
fán suǒ zhé xué
  • scholasticism;hairsplitting;overelaboration;scholastic philosophy
烦琐哲学 [fán suǒ zhé xué]
  • (1) [scholasticism]∶欧洲中世纪在学院中讲授的以解释天主教教义为内容的哲学,实际上是一种神学体系。由于采用烦琐的抽象推理的方法,所以叫烦琐哲学。

  • (2) [hairsplitting;overelaboration]∶指罗列表面现象,拼凑枯燥条文,使人不得要领的作风和文风[烦文] [fánwén]

  • (3) 指文字繁杂,重点不突出。后也指礼节或政令苛法烦苛

烦琐哲学[fán suǒ zhé xué]
  1. 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。

    Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism .

  2. 欧洲中世纪在学院中讲授的以解释基督教教义为内容的哲学,实际上是一种神学体系。由于采用繁琐的抽象推理的方法,所以也叫烦琐哲学。

    Scholasticism ; philosophy on the Christian doctrine taught in college in medi Europe , which is actually a theological system ; also know as eclectic philosophy for its adoption of abstract syllogisms .

  3. 对回归古典大乘普遍主义的渴望,坦陀罗改革者主张反对教会特权和烦琐的哲学,以及寻求一种伪造的宗教体系,那包括了更加广泛的易接近性和更加入世。

    Desiring to return to classical Mahayana universalism , the tantric reformers protested against ecclesiastical privilege and arid scholasticism and sought to forge a religious system that was more widely accessible and socially inclusive .