
pào jiàn wài jiāo
  • gunboat diplomacy;gun boat diplomatism
  1. G20已做出了决定,并指望其它160个国家服从尽管它们既未派代表参加,也未得到通知这不禁令人想起了昔日的炮舰外交。

    It has made decisions that it expects 160 other countries to obey , even though they have been neither represented nor informed , reminiscent of the old days of gunboat diplomacy .

  2. 帝国主义侵略者总是向被侵略国施展他们的炮舰外交。

    Imperialistic aggressors always use gunboat diplomacy to invade countries .

  3. 他还批评中国在玩危险的边缘政策游戏和炮舰外交。

    He also accused China of playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship and gunboat diplomacy .

  4. 炮舰外交的时期已经一去不复还了。开辟通商口岸、设立租界、租借海军基地、出兵中国、公然干涉中国内政&这一切也都一去不复返了。

    Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy , gone the treaty port concessions , gone the specially conceded naval bases , the military missions , the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs .