
  • 网络jiaozuo;Jiaozuo City
  1. 基于GIS的焦作市城区大气SO2污染源解析

    The analysis of atmosphere SO_2 pollution resource in urban area of Jiaozuo city based on GIS

  2. 以焦作市为例,建立了基于GIS平台的焦作市大气环境动态数据库。

    Based on GIS , this article researches the air pollution and establishes dynamic databases of the atmospheric environment in Jiaozuo city .

  3. NET框架下的具体应用,提出并开发了一个基于WebServices技术的焦作市旅游资源查询系统。

    NET framework , the tourism resource inquiry system of Jiaozuo city is given based on Web Services technology .

  4. 基于GIS的焦作市生态敏感性分析

    GIS-based ecological sensitivity analysis in Jiaozuo

  5. 该系统提高了焦作市旅游资源信息共享水平,并可为焦作市旅游管理部门提供信息决策服务,展现了WEBService技术应用于旅游业的广阔前景。

    The system improved the sharing level of Jiaozuo tourism resources information , provided several decision services for tourism management department , exhibited the wide prospect of Web Service technology in tourism application .

  6. Landsat卫星遥感影像在焦作市建成区扩展变化监测中的应用

    Application of Landsat images in the urbanization area expansion monitoring of Jiaozuo

  7. 应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术分析了焦作市城区大气降尘污染状况。

    The geography information system ( GIS ) technology was applied to deal with the pollution state of atmospheric dust fall in Jiaozuo City of Henan Province .

  8. 以煤城焦作市为例,选取1982~2002年经济与环境数据,建立人均GDP与主要环境污染物排放量的模型。

    Taking Jiaozuo as an example , based on the 1982-2002 economic and environment data , the model of per capita GDP and main industrial waste discharge are established .

  9. 以焦作市为例,采用GIS软件分析城镇景观空间格局,为城镇景观生态规划提供科学依据。

    In the case study of Jiaozuo City , the town landscape spatial structure was analyzed with GIS software using landscape ecological theory . This case study offers scientific foundation of town landscape ecological planning .

  10. 研究结果表明,焦作市城区大气SO2污染与工业污染源的布局是一致的,说明工业燃煤是焦作市大气SO2污染的主要原因。

    The results show that SO_2 pollution and distribution of industrial pollution sources in Jiaozuo city is corresponding , industrial coal utilization is the main reason of SO2 pollution .

  11. 为实现焦作市城区大气污染预测,作者通过分析城区大气SO2污染的年际变化特征和地域分布特征,利用GIS技术对城区的大气SO2污染进行了空间分析;

    In order to predict air pollution in urban area of Jiaozuo city , feature of SO_2 changing and distribution is analyzed , and spatial analysis of SO_2 pollution is realized by GIS .

  12. 研究发现,焦作市的环境库兹涅茨曲线呈U型和倒U型,目前仍处于工业发展时期,但人均GDP主要环境污染物排放量呈现整体下降趋势。

    Researches show that Jiaozuo 's Environmental Kuznets Curve displays shapes of U and reversed U . Jiaozuo 's pollutant per capita GDP is on a general downward trend although it is still in the period of industrial development .

  13. 研究了焦作市工业燃煤量与大气SO2污染的关系,建立了适合于焦作市城区大气SO2污染的解析模型。

    Firstly the relation between the utilization of coal resources and SO 2 pollution of the urban area atmosphere of Jiaozuo City was researched . The diffusing model of SO 2 pollution applying to the urban area atmosphere of Jiaozuo City was set up .

  14. 焦作市矿业开发环境地质问题综合研究

    Comprehensive Research of Geological Environmental Problem of Mining Industry in Jiaozuo

  15. 焦作市人-环境系统的结构、发展与协调控制研究

    Structure development and coordination control of man-environment system of Jiaozuo City

  16. 焦作市1998&2007年学校卫生行政处罚案卷分析

    Analysis of Administrative Penalty for School in Jiaozuo City during 1998-2007

  17. 焦作市城市社会生态环境评价

    Assessment on urban society and ecological environmental problems of Jiaozuo City

  18. 焦作市种植业结构调整对策研究

    The Research of the Planting Structure Adjustment in Jiaozuo City

  19. 焦作市矿产资源开发的环境地质问题

    Problems of environmental geology in mineral resources exploitation in Jiaozuo

  20. 焦作市儿童多动综合征流行病学调查

    Epidemiological study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder of the children in Jiaozuo

  21. 焦作市市区地下水水质现状评价

    The present quality assessment on ground water in Jiaozuo City

  22. 焦作市土地需求量预测的相关因素分析

    Analyse on the Related Factors that Affects the Land Requirement Capacity Forecast

  23. 焦作市广播电视塔监测研究

    Monitoring and supervising research on broadcast TV tower of Jiaozuo

  24. 焦作市健身俱乐部健身项目及设备老套,不够新颖。

    The programs and equipment of fitness clubs in Jiaozuo are old .

  25. 焦作市1985~2004年细菌性痢疾流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Bacillary Dysentery in Jiaozuo City from 1985 to 2004

  26. 焦作市2005年常规免疫接种率报告分析

    Analysis of the report on routine immunization rates in Jiaozuo in 2005

  27. 河南焦作市府城遗址发掘简报

    Excavation of the Fucheng Site in Jiaozuo City , Henan

  28. 焦作市地下水资源保护与利用研究

    Protection and utilization of groundwater resource in Jiaozuo city

  29. 焦作市第七水厂污染源分析

    Analysis on the pollution source of the Seventh Water Plant of Jiaozuo city

  30. 焦作市煤矿塌陷地生物复垦技术研究

    A Study on Organism Reclamation Technique in the Subsided Jiaozuo Coal Mining Area