者对英国银行业看法的焦点小组。

    Lansdowne Partners , one of the most successful hedge funds , meanwhile owed at least a small part of its trading edge to focus groups it used to gauge consumers ' views of UK banks .

  6. 这些主题都分发给了PCST的所有与会代表,并把他们划分成焦点小组来贡献至多三条应对这些挑战的建议。

    The topics were distributed to all PCST delegates , who were organised into focus groups to offer up to three recommendations to tackle any of the challenges .

  7. 他说,在这个意义上,通过排演哈罗德·品特(HaroldPinter)和特伦斯·麦克纳利(TerrenceMcNally)的戏剧,阅读纳撒尼尔·霍桑(NathanielHawthorne)和赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(HermanMelville)的小说,他为进入充斥着口号、焦点小组和民意调查的政界做好了准备。

    In that sense , he said , he prepared for a political world of slogans , focus groups and opinion surveys by doing plays by Harold Pinter and Terrence McNally and reading novels by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville .

  8. 定性研究焦点小组方法发展历程追溯与探究

    An Exploration of the Focus Group Method Development in Qualitative Research

  9. 在华尔街上有一些焦点小组

    You know , on Wall Street they have focus groups where

  10. 我们也在我们的焦点小组中看到同样的事情。

    And we saw the same thing in our focus groups .

  11. 焦点小组的讨论是所有理论基础的中心环节。

    Focus group discussion is the key link of all theoretical foundation .

  12. 参与者通过访谈和焦点小组讨论做出回应。

    The participants responded through , interviews and focus-group discussions .

  13. 是的,测试,像一个焦点小组。

    Yeah , the test , like a focus group .

  14. 标致在设计该计划前,曾在全球范围内进行了焦点小组讨论。

    Peugeot devised the programme after conducting focus groups worldwide .

  15. 对我们焦点小组的选民来说,解决方案很简单。

    To the voters in our focus groups , the solutions were straightforward .

  16. 客户也希望你能提供关于焦点小组研究抽样过程的结果。

    Furthermore , consider the bias involved with moderating your own focus groups .

  17. 在焦点小组会议过程中,主持人通常会做记录或在黑板上写下参与者的反应。

    The moderator often takes notes during the groups or writes responses on boards .

  18. 该结论是根据调查、焦点小组讨论和一对一访谈得出的。

    The conclusions are based on a survey , focus-group discussions and one-on-one interviews .

  19. 这是个非常强的焦点小组,因为我们同样知道终端用户行为。

    This is a very strong focus group because we also know end-user behavior .

  20. 在进行焦点小组讨论时,需要有一些注意事项。

    During the focus group discussion , some matters should be paid attention to .

  21. 焦点小组对这两个词都很喜欢

    both did well in focus groups .

  22. 在另外的场合中,需要进行个别谈话或举行焦点小组讨论。

    At other times individual interviews or focus group discussions may need to be carried out .

  23. 这也是为什么焦点小组讨论要优与一对一访问甚至街头调查。

    That is why focus group discussion is better than one-on-one interview or even street investigation .

  24. 焦点小组倾向于抑制观念的多样性,而这些正是设计师所需要理解的。

    Focus groups tend to stifle exactly the diversity of behavior and opinion that designers must accommodate .

  25. 通过组织焦点小组的形式建立了社会企业运行中核心的影响因素。

    Use " focus groups " Research Methods to establish the core factor of social enterprise operation .

  26. 什么样的原因造成这种情形?通过焦点小组调查可以得到初步的认识。

    What has caused this situation ? We can get a preliminary understanding through the focus group investigation .

  27. 参与者是研究员进行焦点小组工作的必不可少的条件,是一切数据的来源。

    Participants are the indispensable condition to conduct focus group work as well as resources of all data .

  28. 焦点小组讨论要求成员之间,成员与主持人之间具有良性互动。

    Focus group discussion asks for benign interactions between members , and between the host and the members .

  29. 你对此预先筛选问卷的设计和焦点小组访谈草案的了解为何?

    What do you make of the design of the pre-screening questionnaire and the focus group interview protocols ?

  30. 在所有的讨论结束后,焦点小组研究员按照录音对谈话内容进行抄录。

    After all discussions ended , focus group researchers made the transcript in accordance with the record and conversations .