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  • pick up sth. with chopsticks
  • (用筷子)夹:~菜。

  1. 请自己搛菜。

    Please help yourself to the food .

  2. 搛钱,你要拼命的搛钱!

    Jian money , you have to make the Jian money !

  3. 我给你搛一点牛排好吗?

    Shall I help you to some of the beef steak ?

  4. 麻烦您给我搛点虾仁色拉好吗?

    May I trouble you for some shrimp salad ?

  5. 既然你本身不下筷,我只好来帮你搛点鱼丸。

    Since you don 't help yourself , I 'll help you with some fish balls .