首页 / 词典 / good

  • smelt
  • in flames
  • 熔化金属。

  • 火旺。

  • 烘干,烤火。

  • 古代谥法,去礼远众称“炀”。

  1. 巢湖烔炀河河口沉积物及植物污染特征研究

    Contaminative Characteristics Analysis of Sediments and Plants in Estuary of Tongyang River at Chaohu Lake

  2. 在历代帝王中,他被赋予了少有的恶谥炀。

    In the ancient emperors , he was given the posthumous title " Yang " .

  3. 隋代的文、炀两位帝王对待文学有着不同的态度,因此对隋代的文学审美状貌产生了不同的影响。

    Emperor Wen and Yang took different attitude to literature , therefore they affected literary aesthetic differently .

  4. 《大业拾遗记》与《隋炀三记》(《海山记》、《开河记》、《迷楼记》)是晚唐时出现的四篇历史题材的传奇小说。

    Supplied A Deficiency on the Daye and Three records About Emperor Yangdiare the four historical theme tales in the Late Tang Dynasty .
