
shāo jié liào
  • sintering feed;agglomerated charge
  1. 介绍了在烧结料中配加MAC矿的烧结试验室研究和工业试验情况。

    The sintering pot and plant tests with proportioning of MAC ore were conducted in XIANGGANG sintering plant .

  2. 本工作还探讨加入TiO2影响共烧结料烧结性能的本质,认为加入TiO2而促进烧结的效果,主要与TiO2改变二面角的程度有关。

    In addition , the effect of TiO_2 on the sintering of the mixtures would be related to the extent of dihedral-angle change .

  3. 详细介绍了缩小主料斗喉口改善烧结料层透气度的原因,对ISP工艺烧结生产具有一定的指导意义。

    The paper introduces the cause of reducing primary feeding hopper throat inlet to improve the ventilation of sintering mixture , which has certain significance to ISP process sintering production .

  4. 随着烧结料层的过湿带厚度开始消失,烟气中SO2含量快速上升,并出现第二个峰值(为1256ppm)。

    As the overwet layer of the sinter bed disappears , the SO2 content in the flue gas increases rapidly , and emerges the second peak ( up to 1256 ppm ) .

  5. 阐明了烟气中SO2的排放特征受烧结料层水分的迁移规律及料层中SO2的热解生成-吸附-解吸机制所控制。

    It is also revealed that the emission of SO2 is controlled by the transfering pattern of moisture in sintering bed , and also controlled by the mechanism of pyrogenation formation-adsorption-desorption of SO2 .

  6. 随着精料水平的提高,高炉生产指标明显改善,但也带来了一些问题,如:烧结料SiO2含量偏低,粘结相不足,导致烧结矿强度降低;(Al2O(?)

    By improving beneficiated material standard . the production indexes of BF are obviously improved , but some new problems have arisen , such as sinter strength lowers with SiO2 in sinter material lowering , slag fluidity lowers with ( Al2O3 ) increasing , high agglomeration rate is emphasised .

  7. 烧结料加水混合过程的改进神经网络建模

    Modeling of water feeding process for sinter-mixture by modified neural network

  8. 水平松料器对烧结料层中气流分布的影响

    Influence of horizontal loosening bars on gas distribution in sintering bed

  9. 烧结料层中热温参数对烧结矿性能的影响

    Effect of thermal parameters of sinter bed on sinter properties

  10. 烧结料层温度分布模型解析解及其统一形式

    Temperature Field Model of the Sinter Bed and Its Common Analytical Solution

  11. 不同粒度精矿粉对烧结料粒度组成的影响

    Influence of the grain size of concentrate on the spherical properties of sinter charge

  12. 改善烧结料层透气性途径的探讨

    Method of improving the permeability of sinter layers

  13. 提高烧结料层透气性的实践

    Practice of increasing the ventilation of sintering mixture

  14. 粉煤灰烧结料盐酸浸出铝铁工艺研究

    Study on Technology of Hydrochloric Acid Leaching Al and Fe from Roasted Coal Fly Ash

  15. 文中阐明了烧结料层热温参数→烧结矿矿物组成→烧结矿冶金性能之间的内在联系和规律。

    Relationships between thermal parameters of sinter bed , mineralogical composition of sinter and it 's metallurgical properties are clarified .

  16. 介绍了马钢二铁总厂烧结料中配加火箭粉的工业性生产实践情况。

    The production practice of adding rocket powder in sinter blend at the No.2 iron works of Masteel is introduced .

  17. 总体来看,偏析布料后,透气性提高了,碳在烧结料层中的分布趋于合理,烧结过程及烧结矿表现出均匀性。

    From all aspects of view , the air permeability of the material bed was better and the carbon distribution became reasonable and sinter ore was even during sintering .

  18. 本文就水平松料器的尺寸、布置间距、布置高度对烧结料层中气体流场结构的影响进行了冷态试验研究;

    N laboratory , the influence of horizontal loosening bars'size , bar interval and assembly height on air flow pattern in sintering bed was studied at the length in cold conditions .

  19. 钢铁行业烧结料场具有物料吞吐、转运规模较大,无组织扬尘点面积大、排放也较大的特点。

    The special features of sintering materials yard of iron and steel industry involved take in and send out large quantities , large transfer scale , large in organized dust emission and large discharge .

  20. 配加萤石、石膏复合矿化剂的立窑水泥熟料可以分为4种类型:即葡萄状熟料、熔融烧结料、死烧块状料和还原料。

    Cement clinker of addition complex mineralizer of fluorspar , gypsum may be divided into four types , i. e. grape-bike clinker , molten sintering clinker , dead burned dense clinker and clinker produced under reduced .

  21. 分析传统的工艺方法,其测量滞后的最大原因在于:烧结料混合过程时间较长,而传统的测量手段大多都是在混合之后进行水分测量。

    With analysis of the traditional process , the biggest reason to the measurement delay problem is on that : while the sintering mixture mixing process is a long time , the traditional measuring method are mostly take measurment after the mixing process .

  22. 布料效果好即是料层内物料粒度和燃料偏析大,料层表面平整均匀,这样有利于提高烧结料层透气性,降低燃料消耗,提高烧结矿质量。

    Ideal distribution effect possess the following characters : high segregation rate of material and fuel in mixed bed , level and homogeneous bed surface , which is good to improving permeability of sinter bed , reducing the consumption of fuel , enhancing quality of sinter ore.

  23. 基于DSP的烧结混合料中子水分控制系统

    Neutron controling system of sinter material based on DSP

  24. 本文讨论了往烧结混合料中添加少量有机高分子化合物HPL强化烧结试验研究的结果。

    The results of strengthening sintering test by adding organic high polymer HPL in sintering mixtures are discussed in this paper .

  25. 济钢为加强烧结混合料水分的在线检测与控制,采用了MM710红外水分仪。

    In order to realize the on-line measurement and control of sinter mix moisture , the MM710 moisture meter was adopted in JIGANG .

  26. 在烧结混合料中同时加入含硼及含镁物质时,MgO与B2O3具有明显的交互作用规律,MgO与B2O3相互弥补了各自对烧结矿质量的不利影响。

    The interaction of B 2O 3 and MgO was appeared when boron and magnesium containing additives are added into sinter mix . The negative effect of B 2O 3 and MgO on sinter quality can be overcome by their counterbalancing each other .

  27. 为了改善烧结混合料的粒度组成、提高烧结矿TFe含量、降低固体燃耗,包钢炼铁厂进行了用全生石灰取代石灰石的工业试验。试验取得了预期的效果

    In order to improve sintering raw mix size composition , increasing sinter TFe content and reducing solid fuel consumption , the industrial sintering test with all burnt lime to replace the limestone in BaoGang Iron Making Plant was conducted , and anticipative effect was gained

  28. 电导法测定烧结混合料水分的研究

    The research of detecting sinter mixture moisture by the conductivity method

  29. 济钢烧结混合料水分的在线测量与控制

    The on-line measurement and control of sinter mix moisture in Jigang

  30. 新型超高介高频热稳定中温烧结瓷料研究高温高压过热蒸汽处理木材的热稳定性

    Thermal Stability of Superheated Steam-treated Wood under High Temperature and Pressure