
  • 网络Smoke intensity;Bosch;fsn
  1. 基于PC实现二次仪表型消光式烟度计的数据实时采集

    Realization of Real-time Data Acquisition of Traditional Instrument Smoke-meter

  2. 介绍了基于PID算法的恒温控制模块在不透光烟度计中的应用。

    The application of thermostatic control module based on PID in opacimeter was introduced .

  3. NOx和烟度均逐渐降低。

    NO_xand smoke are gradually reduced .

  4. 柴油掺水乳化燃烧对NOx与烟度排放的影响

    The Effects of Diesel Engine Burning Emulsified Diesel Oil with Water on NOx and Smoke Number

  5. 对于CO排放及消光烟度,十六烷值存在一个最佳值。

    To improve the CO and opacity smoke emissions , the fuel cetane number exists an optimum .

  6. 作为车用发动机代用燃料,液化石油气LPG(Liquefiedpetroleumgas)可有效地缓和这一矛盾,在降低发动机烟度排放、改善发动机燃烧性能上有其独特的优势。

    LPG ( Liquefied Petroleum Gas ), as an alternative engine fuel , can alleviate this conflict effectively .

  7. 作为最清洁的车用发动机代用燃料,氢气(Hydrogen)在提高内燃机经济性、降低发动机烟度排放等方面有其独特的优势。

    Hydrogen , as an alternative engine fuel , has its unique advantages in improving the economy and reducing engine smoke emissions .

  8. 通过优化增压器匹配,改进型2增压器在降低扭矩点NOX浓度的同时使烟度大幅降低。

    The Smoke number significant reduced at peak torque speed by optimizing the turbocharger .

  9. 结果表明,在柴油中添加石油磺酸钙清净分散剂,可以降低柴油机的排放烟度和CO含量,特别是烟度的降低幅度较大。

    The results showed that the engine emissions of exhaust smoke and CO content decreased by adding fuel detergent in diesel fuel .

  10. 旧标准烟度卡烟度值Rb与新标准烟度值SF之间的关系

    Relation Between Smoke Intensity Values on Old and New Rated Smoke Cards

  11. 试验结果表明,柴油机燃用乳化柴油能有效地降低NOx排放浓度,并对烟度排放亦有一定的抑制作用。

    The conclusions were achieved that diesel engine burning emulsified diesel oil can effectively reduce NOx concentrations and have some inhibition for smoke number .

  12. 采用优化的多次喷射策略结合EGR,可以同时降低NOx和烟度。

    Optimized multiple injections coupling with EGR can simultaneously reduce NOx and smoke .

  13. 烟度和NOx排放随乙醇掺合率增加而降低。

    The Bosch smoke number and NO_x emission decreased with the increase of ethanol content in E-diesel .

  14. 减小供油提前角,NOx排放下降,排气烟度增加。

    The exhaust smoke increases and NO_x decreases with the decrease of the fuel delivery advance angle .

  15. 在较高的甲烷溶解度时,NOx和烟度排放能够同时降低。

    For the blended fuel with high CH4 concentration , both NOx and smoke emissions decrease simultaneously .

  16. EGR影响高速直喷柴油机NOx和烟度排放机理的研究

    Experimental Study on Effect of EGR on NO_x and Smoke Emission of a High Speed Direct Injection Diesel Engine

  17. 在试验中获得较好的动力性和经济性,较低的烟度和NOx排放量。

    The better fuel power and energy economic performance , lower black smoke and NOx emission were obtained through testing .

  18. 7MPa,排气烟度也有所改善,仅NOx增加了3.2%。

    Only the NO_x was increased by about 3.2 % .

  19. 常规进气添加Ar、N2和CO2时排气烟度均上升而NOx排放均下降。

    When the ambient air is diluted with Ar , N2 or CO2 , the soot emissions increase while NOx emissions decrease .

  20. 结果表明,富氧进气后排气烟度、HC和CO排放显著降低而NOx排放增加明显。

    The results show that with OEA , the soot , HC and CO emissions all decrease significantly while NOx emissions increase obviously .

  21. 供油提前角变化对柴油/甲醇混合燃料的排放有较大影响,推迟供油,混合燃料的烟度排放和CO排放增加,NOx排放与HC排放降低。

    With the decrease of fuel supply advance angle , exhaust CO and smoke emissions increased , while exhaust HC and NO_x decreased .

  22. EGR对运行在不同海拔地区增压柴油机的经济性和烟度的影响

    Influence of EGR on the Economical Efficiency and Smoke of Turbocharged Diesel Engine with Different Altitude

  23. 随着乙醇掺入比例的增加,发动机的可见烟度和滤纸式烟度均有显著的降低,干碳烟(DS)的比排放量也呈下降趋势。

    With the increase of blending ethanol , the OPAC , filter smoke number and brake emission of dry soot decreased distinctly .

  24. 在大负荷工况,CO浓度排放减少,HC浓度排放变化较小,NOx浓度排放增加,排气烟度降低明显。

    At the high load conditions the CO emission decreases , the HC emission changes little , the NOx emission increases and the smoke drop obviously .

  25. 相同Ar、N2和CO2添加量,使用CO2后烟度增加幅度最小而NOx排放下降幅度最大。

    With the same addition amount into intake air , the use of CO2 leads to the smallest increase of soot and largest decrease of NOx emissions .

  26. 试验结果及理论分析表明,ISO关于烟度测量中的这两项要求是不必要的。

    According to the results of test and theoretical analysis , the authors consider that the two items of requirements of ISO for smoke measurement are unnecessary .

  27. 结果表明:延后喷油正时和(或)减少压缩比可以实现柴油机的低温燃烧,从而降低柴油机的NOx排放率,但柴油机的油耗率和烟度将受到影响;

    Experiment results make it clear achieving low temperature combustion and reducing NOx emission from the diesel engine by reducing injection timing or / and compression ratio , but increasing fuel com-sumption and smoke ;

  28. 同时,随着进气氧浓度的增加,排气烟度、HC和CO排放显著降低,但NOx排放增加。

    At the same time , with the increase of oxygen concentration in intake air , soot , HC and CO emissions significantly decrease while NOx emissions increase .

  29. 结果表明,在柴油中添加DMC,燃料十六烷值降低,发动机热效率提高,烟度减小。

    The results show that the fuel cetane number and engine exhaust smoke decrease and engine thermal efficiency improves with adding DMC in diesel fuel .

  30. 对TR燃烧系统的性能实验表明TR燃烧系统具有良好的烟度排放特性,NOx排放在中小负荷低于原机排放,在高负荷则有所增加。

    At the low and part load , NOx emission of TR combustion system is less than original diesel , but more at high load conditions .