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  • a small steelyard for weighing jewelry and medicine
  • weigh with a small steelyard
  • 一种小型的秤,用来称金、银、药品等分量小的东西,称“戥子”。

  • 用戥子称:把这包药~一~。

  1. 当然,这会引起另外一个问题,即资金进来后又出去,在这个过程中可能会找到套戥的机会,英文称arbitrage,比如利率的差别、货币汇率的变动。

    Of course , this will lead to another problem , that is , during the time when a capital enters and leaves China , there can be arbitrage opportunities , like differences in interest rate and changes in currency exchange rate .

  2. 其次,尽量防止投机性行为,减少通过套戥机会来发财的渠道。

    Then , try to prevent speculations , reduce the channels to get rich through carry trade .

  3. 这表明,如果商品领域中存在套戥机会,几乎很难防止有人不这样做。

    This indicates that if there is arbitrage opportunity in the commodity sector , it is hard to prevent .

  4. 在广义的层面,利率套戥活动亦可利用两种货币之间的利率差距图利。

    In a broader context , interest rate arbitrage activities may seek to take advantage of the interest rate differential between two currencies .

  5. 今天,如果你对于判断一宗收购交易能否成功有着敏锐的嗅觉,那么经营一家专门从事合并套戥的投资基金将会让你赚得盆满钵满。

    Today , if you are adept at judging the chances that a corporate takeover will go through , you can make good money running an investment fund devoted to merger arbitrage .